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Based Rice-cel putting pinkie in his place.

How the frick is punching someone a class C felony though? I had a jogger jump me, and rip a piece out of my neck with his teeth, and he got charged with a class A misdemeanor, lmao.

They must have no crime where this happens for it be a felony.

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Depends, were you assaulted during these politicised times? Was it a white-guilt city? Either way you probably deserved it.

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It was in Memphis in 2017 by a dude with a prior arrest for beating his pregnant girlfriend, he also got a misdemeanor for that.

Prosecutors are too leniant in general. As a manlet I deserve worse anyway, you're right there. :marseyagree:

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Anyone who actively chooses to live around the mostly peaceful deserves everything they get.

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Sucker punch is pretty kitty shit. I don't know if he's Asian, though. I think this is him (#4). Name is Carter Prenosil according to reports, charged with felony assault.

Also found this funny name while searching. :gigachadglow:

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Is this high school or collegiate?

And that first punch made me cringe a little. :marseyyikes:

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High school, he is a senior.

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Ah ok, because the jersey says "Carlisle" on it which is the name for the federal Indian university in Oklahoma and he seemed a little too mayo colored to be there.

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Literally call your ISP and ask them to disconnect your internet, r-slur cute twink. You're nothing but a shallow, fragile, inbred, BIPOC, communist, butt pirate. You enjoy sexual stimulation via rectal penetration. You belong in a zoo. You fantasise over the day a gorilla will r*pe you. Why don't you provide anything of value to anyone around you? It's because your hands are black, BIPOC.


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