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student loan-cels cope and seethe cus rent is due


a few random comments:

Yeah. I’d rather fricking not go from being able to pay my bills and MAYBE save 200 bucks a month to living paycheck to paycheck JUST TO PAY THE INTEREST on my loans thank you very much. I left college for mental health/financial/family reasons and I have 20k in loans that I’ll likely never be able to pay off. I work BERY hard to survive and I’d rather not drown right now.

So we all in agreement to band together and boycott voting in the midterms if they dont either A) Permamently set the interest rate to 0% or B) Forgive 50,000 or more? Cause that'll for sure get the Dems to do something as the demographic that mostly votes for them will just not show up for them.

Biden could wipe it all away with a stroke of a pen but will not. Good luck in 2022.

> Most of the people whining about this predicament seem to think blaming their choices on other people misleading them is a valid argument. Sorry, if you’re smart enough to get into college you should have been smart enough to understand you couldn’t afford it.

This isn't exactly a fair statement. These are often 18 year old kids that lived a life being told "Go to college, get an education, you'll be better off!" without any actual qualifiers applied to it. It's easy to look in hindsight and go "Should have known"... but when you're brought up being lied to, it's not that easy. People don't just "learn" this stuff without going through the hard lessons. Sustained conditioning throughout your life is hard to overcome.

> Not sure what to tell you. It sounds like your parents lied to you and you’ve still got remnants of those unrealistic expectations with regards to the challenges life hands all of us. Have you brought this up with them? Maybe they’ll bail you out? Mine pushed me out of the house and into the military at 17, because my grades weren’t good enough when I left HS to get into college on a scholarship. Life ain’t fair, and we’re all dealing with our issues. Start being a bit more realistic and stop blaming others for your own self-inflicted wounds would be my next piece of free advice.

I literally told you that I don't have student loans, so you can stop going full old man yelling at the clouds with me :)

It's called empathizing with others and the issues they face, as well as taking a nuanced look at why certain conditions exist. That's not the same as assessing "blame". Why so many people are obsessed with that word is beyond me, but simple thinking brings simple answers, I guess.

Some free advice for you - read the conversation you're having instead of grandstanding and thumping your chest at people.

Have a good evening.

The amount of people I've gotten into arguments with over student loans on here is insane. I love how everyone is like "you picked the wrong major/school" or "You knew what you were signing up for deal with it!" My parents paid for my college, I have no dog in this fight. I just don't understand how people are such buttholes about this. People are getting hurt by this and it seems like some people are happy to watch them drown.

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I can't believe you Amerifats are actually paying for education.

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I left college for mental health/financial/family reasons and I have 20k in loans that I’ll likely never be able to pay off.

muh mental health

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what? Just do nothing for two years other than work, pay rent in shithole, and extremely cheap shit. Even on a shit wage that should do.

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That's like what, a $200/month payment?

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it’s just math lol 20k/2y/(12m/y)~ 10k/12~10k/10~1k/mo. (Exactly is 10k/12=5k/6=833.3repeating roughly). Which would suck but doable

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Yeah my loans and payment were roughly exactly those values. 20k in debt, 200 a month

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Are you implying he has to stop spending $400 a month on Funko pops? That's very nazi of you, chud

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Now, I am a massive strag, but I wouldn't think much of a straight man who just prefers peepees (like carp for example). I just recoil in horror every time I see a vgina. Not even getting into uncut vs cut or size debates, the vast majority of peepees are more pleasing to the eye. And don't even get me started on female vs male genital hygiene. You know vginas bleed once a month, right? Have you ever seen pictures of a yeast infection? I guarantee it would be eye-opening. Peepeees on the other hand self-clean several times per day if you're hydrated. My uncut brethren may need to pay a little more attention to hygiene, but this is still vastly easier to do than v*ginal hygiene.

Yes yes I know "muh reproduction" now maybe I would understand this argument if you could choose the gender of your child. But the chance of spawning another icky f*male is just too high. I will stick with men going their own way with other men thank you very much.


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I like that none of these r-slurs suggest that the universities should just not charge that much in the first place.

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The federal student loan program caused the tuition spike, so it's even worse. Schools can charge literally whatever they want because kids have unlimited "free" fedbux to pay.

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Despite making a whole song and dance about how greedy boomers ruined everything for later generations through their selfishness, Redditors are totally willing to advocate for free money for themselves while letting college costs inflate even more in the future. Well, the later generations should just ask for another round of college debt forgiveness, right? :marseytrollolol:

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This is why I'm glad my rich family pays for my international student fees so I can frick foreign cute twinks without having to pay later. Why doesn't everyone just do that???

