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There is no "trans" there's only trans women!



Also unsubtle way of refusing to acknowledge trans womens’ identifying gender.


But also:


The funniest thing is the reaction they have online vs in person. When I call them out to their face for supporting a transphobe, they don’t launch into freeze peach shit, they just stammer. Rapid-fire them with facts, angrily. Dave “who’s mother should have drowned him as a baby” Chapelle getting all this attention and BROAD CULTURAL SUPPORT shows that society as a whole HATES us.

Remember when Dave said, "These n------ want me dead"?

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The funniest thing is the reaction they have online vs in person.

Ya if I had dude with leg hair, stuffed bra, and a wig screaming at me in public, I wouldn’t know how to react either.

This morning, Cum went to the park. I went with Coom. And Cum brought Coomer frisbee. At least I think it was Coomers. By the end of the day, Cum started throwing the frisbee to Cumself.

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Laughing, the answer is laughing.


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Or what that tough old dude who owned that shop did to that trans councilperson who had been giving him shit,.

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what's the story on that one, sounds pretty good?

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The first vid that came out on this lacked any context. It made it seem like the dude was getting aggressive just for the heck of it. Then we got the backstory that the trans woman is on the city council and had been causing problems because he had anti mask and anti vaxx and pro right merchandise before the sign went up.


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Ohhhh yeah I remember that guy, glad to have some more info on it

“I’m seventy-f–ing-eight. I went to Vietnam to fight for all this s–t. Do you think I care about some a–hole’s feelings? Absolutely not!”

based grandpa

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I went to Vietnam to fight for all this s–t.

Ah yes, the famous American war of aggression was totally to stop trains from seething in public. Seeing that the yankies lost, I suppose this was yet another victory for the trains?

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He went to vietnam to fight communism and everyone knows there's a 99% overlap with communism, furstrags and trains

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At first I thought this was the "ma'am" one but its completely unrelated. Why do all these videos look the same

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Interacting with someone who is clearly unhinged is pretty unnerving. It's hard to predict their behavior and you never know if some innocuous thing you do will cause them to snap. There used to be this uber eats delivery train who I'd always get for some reason, would show up in g*mer socks, a disheveled skirt, a weird tank top, and a wig. Constantly muttering and from time to time would shout at my neighbors or people who were just passing by. You just want to minimize interaction and hope half your tendies haven't been eaten.

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They were putting estriodol in your food.

This morning, Cum went to the park. I went with Coom. And Cum brought Coomer frisbee. At least I think it was Coomers. By the end of the day, Cum started throwing the frisbee to Cumself.

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The tendies had an extra special sauce!

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Now that you mention it that explains a lot. I became a cute twink and the timing lines up.

I didn't realize that trains reproduced through the gig economy.

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Tbh the FtM are so quiet I sometimes forget they're a thing and not just cute butches.

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The MtF have succeeded in getting cis women only places shut down, but when a FtM comes to askgaybros they pretty much get BTFO.

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This further proves that men are better at everything.


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There's many loony ones too, but yeah significantly less screeching when compared to MtFs

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Then theyre larping as men and their foidness still shines through.

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Dudes rock!

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Its extremely rational to want a black man lynched for saying gender is fact

Dave “who’s mother should have drowned him as a baby” Chapelle

Darn im sure this brave wxmxn would totally say that to Dave Chapelle’s face Edit: this person is kooky for coco puffs

