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:marseywholesome: Marsey Letters Generator website thingy :!marseyreading:


reposted because it was showing a slur in the preview LOL

based on @Chapose's excellent Marsey letters - https://rdrama.net/post/36054/its-finally-here-for-all-to

github page mirror - https://marseylivesmatter.github.io/

github repo - https://github.com/MarseyLivesMatter/Marsey-Letters


i just stole the code made it so it's probably buggy and only A-Z letters, 0-9 & % (requested by @Landlord_Messiah) are supported unless @Chapose or someone else makes the rest :marseyshy:


feel free to suggest stuff like other backgrounds or whatnot, i may or may not add them :marseyantiwork:

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