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Imagine thinking if dems lose in 2022 it's bc they didn't forgive student loans lol

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How could you give me a loan that I agreed to for a worthless major that I chose? :soycry:

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If you can't pay off 20k what the heck is wrong with you?

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I don't fricking get these student loans. I went to night school and worked full time, the place I was working at even paid my tuition because they could write it off in their taxes. Maybe took me an extra year to get my degree but I walked out of it only paying for parking and lunches at the cafeteria.

Who goes into that much debt for a degree in graphic design or whatever to not be able to get a job good enough to pay it off? The only person I knew who got bad into school debt was an r-slur who used the loan for rent and car payments and shit.


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I'm pretty sure that is exactly what they are doing - using all of their loans on literally whatever they want. Cars, rent, food, beer, weed. Not exactly the same but a friend of mine in college used his ROTC scholarship money to buy two Akitas which were like 3000 dollars each or something ridiculous like that. He ended up dropping out and now he owes the government a shit ton of money. Doubt he will EVER pay it back.

If they ever forgive student loans I will honestly be pretty pissed. Literally just giving people money for being an r-slur.

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Yep. I know a guy who accumulated almost $100k in loans. I remember going to his house and he bought his kids 2 go karts because they wanted them. Big screen TVs and xboxes and a motorcycle are where that money went to. I didn't say anything because it's not my business but now he's bitching on social media about "muh school loans" and I just laugh at all the shit he bought with that money.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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My wife has a 40something coworker drowning in credit card debt.
She makes $18/hr working fulltime, no kids / student loans / medical bills. Rent is $650/month. Her employed boyfriend lives with her.
Up until last year, she was making minimum payments on a 1998 Oldsmobile Alero at 16% interest. Now she has a 2006ish Jeep Patriot she's making payments on.

Her money goes to eating out and dumbass subscriptions like organic cleaners. She'll drive right past McDonalds after work and order it through UberEats.

Every bonus she gets is spent on stupid shit instead of paying off high interest loans.

For comparison, on $14.59/hr I was able to buy a house ($620 mortgage), live alone, and make $300 payments on a 3-year-old sedan.

Some people deserve to be broke.

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Good for you. I accumulated some CC debt in my 20s and paid it off because it's such a waste of fricking money. It's really not that hard to sit down and figure out what you can do and aim for a goal to pay shit off. I now make almost 3x what I used to make but I have no debt at all, and having all this free money is amazing.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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God darn 100k is a lot. I wonder if he was operating in the framework that it would be forgiven one day? I have known a few people like that. It's pretty dishonest/harmful for politicians to constantly be saying they will forgive them imo. Not that it makes the people who think it any less r-slurred, but I just can't see the government essentially giving ~15% of the population like $50,000 and everyone who didn't go to college/paid for it up front/actually got a well paying job that could pay off their loans/had a scholarship not being super pissed so giving them hope is kinda shitty.

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It was a lot considering we went to the same school as I did and my school was not that expensive. They raised their prices a lot through the years but it's still an affordable school compared to others in the area.

College is also a place where people stay when they don't want to work and he was one of those people. You don't have to graduate in 4 years. you can just keep going and taking out loans if you want. I don't know if there is a cutoff of time, but he stayed in school to not have to work. I've heard law school is the same deal. A lot of people go because anyone can go to law school, so they go into law school and accumulate more loans.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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Mostly the case of everyone deciding when they're 18 years old and don't really know what the frick they're doing

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This all stops when the government stops disallowing student loans from being dissolved in bankruptcy.

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How economically worthless do you have to be toconsider a $20k loan something you will never be able to pay off? That's like a standard sized car loan.


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federal min wage is $15k/year. Interest is gonna suck

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You can walk into any grocery store and get double that with a signing bonus right now.

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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I came out with $35k and my min payments were only $220/month and that was with a private loan in there. They must have other debt or work at starbucks. $20k can't be much per month in payments.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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Interest should be set to 0%.

These have to be teenagers right?

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Yes, usury is haram and once the caliphate has been rebuilt will be a thing of the past.


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I wonder who invented usury


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To be fair though 6% for federal loans is pretty predatory

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My wife had some at 13 percent. Absolutely bonkers.

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Dang ouch. Personal loan? Personal loans are where they get you. Federal loans are usually pretty low interest.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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All parties consented to the agreement.

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When you are 18 years old and sold a lie that you will be successful if you go to college, are you really consenting?

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I'm pretty pro "personal responsibility" in most aspects of life. That said, when a road or intersection has a ton of crashes and fatalities, we look at the design of the road itself and often change things to mitigate the damage. Student loans encompass trillions of dollars and are only getting bigger, full of more interest, and more expensive on the onset. At some point we need to look at the design of the road rather than solely blaming the individual.