Incorrect, it is not compulsory. You are given a choice: Kill or die fighting for an ethno-nationalist apartheid state, or kill or die fighting against one. Heroes have figured out alternatives before, and can again. I’m so tired of the insistence that queerphobes are ‘humans’ or even people. They may have been born humans, but they gave that shit up when they made the conscious choice to be a queerphobe. It’s convenient that queerphobes lack any moral backbone, cause it enables them to lie like frick and pretend they aren’t queerphobic, or even pretend they are queer humans (and not sad, hollow effigies of faux-human inadequacy), but you can always pick them out because their language always goes to further their end-goal, which is to keep queers socially lower than ‘straights’. I genuinely don’t believe anyone truly believes anti-queer rhetoric, but even if they did, it would be indistinguishable in mechanics and effect to a liar feigning such beliefs. Donations and charity are a scam by the wealthy to make it look like they’re helping solve the problems they created. If we seized his wealth, there would be no need for supplementing education funding (through a private entity, no less) based on which literal fricking ghouls decide they can part with something that is ACTUALLY USELESS to them. If I gave someone a fricking gum wrapper, it wouldn’t mean shit but would still at least be more of a personal sacrifice than any billionaire could ever possibly make. If you think billionaires deserve anything but a slow, torturous death at the hands of the working class, then go choke on a copy of Atlas Shrugged. Her family let her be this way. They are just as guilty as her and deserve what she got. If you see a Nazi and you don’t stop a Nazi, then you’re no better than a Nazi. She shouldn’t have survived long enough to even see the 2016 election, and it’s a tragedy that her mother didn’t drown her in the tub as a baby. Christianity is a means of preserving social structure through the enforcement of heirarchy. It uses the threat of violence to abuse people into "moral correctness", specifically an antiquated moral system built around essentialized, binary gender roles. This is inherently anti-trans. Christianity is inherently anti-trans. Individual Christian's may not hate you for being trans, but at the end of the day, they will support a system that directly undermines trans experiences, and directly threatens marginalized identities of all varieties world wide. These are not allies.

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That's very "people with a certain religion are untermenschen."

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  • I genuinely don’t believe anyone truly believes anti-queer rhetoric, but even if they did, it would be indistinguishable in mechanics and effect to a liar feigning such beliefs.

What did he mean by this?


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"I refuse to accept that anyone could disagree with me, and if they say they disagree they're just lying."

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Everyone knows we are all in this life-long scheme going against our own beliefs just to own the libs

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It's called compassion sweetheart

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Lol definitely not a mental illness :marseytrans2: :marseytrans:

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cishets aren't people

Is she wrong??

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"They are after you, Dave!"

"Singular they or plural they?"

heeeheee I laughed.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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Darn, I just got this one and I watched the special twice

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That was I think one of the funniest jokes. lol

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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Beet juice was the funniest one for me haha

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lmao I forgot about that one. That was good too.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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Honestly I can't even read what these motherlovers write. It's like a different language

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Trans men aren't oppressed because they have male privilege, duh.


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I don’t understand where they get the confidence to post selfies on reddit. At least 8/10 trains 🚂 you encounter on Reddit will have them and it’s always important to check so you have context for when they say things like “my gynecologist had no idea I was trans”

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Open up your bussy, ma’am


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Asexuality is a sexual orientation where a person doesn't experience sexual attraction towards anyone

Insert "Atheism is totally not a religion answer"

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bald is a hair color

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Your bone structure is gorgeous.


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Man that post history

Diabolist Witch Here!! Lots of historical Grimoires were accused of being a means to “sell your soul”. Thus far, everything I’ve seen has been pact-making at most. I have “sold my soul” to the Devil, but the only way to make that fit into any extant, sourced magical system is poetically. In my case, “I’ve sold my soul to The Devil”, and “I’m married to The Devil” are very similar phrases. Just as there is no wedding certificate that says Mr and Mrs The Devil, there is also no receipt or bill-of-sale. What it means is that I have dedicated myself to The Devil in hopes that it will prove beneficial to me, not (just) materially, but spiritually. Just as an initiatic death isn’t a literal death, selling one’s soul isn’t a literal sale, and marrying the Devil isn’t a literal marriage. We are using the terms that we have to relate to ineffably complex relationship dynamics, because while they don’t share an exact definition, they are still able to convey the meaning.

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And they say that the devil does not exist. A red guy with a tail some horns and wings for sure does not exist, but devils do.

Don't encourage mental illness, try to get them the help they need. This is kinda sad, it's like giving into your worst instincts. Just like posting on rdrama.

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We found a kiwilolcow in the wild?

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yup, they are really pressed about Dave Chapelle. I saw them pooping up one of the threads that was posted yesterday (https://old.reddit.com/r/transgender/comments/q7k0iv/trans_netflix_workers_plan_walkout_to_protest/hgj64o6/?sort=controversial)

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society as a whole HATES us.

With good reason.

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Pretty funny that Dave Chappelle is now being referenced like an academic source in the trans debate.

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wow this cute twink did something funny for once 👌👌😄


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Not even dead, they want him retroactively drowned as a baby lmao. That's some telling deep seated psychological shit.

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