Weekly Furry Megathread #4: Razor blades edition

pictured: a metaphor for the internet. he who hath ears to hear, let him hear. thanks for the picture @LUCARIOFAGGOT's profile picture@LUCARIOCUTE TWINK

remember to post and vote in the image selection thread, and remember: that if you draw good OC for the purpose, it wins next thread regardless of votes

miscellaneous updates:

furry_irl had a good post for once

a detail I missed about that one rich failson furry who went to space: same channel as his announcement, b/c apparently he doesn't believe in alt accounts

anthro new england went down over the weekend. no major weirdness i heard of, just the standard low-grade stuff like still not banishing abdl on sight judging by one of the tweets there

as always, remember to join us at /s/furry for all your furposting needs

@xthek's profile picture@xthek @SomeGayFurry's profile picture@SomeGayFurry @Noctis's profile picture@Noctis @AltAccountUmbreon's profile picture@AltAccountUmbreon @FurryNationalism's profile picture@FurryNationalism @ThreeLetterAgent's profile picture@ThreeLetterAgent @furrybussyhunter's profile picture@furrybussyhunter @Lycanroc's profile picture@Lycanroc @furry's profile picture@furry @TracingWoodgrains's profile picture@TracingWoodgrains @DudeBussyLmao's profile picture@DudeBussyLmao @carpathianflorist's profile picture@carpathianflorist @Suicidal_Tendies's profile picture@Suicidal_Tendies @AshiahTheEgyptianCat's profile picture@AshiahTheEgyptianCat @Perro's profile picture@Perro @LUCARIOFAGGOT's profile picture@LUCARIOCUTE TWINK @Big_Bill_Hells_Cars's profile picture@Big_Bill_Hells_Cars @of_blood_and_salt's profile picture@of_blood_and_salt @Publiq's profile picture@Publiq @DerekSavageCoolCuck's profile picture@DerekSavageCoolCuck @SparkBrave's profile picture@SparkBrave @Gandalf-the-Whey's profile picture@Gandalf-the-Whey @CBT's profile picture@CBT @Zeidre's profile picture@Zeidre @Nipsu's profile picture@Nipsu @Greu's profile picture@Greu @Corvus's profile picture@Corvus

everyone get in here

as always, if you want to be added to or removed from the ping, let me know

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Are you considered a furry if you jerk of to yiff? I like these threads btw :platygirlmagic:

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a wise man once said:

Not every furry faps to furry porn, but if you ever fapped to furry porn you're a furry. That's the rules.

take Note

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Fake news on both accounts

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I don't make the rules, but I do enforce them

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It's a shame you guys don't follow the Twitter/Tumblr furry trend, otherwise I could just claim to be a moderate rightoid and any attempt to affiliate me with your trashfire community would end right there.

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yeah, I think like half the furries here are moderate rightoids. if you wanna claim to be a commie I'll see what I can do tho

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Center-left r-slur reporting in. I used to be further left before I became a furry but seeing all the crazy made me not want to be associated with it anymore. And then I was cemented as a radical centrist when the furry group I used to hang out with labeled me a chud and pushed me out for defending a rightoid. Frick them

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Here is your daily dose of fluffiness courtesy of SparkBrave! To unsubscribe please send 1 dramacoin to @OwO's profile picture@OwO.


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:#marseyjam: :#marseyjam: :#marseyjam:

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(you, not them, in case that needs saying)

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I've def gone more center, center left in the last 4 years.

That's good enough to be considered a Nazi in some parts of the fandom.

I've actuality had someone close to me tell me that going to the gym is making me more conservative.

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lol, conservatives definitely endorse that message. imagine being on the left and trying to make self-improvement a conservative trait :marseyeyeroll:

I've always been hard-center, personally. Definitely enough to be a pariah if I bothered to engage with the wrong bits of the fandom, but not so much that I can't get along with most non-hardliners

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It's weird, all my close long term furry friends were spicy 4chan oldstrags that def said the nword. Very classic libertarian-left kinda guys. Drugs, s*x, and no censorship.

In the last 6ish years they've all become BLM Antifa super soliders. I did initially go pretty far left but now it's more performative on my behalf in the group.

I'm still fairly libertarian I guess, but I don't get the whole needing the government to put queer people on a pedestal and protect them from internet people saying mean things.

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:#marseycomrade: :#marseytankushanka:

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hm, feels insincere. I'll just supply you with some commie pawproganda instead


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I genuinely unironically support kicking the living shit out of Nazifurs and alt-furries for what it's worth. Mainly because of the "furry" part but the important thing is that they're socially acceptable targets.

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Twittoids don’t get opinions

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do humans with animal features make you a furry, like catgirls or those fox spirits? :marseythinkorino:

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let's consult the chart


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What makes you a furry is when you can't c*m if they don't have those animal features.

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hm, this sounds suspiciously like "I'm not a furry, I'm just a guy who happens to be attracted to anthro animals" cope

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Like over a decade ago I would have said yes. But nowadays it's more of a self ID thing.

One of the top book genres for 30—something fat foids is the Omegaverse wolf s*x. Not no one considers them furries.

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no one considers them furries.

wow rude, I consider them furries

admittedly I have a pretty expansive definition, but since I've been mostly an onlooker to the fandom, "furriness" has always felt much more defined to me by attraction to anthro characters than by participation in the fandom. Omegaverse counts, as does most of this

and some of them are quite good

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It's like bronies (or poképhiles) and furries: yes, they technically count, but they are distinct communities for historical reasons, and trying to pretend they're the same leads to confusion and flaccid peepees.

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having a few distinct communities in the sphere is definitely in the best interest of everyone. different communities can develop their own distinct styles and neuroses, and then properly creative people can skim the best from all of them while casuals hop between them.

the more parallel subgroups in this area, the better. may a thousand furry-adjacent cultures bloom

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A field of three thousand flowers blooming instead of one tree diseased by beetles that produces every flower at once.

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to be fair, it's probably still three thousand diseased flowers, but you can't have everything

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With three thousand unique diseases.

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may a thousand unsettling stds bloom, I guess

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All white women are furries

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I jerked it to yiff for a while before actually considering myself a furry cuz I didn't see any other value in the whole thing. It was only after finding other things I liked in it that I decided I was one. So I guess I think you become a furry when you check a certain amount of boxes, though self-ID is kinda important too I guess

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