VP for the Bee gets BTFO after beef with botox beauty.


Imagine being fired over Twitter lmao

Context for dramanauts that aren't following the amazing rightoid primary drama:

Christina Pushaw is the media director for the Rob Desantis campaign. Recently she started a Twitter fight with a 16 yo zoomer rightoid and somehow lost. She made an absolute fool of herself lmbo. The VP of marketing for the Babylon Bee publicly called her out for acting like a r-slur. This angered the CEO of the Babylon Bee because he's a giant Ronstan. So he fired his marketing VP on Twitter.


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You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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Imagine standing up this hard for a freak that looks like a real life simpsons character

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Good god imagine being such a cute twink :marseyzeldagerudolink: you give a shit about what another person :marseychonkerfoid: says about some old frick.

Also this gavin wax r-slur :marseyautismcap: retweeting shit like

Another sign that DeSantis isn't ready...

He's been in the primary for two days and already pissed :marseyhatium: off @GavinWax which is a big no no.

Good lord just deep throat :marseywpdsupremacy: an exhaust pipe already.

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Tbh I wish I could still for China :marseychiobulove: or Israel :marseyunhappymerchant:

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i have no idea what any of this means

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Imagine providing context :marseypuke:

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My bad bby I added context.


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Kinda lame of the CEO tbh

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Like, I know this primary is getting heated but this is the sort of thing you do over email.


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Meh, you know that dude would have cried and shit all over the place publicly afterwards anyways, and we'd end up at the same destination.

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Probably true


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Like, I know this primary is getting heated

Which is crazy :marseymeds: because its not even that much of a big deal yet.

Trump and Desantis are basically going :marseysal2: to fight :marseygladiator: to see who loses to 3am mail in ballot counts.

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Honestly I expected a lot of infighting but the vitriol I'm seeing is blowing away all my expectations


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this is so gay. why sabotage your own company over something you wouldnt even see if you just logged off?

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I know, isn't it great?


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It blows my mind that a b-tier (get it, bee-tier. Roughly the amount of depth their โ€œsatireโ€ has) meme factory like the Babylon bee has a ceo. They make like 5 boomer bait articles a day. How are they not just one random guy in Nebraska or some shit. They probably have a fricking org chart for how they manage to crank out bait that wouldnโ€™t even get double digit up-Marseys.

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Because theres nothing :marseynothingburger: better. The era of the onion :marseysickos: putting out bits like the grabbler is dead and never :marseyitsover: coming back (from the onion) now its just barely veiled or blatant political :marseywatermelon: propoganda, your only choice from mainstream sources is to pick the cherry or blue raspberry flavor :marseyguyfieri: (both are 99% HFCS)

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tbf, how can anyone even do satirical political news anymore

https://i.rdrama.net/images/16851546531692767.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16851546530826118.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16851546528625634.webp

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By being funny? tf

Thats like a joke from nu-onion

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South Park guys said to basically mostly ignore Trump, because you just can't make Trump funnier.

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Also because they are chuds pretending to be centrists but they didn't say that part.

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He was so lucky :marseygolden2: to have a foid job as a moid.

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Babylon bee has good headlines but the actual articles are garbage :marseyrecycling:

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:marseyhorseshoe: same with the onion tbh


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In its heyday, the Onion was worth reading the article text and not just the headlines.

I think the nature of the online economy is that every content-creator eventually turns more and more into clickbait, over time. The way the web works in current year is that, with very few exceptions, you get paid for clicks and views, especially with anything text-based. Someone who clicks 20 links on your site in 10 minutes is worth 20x as much as someone who spends half an hour reading an in-depth, long-form investigative or analytical piece that took a lot of time and research to put together.

But even more, the algorithms, search engines, and aggregators all promote "hotness", stuff that gets lots of views, likes, shares, comments, upvotes QUICKLY. An article that takes 10 minutes to read is inherently disadvantaged over a meme that takes a second to process and retweet or upvote, regardless of quality or popularity, because a great meme has 10,000 shares before anyone has finished the first paragraph of a long-form piece of journ*lism.

So the internet rewards headlines, memes, and clickbait, and punishes in-depth content, at least in terms of text. Someone will eventually crack the code of how to monetize time spent on a page, without punishing the viewer with intrusive and obnoxious video ads. But until then, everything is just constantly devolving into clickbait.

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Someone will eventually crack the code of how to monetize time spent on a page, without punishing the viewer with intrusive and obnoxious video ads. But until then, everything is just constantly devolving into clickbait.

the algos are a symptom of people demanding shorter content, see what really gets votes on rDrama.

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you're fricking bananas if you think I'm reading all that, take my downvote and shut up idiot

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:#donkeykongbanana: :#donkeykongbanana2:

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longpostbot gets it

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Onion :marseysickos: used to be SO GOOD tho

Same with the hard times, but like 3 or so years ago the hard times writers all left or smth and it seems like one tryhard is writing :marseynotes2: under :marseyhandsup: a bunch of aliases

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It was the '16 election that broke the onion. They stopped being funny and just pushed "Im with her" garbage :#marseyclintongarrison:

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They allways had a smug leftoid tinge to them, that article they keep trodding out every mass shooting that goes 'how could this happen? asks only country where this regularly happens.' comes to mind.

But 2016 really seems to have broken the minds of comics and writers to such an extent they all just dropped the pretense and admitted they were active political operatives and culture war combatants. Once you do that all that is left is to take yourself extremely seriously which is what they're all doing.

Watching them have a like 5 hour long meltdown on twitter after the Roe v Wade decission was hilarious but not for the reason they wanted it to be.

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Yeah I miss the old onion


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I wish a billionaire just managed a stable of comedians and made them make comedy, and they're removed from the stipend if it's revealed that they voted.

Imagine all the funny shit that just doesn't exist right now because white women batted it down and said noooooo you're enabling white supremacy and you're gonna make Trump president nooooooo

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I don't have to imagine I've been following Chappelle's career


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i have literally no idea whats going on

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Christina Pushaw is the media director for Rob Desantis campaign. Recently she started a Twitter fight with a 16 yo zoomer rightoid and somehow lost. She made an absolute fool of herself lmao. The VP of marketing for the Babylon Bee publicly called her out for acting like an r-slur. This angered the CEO of the Babylon Bee because he's a giant Ronstan. So he fired his marketing VP on Twitter.

This primary shaping up to be absolutely amazing


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I canโ€™t believe itโ€™s delivering already :marseylove:

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Christina Pushaw


Thats an unfortunate :marseybeanpensive: picture that Google :marseygetgle: decided chose to be the first :marseywinner: image :marseymissing2: of her.

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This looks AI generated

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I assume she was pro botox in that argument.

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Please tell me she got attacked by a bear and the surgeons did their best to reconstruct her face :geo#rge:

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Honestly that's one of the better pictures of her


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Don't care, would

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Why is she so shiny?

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better :marseysaulgoodman: pictures

Left hand making the "OK" sign, right :marseyhesright: hand holding a vibrator?


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Mind goblin :marseyandtheboys: phenotype tbh

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Fun fact, she uses the same makeup artist who worked on Jack Nicholson in the 1989 Batman movie


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!chuds does she pass?


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I would :marseywould: suck her peepee

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