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I’m all for dressing up as and insulting injuns but I also feel strongly about putting teachers in their place.

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Didn't we already see this?

Anyway, she shouldn't be wearing a headdress: she should be wearing a hijab and making her husband some maghrrechghchei, some khaaaaaaaabreeechtch and some AAAAAAAAAAAARGH.

Infidel slut.

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felt that violence was being committed against him

I remember when words used to have meaning.

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The only reason he's here today is because his ancestors (despite still being mostly in the stone age when Europeans arrived) weren't as big a kitty as him.

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Words are just a social construct bro

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PSA:We aren’t ringing the alarm hard enough about the United States. Trump isn’t gone, a third of the country are literal fascists who had immense political power and trump isn’t going anywhere. He’s faced practically no repercussions from the coup attempt. Trump planned out that entire event and was planning on deploying the military to kill protesters. Literally none of what I’m saying is an exaggeration. Yet people, even leftists asre falling for the idea that we should now ignore trump. Liberals never have been and never will be adequate fighters of fascism. If they were they wouldn’t be capitalists because they’d know that’s what produces it. It’s almost solely on leftists such as us to do something about this. No matter how oppressed we are as individuals the line is always pushed back eventually by leftists and nobody else. Take care of yourselves and do some activism.


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