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I was at a wedding recently and started discussing VR with some people when one of them turned to me and unironically said "Wow, you know a lot about technology. That isn't common in Texas, is it?"

I'm not exaggerating when I say that I laughed at that for a solid hour. It happened at the reception and I was sitting in my chair trying to contain my laughter for that entire time.

People unironically believe that Texans are a bunch of uneducated hillbillies. Like here it is, DFW has a population of over 7 million people, a job market that is absolutely exploding, tech companies are moving here en masse (and I have a professional job at one of them), and the state has the 10th largest economy in the entire world. But people still hold the belief that we're living in the 19th century wild west. I thought we were having an intellectual conversation when it turned out they were just impressed I could tie my own shoes, lmao.

That may honestly be one of the funniest things anyone has ever said to me. I still laugh about it from time to time. My dad said he learned a long time ago to lean into it, so he'll say "howdy" to people from out of state and also tell them that DFW airport has the largest stable in the world because we all ride horses to the airport. He said they believe it almost every time.

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Don’t mind me. Just seeing if the new system lets you move older posts to the top. :marseywave2:

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So this the Texan equivalent of Australians telling Americans they ride kangaroos to school?

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This is unironically true. When people find out I'm a gay from Texas they act like I survived the holocaust.

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People unironically believe that Texans are a bunch of uneducated hillbillies.

Where is the lie?

I could tie my own

Wow, I'm so proud of you Lawlzie.

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I’m also pretty impressed you can tie your own shoes to be fair.

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You did it again

Another masterful post about nothing

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Holy shit it's a :marseylawlz:-post!

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I thought the point of lalwzposts was to be a pointless and boring grandpa-Simpson story. This is actually funny.

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Ikr, I'm slippin

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He has risen :marseylawlz:

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I have a professional job

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Not from Texas, but in the Bible Belt. I used to tell yankees I’d meet on vacation the craziest BS about us, and they’d eat it all up. Similar to stuff you said, only I’d add in stuff like telling them the KKK openly runs everything. Yankees (like the NYC, and Jersey kind) can be so fricking r-slurred, I think it has to do with the thinking they are so superior and sophisticated, that it doesn’t even occur to them people are mocking them.

:marseyonacid: :marseyjam: :marseyonacid: :marseyjam:

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Do you lay more into the mountain stereotypes or swamp?

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Mountain and farm.

:marseyonacid: :marseyjam: :marseyonacid: :marseyjam:

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Sounds fun, maybe do some Deliverance role play/references.

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I prefer AR.


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How many empty dip cans are in your truck?

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Don’t tell people you’re from the DFW, say you’re from Ohio or something.

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he'll say "howdy" to people from out of state and also tell them that DFW airport has the largest stable in the world because we all ride horses to the airport

This is beautiful.

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Do you happen to speak with a southern drawl?

DFW has a population of over 7 million people

Jesus Fricking Christ. No wonder the traffic is becoming worse every year.

he'll say "howdy" to people from out of state and also tell them that DFW airport has the largest stable in the world

Oh this is good. I will have to learn it next time I go out of state.

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southern draw


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Well shit. Fixed.

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Back in the early 2000s, people used to make fun of me whenever I outed myself as a filthy south am*rican by asking where the frick did I find a computer in the middle of the jungle or how do I even have internet access, I usually rolled with it by claiming I lived in a mud hut, my computer was stolen from a humanitarian aid aircraft and that my tribe reverse-engineering the technology, along with other absurd bullshit.

Of course no one believed me (probably), but I had one moron that kept probing me for weirdly specific information about my "tribe", my mud hut, how does my tribe generate electricity or access the internet, and I kept feeding him bullshit. I had a good laugh that day, I think he genuinely believed it. (My english was way shittier back then, that probably helped my act)

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Also explains a lot about you.

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Was "Act" not the right choice of word? I should emphasize that english is not my main language and I'm completely self-taught, and dumb as frick. combine those two factors and you'll get an r-slur that constantly picks the wrong choice of words and sometimes misunderstand things.

That's the excuse I like to give anyway, I'm too lazy to learn proper english.

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that one weird neurodivergent guy believed everything, but he also wanted to score some yeyo

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Are you Que or Hue?

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Hue :marseydepressed:

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How many times a week do you get robbed by motorcycle bandits?

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What if I am the motorcycle bandit?


We call them "two guys on a motorcycle" here, though. I should try to make a "two Marseys on a motorcycle" one day, to culturally enrich the Marseyverse.

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Hope it gets better. :marseyhearts:

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