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People like Bardfin are unironically why humanity as a species is fricked; people that lack the basic self awareness, or lack the moral imperative to realise when their making a speech worthy of a supervillain or doing something incredibly fricking shady that they should probably stop. Through all of history the most horrendous acts have been committed by people that have convinced themselves that any means is justified for their ends, the same basic sociopathy that underlines fascist dictatorships, moral panics, harmful business practices all the way down to low level destructive crime.

Society incentivises doing the wrong thing and punishes doing the right thing. Do the right thing and your be a wage slave forever, but sell polonium as a fast acting diet pill and you'll be a millionaire,

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A lot of people have carried a narrative of "I'm the baddest; I can take AHS down."

On one side of that narrative there's AHS, my tracking database & research, other people's tracking databases and research, and the efforts of the users here to both demand that Reddit institute Sitewide Rule 1 against Promoting Hatred Based on Identity or Vulnerability


the wasteland of somewhere north of 3,500 subreddits & countless thousands of user accounts booted from this site for antisocial malice ranging from stalking and harassment, to literal material support for registered Foreign Terrorist Organisations ...

A lot of people have tried to intimidate us into stopping; We refuse to. They've used death threats, r*pe threats, doxxing, bomb threats, hijacking credit, hosting malicious libel about us, and have attempted to frame us for crimes. They failed; Still, losers who are desperate to feel superior to others no matter how, will continue in these malicious and criminal actions.

Because of the efforts of AHS and our advocacy on behalf of victims of hatred, harassment, and violence:

In the past six years we've gone from the Common Wisdom of Reddit being that:

the site is going to host Holocaust denialism, Coontown, subreddits calling for r*pe, and domestic violence, and murder of minorities & that there's nothing anyone can do about it, nothing anyone can do to counter or prevent these noxious threats from being platformed on Reddit -- and a common view that "Their Free Speech Is The Overriding Consideration Above All Else", & that anyone who bans users from their subreddits risk being sued or suspended from Reddit, "believe it or else" --

to a common view that the targets of hatred, harassment, and violent threats have an expectation to be free from that hatred, harassment, and violent threats, and that those who would engage in those antisocial malices are not welcome to use social media, including Reddit. Spelled out. In the Sitewide Rules. Those who don't like those rules have one recourse under the User Agreement: Stop using Reddit.

Unreasonable people who behave in malicious ways are -- by the User Agreement and Sitewide Rules -- in no uncertain terms: discouraged from using this site.

AgainstHateSubreddits exists to counter and prevent violent extremism, and hatred, and harassment from existing on Reddit. AgainstHateSubreddits exists to criticise Reddit's policies as applied to counter violent extremism, and hatred, and harassment from being platformed by Reddit - and show that, while they demonstrate some effectiveness -- they are still insufficient to counter and prevent these things.

We've been successful in changing Reddit and society. We will continue to be so.

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This is one of the worst posts I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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r/StupidPol is the lifeboat for the bigots who can form coherent sentences and avoid using words from the naughty list, and who believe that their "Marxist labour class analysis" framework gives them a license to direct hatred and harassment at people based on identity or vulnerability.


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1711210096745272.webp

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I am glad to see Bardy stick up for People of Land. Someone has to do it!

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Gabby, today I hiked up Mount Rainier to 8,000 feet, the highest I could possibly safely go, and left you a single white carnation


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