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r/196 :marseygroomer2: once again :marseymanysuchcases: unable to stop talking about p-dophiles :marseypedo: in a subreddit full of minors. :marseyminer:


Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Your opinion apparently is that people should be allowed to use reddit to organise criminal conspiracies and aid, abet, command, counsel, induce or procure criminal activity.

You. Are a mental midget. A functional r-slur. An intellectual cripple. A dipshit. Clueless. A waste of oxygen. Your nasal mucus has more cognitive capability than what is between your ears. You have no career future. You're incapable of avoiding the moral pitfalls of a children's playspace. You eat unidentified food off the floors of fast food restaurants. You think your feces is fingerpaint. You cannot be left unattended in the restroom for more than thirty seconds lest you choke on potty paper.


Burn everything you have that has a keyboard and go back to kindergarten.


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These guys are way too early. This wasn't supposed to become a standard liberal position until 2025. Shut it down

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"But what about the p-dophiles?"

--not /r/teenagers but the :marseytrain: teenagers sub

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Lol โ€œr/196 is /r/teenagers but :marseytrain:โ€ is much more succinct thanks.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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For a leftist sub, there's a weird amount of capital punishment apologism, huh?

>Jeeeeez guys whats with all the talk of killing all of a sudden? Killing is only a response to people who disagree with you politically! Not heckin virtuous kid diddlers. What is the left coming to.

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:marseypedo:: Killing an actively dangerous Nazi is an act of self-defense done when no peaceful option is available.

Killing a p-dophile instead of getting them a much needed mental health intervention so that they can live a better life and pose no danger to any person is just murder. If you are a leftist who believes in prison reform, widespread mental health services, and the works this is the only rational conclusion you can come to. Help people who can be helped, use violence when violence is the only proper solution. Itโ€™s not complicated.




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This guy is defending this WAYYY too hard. I'm unironically getting MATI rn.



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What is /r/196? - It is a sub full of zoomer humor. It quickly grew in popularity due to a โ€œtake a meme; leave a memeโ€ rule requiring users to post a meme after posting. It is almost entirely full of alphabet zoomers.

What do you mean again? - Because of the high population of young (often minor zoomers) it has attracted a lot of posts referring to the โ€œgroomerโ€ meme. Posts that have made on this website include a trans woman fricking fruit and generally advertising their onlyfans to minors (follow up to that here).

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Surely this can be sold to Libs of TikTok

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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