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is radical centrism continuing to live your life as much as it is possible to do, hoping one day the future will look bright?

and being careful about recycling?

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I just want to piss as many people off as possible.

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heck it's a project

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Radical centrism is about not being bound to any petty ideology but instead to extremism of any form and especially multiple conflicting ones at the same time.

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I can't decide if I should support abortion. I love that it kills kids but I'm against that it gives foids rights.

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the way to develop radical centrist opinions is to write standup material

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ah. yes.

I see the wisdom.

Let's see.

I am an imperialist pro-plague boomer evolutionary (vs. boomer revolutionary, the violent ones) anarcho-syndicalist (in that I have resided in at least three synarchs as a ruling council). When are we beginning the Evolution? I want in. I assume most of you concur.

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Make money.

Frick bitches.

Die happy.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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Radical centrism is both a philosophy and a way of living. To be a centrist is to see the logical and empathetic reasoning in two or more opposing belief systems, and to synthesize them or to find the via media. To be a radical centrist, then, is to combine the reasoning of two or more radical belief systems. As radical centrists we see the value in passionately defending your values regardless of what those values actually are. We can and should appreciate the communist's disdain for sophistry and metaphysical wandering equally as well as the Islamist's desire for divine order. Thus, the radical centrist can comfortably mesh atheistic belief with Islamic practice, respectively enforced by gulag and sword.

Let me explain further by quoting Barry Goldwater's ghost writer: "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue." In other words, if you believe in a virtue, you should never be afraid to defend it no matter how the world may see you. We are radicals in defending virtue. But as centrists, we see that every virtue has its place. Apparent contradictions thus melt away under the enlightened philosophy of radical centrism. I may believe passionately that COVID kills boomers, and I may believe passionately that killing boomers is a good thing.

In a very real sense, radical centrists are the last true romantics. We do not worry about couching our terms or trying to appease every party. We do unconcerned with whether we appear reasonable to the unenlightened masses. We live for the sake of living, think for the sake of thinking, feel for the sake of feeling. We revel in the raw human power of creativity and love. We take firm stands not necessarily because we actually believe in what we're saying, but for the love of committing to an ideal, for the love of believing in truth. Human creativity is boundless, and we love it with every fiber.

Sorry if there are any typos. I didn't have time to read what I wrote.

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no that's pretty much it

the manifesto

buy a domain name and put it up there if there isn't one already


these things travel the way medium articles don't. I used to think essays were things for blogs but at this point if it's worth an essay it's worth a domain name because those things get picked up and read widely if they are legit, and this what you just wrote is legit.

This should be printed up somewhere everyone can see for this place in any case

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Radical centrism is being against gay warming, supporting bans on assault marriages, and believing in a climates right to choose

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We just don't think, that we are smarter. We truly are too smart for social media. We care for our privacy and are not s*x objects for horny 13y/o like on other Platforms (e.g. Instagram, Snapchat, etc.). We are Redditors. We are anonymous, but we still understand and care for each other.

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oh lmao there is some younger me in there. definitely the "we are anonymous, but we still understand and care for each other" but that part has always been true if you find the right places

so that part gets implicit as you get older

but still

say what you mean, sarcasm isn't actually that funny especially when it becomes robotic repetition of angst about women being the creature that they are or men being the creature that they are.

and if you are in the pit of say what you mean, don't get offended when someone else says what they mean. This is the funniest part of people downvoting me and giving me coin, reluctantly, forced to try to just hit the "I DON'T LIKE THIS" button even though _I get money!

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