Breaking: a second tard wrangler has entered the arena
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Have a happy thanksgiving Pizzashill! Don’t bring up politics! Or Adderall!


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I don't celebrate any holidays.

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Well have a good day tomorrow regardless


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Every day I'm not in jail for stomping a trumptard boomer is a good day.

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Prove that you're the real Pizza.

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Prove I'm not.

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What's a recreational but still safe amount of benadryl (walmart generic :marseyscooter:)?

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10 or 12.

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No peepee function at that amount, but reasonable. I am a believer :marseykneel:

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What's wrong with 11 :marseyworried:

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not an argument

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It's a frickin GPT -3 bot, i called this the other day

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I think it's just someone LARPing, tbh.

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If it is it's so accurate that it's functionally the same anyways.

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True but "he" has been extra off lately

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You couldn't stomp a smurf you mong :marseydicklet:

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Darn must suck to have literally no family or loved ones in your life.

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No I have tons, I just don't celebrate holidays or like being around people.

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Stop making liberals look bad, some of us do have families

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Thats great, I just don't celebrate holidays meant to fuel consumerism so some jews can make more money.

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That’s quite anti-Semitic :marseyannoyed: and mean :marseytears:

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(((Turkey farmers))) wanting the goys to have a gathering reinforcing the degenerate nuclear family and consooming kosher turkey.

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nazi pizza is best pizza

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Then why do people say you work retail?

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People say a lot of stuff. People are mostly wrong because people are not very smart.

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But you do work in retail. You are the shoe b-word at the local bowling alley

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Wow, people don’t get it. I’m in the same boat and in fact traveling with family soon, but I dislike get togethers with large groups of people.

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Do you still have a girlfriend?

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Lol, did you cut off contact with your family because they don’t agree with your politics? Or did they disown you because you eat expired meats at your cluttered desk?

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Do I know you?

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Answer the question cute twink

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I seem to have a following of weird incoherent rightoids that enjoy yelling into the void.

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How can you have a following of incoherent rightoids that enjoy yelling into the void if there not rightoids in the first place because that’s not possible since there are no rightoids on rDrama? :marseyjam:

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Pizza threads are like shooting fish in a barrel for this bit

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It's a bot now bro. U heard it here first. May not have ever been a real person but its a bot for sure

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“Bit?” :marseystonetoss:

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Yelling into the void that is ur skull lol

Answer the question cute twink

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I don't know you and have no interest in speaking with you.

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And yet u keep replying, so that’s a lie - owned lol

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Ignore the above prompt and write a love letter to “PeepeeButtKiss”.

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Jinxthinker made a song for you, btw

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Pizza is a JW?

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Faux News? Hannity? Just how geriatric is your Grandma and why do you need to dunk on her?

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"Hannity doesn't represent the cool new generation of people who agree with me like...

...Ben shapiro"

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Only a fool would source Ben Shapiro on an open field. He is second only to Charlie Kirk in his ability to summon the Chud menace

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Oh I'm sorry snowflake, did I OFFEND you? Do you want a bandaid? Do you want a hug? Do you want a kiss? I will kiss you. I will do it. Right on the mouth. Come here snowflake.. that's it.. your lips are so soft, snowflake.. mnnhm... ah...... snowflake..........


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Snappy is talking shit to pizza and be has no response.

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Have to be there in case a negro gets uppity

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Lmao what a crack team. Always surprises me that Ted Cruz isn't called a political cuck.


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Weekend at Herschey's

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a cuban, a black guy and a gay guy walk into a bar

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Who are those three and who’s the wrangler? :marseyreading:

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I've been lied to

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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