Trump forced all of the GOP delegates to become pro Cute Twink and drop the abortion issue :marseytrump: :chuditsover:
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Then you'd be fine with a Republican Congress expanding the number even further then and then a Republican president nominating a sufficient number of new Justices to offset liberal ones? That's where this would go, pizza. I'm sorry you don't like federalism or originalism, or even case-specific outcomes. I never liked Roe, Chevron, or Wickard for that matter. But thems the breaks.

I suppose the Democrats could try winning presidential elections and then nominating liberals to replace conservatives on the Court, or amending the Constitution that you're seemingly butthurt about, but I get that's hard.

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yes I would, because it would blow up in their faces lmao, because conservative ideas are unpopular. There's a reason donald trump wanted a really vague republican party platform, balancing the court would likely not hurt democrats, republicans attempting to revert it back to a conservative extremist majority likely would hurt republicans.

I suppose the Democrats could try winning presidential elections and then nominating liberals to replace conservatives on the Court, or amending the Constitution that you're seemingly butthurt about, but I get that's hard.

Democrats have won almost every presidential election in recent history.

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>Democrats have won three presidential elections since 2000

>Republicans have won three presidential elections since 2000


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kind of weird to stop it at 2000, the general standard should be like 1990?

Even worse is dems continue to get a majority of the vote.

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I wouldnt really call the 90s recent anymore. (Almost) 25 years seems like enough of a sample size.

Anyway the white house has flipped pretty consistently between the parties for over 40 years, so the dems winning a lot in recent years is expected.

Popular vote is true but that doesnt win elections.

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And yet, here we are with a 6-3 Court. Also, popular vote doesn't count for shit.

But if you're fine with making a mockery of the Supreme Court by going from 9 to 15 to 19 to 21 to 25 then to 33 and so on, have at it, champ. I think it'd be obvious who's playing games at that point.

Heck, Democrats started the first Civil War, why not take another crack at being king of the ash pile after you burn it down again?

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ok let me try to word this in a way you can understand.

A senate majority can be formed with less than 36% of the vote.

The president can win with a non-majority of the vote.

What happens when the court, with lifetime appointments, is primarily shaped by a minority of the country? It rapidly loses credibility, especially when the minority specifically appoints the most extreme conservatives they can find, that repeatedly rule in insane ways.

Like the reforms to the court are to save it, because the current path will end in the court being completely meaningless.

The "democrats" that started the first civil war are all republicans now my guy.

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I'm sorry, all I read is cope about how you don't like Court decisions not being in your favor.

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Keep it up, watch what happens when the court is meaningless.

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"My God, the Court applied a plain-text reading of the Commerce Clause and now the federal government doesn't have the power to micromanage and regulate every facet of American life! WE NEED TO CHANGE THE RULES BECAUSE WE LOST!!"

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theres a reason the credibility of the court has tanked.

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Which I'm sure has nothing to do with the Democrats doing a full-frontal assault on every one of its decisions that they continue to lose on. Even cases where the Court rules for the seemingly Democrat position, it's assailed. You've spent X years demonizing the Court and now are pointing to polls - which the Court itself could give two shits about - to justify changing the rules so that you can win.

Try passing laws that meet Constitutional muster or not taking such r-slurred positions on issues that any 1L can see is preposterous. It's a co-equal branch of the federal government and is well within its province to tell either the president or the Congress to frick right off.

At the end of the day, this is all theater because the Court rules against your priorities. You just want naked power, which is fair considering you're shilling for the Democrats here.

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