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HexBear leftoids spout racist Italian stereotypes about Italian-American Governor


Title: Poor Meatball

:marseyyikes: that's some major leftoid racism.

:marseydagothur: would be proud of this mongrel dog shit.

on top of old smokey

all covered with cheese

I lost my poor Meatball

when somebody sneezed

By emizeko (they/them) :marseytrans2:

:marseyvivec: not even myself recognizes this abomination.

They’re all going to get creamed by Trump, it’s going to be a bloodbath. At least the Trump Biden debate for prez should be funny.

Uhh isn't HexBear a leftist collective? You're really cheering for Orange man? Weird shit.


that’s what everyone was saying last time and it was a snoozer. Biden’s primary debate appearances where he was horrendously racist (“black families don’t leave the record player on”) and his eye filled with blood were a lot funnier in the end

:marseybiden: :marseybiden2: :marseyridin:

Praise Biden.

Is this how HexBear chooses to honor the Sixth House, the tribe unmourned and my homie Dagoth Ur? :marseydagothur2:

@Aevann does this shit count too? I think it should, HexBear is literally tankie central.


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Hold on, this ChapoTrapHouse relic is still active?, it was originally named ChapoChat, but due to :marseytrain: drama and the Chapo hosts not sucking girlpeepee it was renamed to this Chris Chan-esque HexBeart name, I thought that it only had like an average of 7 active users and 30 posts per day :marseysleep:


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Yes it is.

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Factcheck: This claim is both true and false.

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I thought they changed their name after the founder was caught jacking it on a video call with a teenager.

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Yeah this is some untapped drama of the time, most of it was covered on /r/stupidpol but it has been long since jannied.

That said however, the sub did in fact disown the podcast and its hosts that are the reason for their sub existing, IIRC the Chapo hosts fricking hated the sub and they even celebrated its banning on Twitter :chad:

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Excuse you, it has 40 active members. Compared to our uh, 500.

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i think in a few decades it will become socially acceptable to make fun of minorities again in the same way making fun of italians was first chuddy, then became unpopular, and now is popular and progressive

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Surely "meatball" is not the strongest insult the brightest Breton minds could fathom in relation to imperials. How about round-ear? Fallen empire? Cuck-lovian? Thalmor puppet? Skirt wearer? C*m skin?

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How about round-eye? Since us elves have these perfect, beautiful eye slants my n'wah!

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Bretons can’t truly insult Imperials because of how much culture they share. Breton ancestors were cucks to Elves, Imperial ancestors were cucks to Nords.

You know why they’re called Nedes? Because they Nede to Breed with other men :marseysmug2:

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