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r/politics takes the mayocide pill


Title: There's nothing more frightening in America today than an angry White man

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I’m a white guy and lemme tell ya….there ain’t a thing to be angry about. I feel zero oppression, I’m not really scared of anything (In an existential/political sense, Piranha fish scare the poop out of me). I’ve never had a negative interaction with the cops, I’ve used the old “college educated white cis guy” network to get jobs, buy a home and take advantage of other opportunities. No one is “coming for me,” I can assure you. There’s no “assault on my freedoms.” People who have wanted their slice of the pie are getting it and I can’t do anything but be happy for them and offer my help and support.

There are people out there who want what I have as easily as I’ve gotten it. They want a little of the hegemony that I’ve enjoyed. That’s fair, it’s human and it’s what’s right. The stage has to be shared because at the end of the day we’re all just people. If you are a white guy and you are angry you are actually just scared and too greedy to share the stage with people who don’t think mayonnaise is too spicy.

Yikes. It’s seems like you care enough to complain about other people for starters. Are you pissed that the media reported Kyle hanging out with Proud Boys and flashing a white nationalist sign? Nobody made that up. He’s also associated with a local militia, and has been witnessed itching to use his AR on protesters. He’s a little proto white nationalist who got his gun and went off to see who’d frick with him and get shot. But again, the article is about the response to the ruling. Why wouldn’t you be concerned about that? Let me guess- you’re more concerned about anti Rittenhouse protesters than the douches who are definitely going to show up to protests armed and assuming immunity for “self defense” shootings?

I'm a middle aged white woman ,when my kids were small and i had a stroller and 3 kids in hand on the bus it was always young Black men who would offer and carry the stroller off the bus for me not white men .The white men sat there as i struggled to get on and off the bus but young Black men were gentlemen.

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OP is a Trump supporter.

I have downvoted every post you have ever posted and have reported this post. If this behaviour does not change, your punishment will further continue.


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I see redditards continue to allow the media to gaslight them must be a day that ends in y

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I'm in this post arguing with them all over the place. One tried to tell me having a gun amounts to provocation.

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One insulted me and said the video shows kyle pointing a gun.

I asked them to take a picture and draw a circle around it and never got a response.

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Sisyphus would have had more luck getting that boulder to stay up that hill over getting a redditoid/twittard to accept what is staring them in the face. It's legit a level of cognitive dissonance and denial of reality that shouldn't be possible. And for what a p-do who should have been roped by the state years ago, a wife beater, and a burglar. If anyone is up to the task it's you maybe you can get at least one of them to be slightly less r-slurred before they inevitably ban you

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Idk generally the issue with people like this is they're better educated than most people so they think they're way smarter than they are.

Like magatards aren't really smart enough to argue with you, they can repeat some conservative NPC talking points and whatever - but they don't have the ability to make coherent arguments.

The radlibs are similar, but they're way better educated and hold a set of views they consider to be "self-evident truths" without actually being able to explain why they're self-evident, so they're way more willing to write giant word salads defending their stances.

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I’m a white guy and lemme tell ya….there ain’t a thing to be angry about. I feel zero oppression, I’m not really scared of anything (In an existential/political sense, Piranha fish scare the poop out of me). I’ve never had a negative interaction with the cops, I’ve used the old “college educated white cis guy” network to get jobs, buy a home and take advantage of other opportunities. No one is “coming for me,” I can assure you. There’s no “assault on my freedoms.” People who have wanted their slice of the pie are getting it and I can’t do anything but be happy for them and offer my help and support. There are people out there who want what I have as easily as I’ve gotten it. They want a little of the hegemony that I’ve enjoyed. That’s fair, it’s human and it’s what’s right. The stage has to be shared because at the end of the day we’re all just people. If you are a white guy and you are angry you are actually just scared and too greedy to share the stage with people who don’t think mayonnaise is too spicy.

lmao listen to this down home folksy wisdom im sure this man grew up in rural eastern north carolina pickin peanuts with his pa and three brothers working hard in the sun all day yessir

explain yourselves NC strags why is your state so lame

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I grew down in Alabama I was so ragged they use to call me patches

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:!marseymayo: :!marseymayo: :!marseymayo: :marseyscared: :marseymayo: :marseymayo: :marseymayo:

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The number one rule on r/politics is that submissions need to deal explicitly with US politics. This is just a "fear the white man" post...so it really shouldn't be there. But also, it's fine because being racist towards white people is okay.

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I'd argue all 3 trials were US politics because they are political.

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Of course you would.

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How are they not political?

One took place at a political protest, one involved the state not bringing charges against 3 guys that lynched a black guy.

One was at a political rally in which a terrorist drove his car into a crowd of people.

How, in your mind, do these not meet the political criteria?

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Do you ever wonder why you get dunked so easily? Ever do any self-reflection?

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Stop trying to mansplain to me you fricking white man terrorist!

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Yeah, flail around.

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It's true though. When I walk into my local supermarket, unwashed, smelly and angry that they moved the energy drinks to the back corner- everyone runs away from me, terrified. :platyking:

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The stage has to be shared because at the end of the day we’re all just people. If you are a white guy and you are angry you are actually just scared and too greedy to share the stage with people who don’t think mayonnaise is too spicy

Everyone who looks like me is just as rich as me and cant possibly be poor. Frick you homeless white guys. You should worship the ground politicians and billionaires walk on. Im not scared of anything, except im currently posting under an article thats fearmongering about angry white guys because a kid got away with self defense. I post in politics too so I probably shat my pants over Trump being Hitler 2.0, the proud boys and parents opposing critical race theory

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