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:marseysnowflake: Microsoft copies rdrama's slur filter and launches "inclusiveness checker" for Word :!marseylongpost2:


aevann/carp did M$ pay you all reparations for this?


Microsoft has launched an “inclusive” spelling tool that offers politically correct alternatives to commonly used phrases.

The “inclusiveness checker” highlights phrases or words the firm believes could offend someone based on their gender, age, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

The Word feature, which is able to look for “socioeconomic bias”, then suggests alternatives deemed to be more “woke”.

Among the suggestions are changing Postman Pat to “Postal Worker Pat” as the former “may imply gender bias”.

It also recommends amending “Mrs Thatcher” to “Ms Thatcher”. In addition, it proposes users change “mankind” in Neil Armstrong’s “one giant leap for mankind” to “humankind or “humanity”.

Other words to change include “headmaster” (Word suggests “principal”), “master” (“expert”) and “manpower” (“workforce”).

The new spelling function has been rolled out on the latest version of Microsoft Word in Office 365.

When switched on, spelling mistakes are underlined in red, grammar errors in blue and "inclusiveness" issues in purple.

Some Twitter users praised the checker as a neat tool that will help people overcome “subconscious biases”.

Digital strategist John Bull wrote: “Your spellchecker will now help you to start overcoming your subconscious biases.

"It’s a brilliant feature. I wish they’d make more noise about it."

However, others criticised the tech giant for “cowering to the woke brigade”.

In a statement, Microsoft said: “Microsoft understands that not every Editor suggestion may be suitable for all users and all scenarios. That’s why we let users be in control of their final output. Editor is a completely optional tool that users can turn on or off at any point. Editor does not make any autocorrections.

“The user has control over which suggestions they choose to use, if any. They will be able to turn on and off each one of them individually.”



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soon keyboards won't allow you to type bad words


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That's why you should switch to Linux.


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Yeah because libre office is just that good.

In the entirety of internet history from its inception til it’s inevitable death there will always be that Linux strag who can’t resist “err derr muh distro switch to red hat Linux bro. You only have to type 500 lines into the terminal to install libre office that’s has almost everything Office 1995 had!”

https://files.catbox.moe/y2zrro.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/172082001273549.webp

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lmao holy shit I frickin lmao because it's so true

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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I think there's the reason why. I did run linux in parralel with my windows build for shits and giggles but had to abandon it because neither MS nor Adobe support it and that's a no - go for me. Games that ran natively in Linux ran great. I also didn't want to frick around with Wine and the Terminal. The terminal I could learn but I found there were too many instances of me looking up forum posts where people would post "OK just type these commands into the terminal and don't worry that you don't know what they're doing and that they run at a really low level in your OS it's cool trust me bro".

https://files.catbox.moe/y2zrro.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/172082001273549.webp

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I just sudo every command anyways so I never have to worry about retyping anything


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I use Libre Office on Windows because I don't feel like piratingpaying for an actual office license. :smoke:

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Poor scum OUT.

:marseybeggar: :marseystinky:

https://files.catbox.moe/y2zrro.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/172082001273549.webp

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All I see is people too weak to write raw LaTeX.

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Latex made sense while it was difficult to render more complicated formatting live, but it only exists now as a way for thesis advisors to make writing my paper twice as annoying and tedious

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Much like public transportation in the US, there is no greater threat to the prospect of widespread Linux adoption than people who use Linux.

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This is already a problem on phones, especially for "intelligent" swiping keyboards. Makes me especially mad since they are theoretically capable of learning words specific words, but still have a blacklist for nono words. Very patronizing.

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Yeah. Its not likeing im yelling about all those diggers and bikes lmao

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Tfw the letter "n" is removed from the alphabet


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We got back to leet speak to avoid censors. SUP MY NI663R

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Gotta get rid of ñ too cuz those god darn nazis will appropriate it.

what up my nyyyigga.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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keyboards get replaced by haptic gloves and AR glasses

you start typing





the gloves completely seize up

>Alert - your typing was found to be in violation of our Terms Of Use. An Amazon(tm) Language Compliance drone is on its way to your location. Please do not resist.

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If that was a thing, i would absolutely want to be on the strike team to dunk on rightoids.


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try to type cute twink on Word

keyboard locks up, guess I have to actually work from the office today

try to get into my car


nevermind, go back inside

try to watch The Expanse

Amazon has banned my account because I posted a negative review of Wheel of Time

complain about this on social media

"their company their rules sweaty"

banned for hate speech

frick all this, decide to go for a walk

arrested for not wearing a mask

God Bless America

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arrested for not wearing a mask

graciously tip the officer

God Bless America


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