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It’s an intellectually lazy post. Think about the claims here: “no group in recent history is more coddled” and “this is a systemic problem that has weakened America.”

Neither holds up to an even cursory Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How.

Who are the other “groups” and Who is doing the “coddling”?

What is “coddling”?

When is “recent history”?

Why is America being “systemically weakened” through “coddling”?

How does “systemic coddling” “weaken America”

I’m not trying to teach people how to be better racists, but I expect a post with 100 upvotes on this sub to hold up to basic examination.

Wow stupidpolers are r-slurred

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what does the word coddle mean?

Checkmate rightoids :marseysmug2:

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I got like 200 upvotes for calling someone a racial slur (mod replied in approval too). Very based.

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What slur? They vary in power so much, calling someone a BIPOC hits way harder than chink for example.

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