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redditor takes the "both sides" bait and seethes about rightoids with a massive wall of text that i didnt read


Ugh fine. You are letting tribalism cloud your judgment. Fox is making bold claims with little evidence. The reason there is little coverage of conservative views is that they are fricking wrong. “You can’t do abortions that baby is a soul it’s murder” ok prove there is a soul! The typical response is “god something something religion the Bible” well prove god is real. You can’t. Just because a book says it’s real doesn’t mean it is. “Just because you have never seen him doesn’t mean he isn’t real!!” Is the response I get from 5 year olds telling me unicorns are real. Seriously stop it. “Give us guns” what purpose does giving firearms to random people serve? Self defense? No. If someone tries to mug you and you have your gun freedoms they are gonna use a gun. If they see you pull a gun out they are gonna shoot you. You could also hunt wildlife I guess. Yeah the gun and ammo are totally gonna cost less than buying shit at the supermarket. You only need a gun if you are gonna live in the woods and hunt for survival. Not to carry it with you at all times. Oh what about terrorists? These Mexicans are terrorists in disguise! No they aren’t. That is paranoid beyond belief. Not all Muslims are terrorists! That is a stereotype! I bet you feel offended when you hear people American stereotypes like how fat and stupid they are. Think of that but having a physical impact on you when you are stuck in your terrible country because America is convinced you are a murder trying to bomb them.

The core problem is that well reasoning is meant to be a social tool and not actually help us reach truer conclusions and also that people’s emotions and personal thoughts are being confused with fact.


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The reason there is little coverage of conservative views is that they are fricking wrong.

Honestly, when did validity of an opinion stop a journ*list from broadcasting it? From his other comments, I can't tell if he's alt-right or alt-left.


Hey uhh, carpy. You sure you want that bot talking in every subreddit?

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Your post has rendered me completely and utterly impotent. Nowhere in that cesspool of cute twinkry did I encounter anything even resembling intelligent thought. I physically cannot open reddit with these chodes inhabiting it. My quality of life is now quantitatively worse that it was before I was exposed to what is essentially the intellectual equivalent of a :marseytrain: offing themselves.


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insightful as always, thank you snappy.

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Opinions are like buttholes, they're meant to be fricked hard.

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He's actually a kid, isn't he?

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Noooo my Brand of shit smells the best

Gas chambers when

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