The college industrial-complex gets you at 5 years old in kindergarten. I was told I would be a failure digging ditches or flipping burgers if I didn't go to college. Thankfully for me, my parents instilled a strong sense of fiscal responsibility that not even our elected representatives seem to possess.

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Rentoid moment

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In the UK other than adjusting for inflation, it's literally this.

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Bullshit, somebody is paying interest or a premium or something. Otherwise it's literally just risk with no reward, and nobody would ever offer the loans.

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Student loans are federally backed, they are 0 risk.

If you give out a loan that Joe Biden promises someone will pay eventually, yeah you shouldn't be charging interest above inflation. That's a total grift

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Instead of paying your own loan+interest, you get to pay your own loan plus every dropout loan via taxes!

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Okay then, the tax payers are paying the premium

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It's probably better for society in the long run when education is as cheap as possible. If you force educated people that just entered the workforce and started making their own money to pay giant debts instead of letting them use that money to start investing into the economy you probably miss out on more taxes than you would save letting them carry their own debt. Also free education = more educated people = more r-slurs that buy stuff and thus increase the GDP.

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Free college doesn't necessarily lead to more educated people. Just the opposite actually. If college tuition is free, the number of slots available would become more limited. Just look at EU countries like Germany for example. Also, I don't know what this meme is about college debt being crippling in the US. The average federal student loan in the US is around $36k. The average college grad is also expected to earn about $1 million more over their lifetime than a HS grad. I'm not sure how those numbers compute to the oft-cited complaint of every college grad being drowned in debt and having to eat stale bread every day.

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Implying that the schools are actually creating educated people. A lot universities just turn r-slurs into r-slurs with a $100K hole in their pocket and an annoying sense of entitlement.

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Seems like a good argument to just stop offering government backed student loans. The reason colleges have been ratcheting up tuition and fees as fast as they can is cause r-slurs will just keep taking out loans that are offered to them for however much a college asks

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This is part of why we stopped doing this in the US. It’s reverse wealth distribution because taxpayers pay for stuff that is overwhelmingly beneficial to a single, generally richer than average, individual.

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I don’t see why the US doesn’t just forgive the car loans of anyone who bought a big 4x4 truck. The loans are large and typically borne by lower income people.

There’s more of a justification to do this than give away a trillion dollars to wealthier people with more job security, but imagine the gigatons of sneed you would create if suggested.

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You’re joking but auto loan debt should actually be receiving attention and isn’t because the rich people who control society don’t even know what’s going on. There are a frickton of poorcels in massive debt for shitty trucks.

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Are you r slurred? How is making education more accessible not more benefitting to the poor?

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Because college graduates are overwhelmingly not poor. Loans were and still are offered to everyone but could be forgiven, so what ended up happening was every doctor declared bankruptcy after graduating and got $200k from taxpayers (from loans or subsidies) while also making $300k/yr because of that “investment” into them. Society gets nothing out of it, college is almost completely personal benefit, and if you have a lot in loans/spend a lot of time there, usually it’s because you are going to be rich as heck (lawyer, doctor, mba, etc.).

Imagine if we offered free housing maintenance but not free housing. That’s what college subsidies are.

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Imagine if we offered free housing maintenance but not free housing. That’s what college subsidies are.

We kinda do, by offering tax breaks for mortgages. Rentoids BTFO yet again.

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Society gets nothing out of it

Yeah, society really doesn't gain anything from having more doctors :marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard:

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It doesn't matter how free you make college, rich people go to college more than poors do.

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Story time. Going to university in England is pretty good financially - you get a loan while you're there for fees + living costs, and then you only repay a small percentage if you earn above a certain threshold. It doesn't affect your credit score and it even gets written off after 30 years.

This means that people effectively get their rent paid for 3 years and don't have to worry if they never have a high-paying job afterwards. If you're poor you get a bunch of grants thrown at you too, which don't count towards the loan.

However the National Union of Students thinks that the student loan is horrible and puts out lots of scaremongering stuff that would make you believe that university is horrendously expensive.

The net result: poor people get scared and don't go to university.

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He's a ruralcel who don't need no Marxist education to work in retail

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Because r-slur, poors aren't going to college since their school systems and neighborhoods are too fricked up for that to even be an option.

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The rich use the money better so I support it

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please cancel the debt of upper middle classed whites

what are black reparations never heard of it

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Taxpayers are investing that money to create a population of funkopop-lovers who will not violently revolt. Think of it as an indirect protection racket.

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I'm paying for gender studies degrees

Oh yeah, it's time to fedpost :marseyunabomber:

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The government subsidizes some American student loans. They probably do something similar.

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