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(Former) Wagie Posts L Online


A low value production line automaton requests a raise and gets bullied by the VP of operations. Antiwork thinks this is some sort of own.

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Can I have what drugs you're on? Cause the fantasy world where you're thinking everyone gets 150% pay raise by going to a competitor is hilarious.

Its based on life experience. Watching family members stay in the same exact job role and move from 11 to 13 to $17 to now 18+ an hour all in two years by quitting and moving to better offers. Yes, its absolutely real. And i said making 150%, not a raise of 150%. Those arenโ€™t the same thing. $6 with a raise of $3 is $9. Thatโ€™s 150% of $6.

Note how he says "its from experience" then proceeds to talk about family members? Tell me you're a NEET without saying you're a NEET.


This morning, Cum went to the park. I went with Coom. And Cum brought Coomer frisbee. At least I think it was Coomers. By the end of the day, Cum started throwing the frisbee to Cumself.

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To be fair, it feels like quitting or planning to quit is how I've got every raise I've got, from wagie to salaried. I just don't act like a righteous butthole about it or make a scene even when someone's tried to frick me over, and can back up my own value without a desperate whine. And I've witnessed and heard of the same thing with peers. If you're so valuable and skilled, you should be able to get a better offer anyway. That dumbass walked right into trying to out-r-slur his boss.

The thing about r/antiwork and I guess a lot of leftoid shit, is how they'd have some kind of point if they weren't fricking tards about it.

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I told the VP that it doesnโ€™t make sense for me to be making the same as the new hire who knows nothing yet.

He simply should have asked for the new hires to be paid less and the difference given to him, like a true Chad

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I was first inline at a shop counter and two indigenous people behind me. The shop assistant looked at us and asked โ€œok who is firstโ€. I said, โ€œthey are of course, they have been here for more than 60,000 yearsโ€. The two idigenous people smiled and thanked me as I stood aside.


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