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  • collectijism : Literal furphobia directly above me

Weekly Furry Megathread #8: Black Mold Edition

Credit to @SparkBrave for the lovely image suggestion above, a metaphor for what /h/furry does to its hosts. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. As always, please suggest images for next week below.

We've got some great furry drama hot off the presses for you.

First, and most importantly, this underappreciated bit of drama dug up by @yall1024 is required reading. Are dreadlocks—er, sorry, wolflocks—on a mayo fursuit cultural appropriation? Should you banish someone from your community if they have them? Vital questions all around.

@Lycanroc provides a minor slice of drama in which a furry in his 30s mocks a 16-year-old brony for bad art. Can't say there's a winner in this interaction, except of course for us.

There were a few bits of drama that tangentially involve furries, from wordsposting from some furry movie review YouTuber, the successful scalping of a furry reddit poweruser, and some browser nerd stuff. Good form all around :marseythumbsup:

Also - don't miss this hot-off-the-presses nasty bit of drama from @Marshill about a group so awful even we at /h/furry disown them. The post is still fresh so I'll let you discover the details yourself.

Furries post their Ls on reddit here:


Well done, lads - another good week of drama.

In more local news, we got some brilliant chadcapy art from @AnFurryTwonk here.

I also want to make sure to highlight this Very Important cope Reminder from @fic8:

har har. I know it is very funny to call me a gay r-slur, but let's be nuanced for a moment.

You do not have to be a "furry" to jack off to furry art. Just as you do not need to be a "boobs guy" to jack off to boobs, or an "[a--] guy" to jack off to [a--], or a "feet guy" to jack off to feet. However you probably do have to be a "scat guy" to jerk off to scat. So obviously on there is a spectrum of fetishes which are normal to fetishes which are niche. But furry porn is literally just human anatomy portrayed in a furry style. It's not some sort of niche thing that only some people can jack off to

Do I jack off to furry art? not anymore. But in my younger years browsing 4chan and encyclopedia dramatica, I may have done so alongside all sorts of wierd [s---] I stumbled upon. The "furry" art-style isn't some sort of niche repulsive thing- I would say most people could jack off to it. I am simply a part of the silent majority which can appreciate it without being a sperg who goes on furry websites and owns a fursuit.

:marseyclapping: Speak your truth, King, but remember the Rules:

Not every furry faps to furry porn, but if you ever fapped to furry porn you're a furry. That's the rules.

Finally, have some nice art from this week:

![](https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/En0WOekjPVGWC0TTD0Phf5TtU-Z2jEACjiUhAlZQvjQ/https/pbs.twimg.com/media/FOOw5-yaAAIIvo0.png?width=788&height=683) ![](https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/uPMK-zuv1NG-Y205VcOE-KZd8uSUsEr4vCcVgc3A32A/https/pbs.twimg.com/media/FOJLiwyXEAEWrrP.jpg?width=483&height=683) ![](https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/sslp7qyYHP3xRkgCQs8RGixBleWrK3QK8r_Ev64nOt0/https/pbs.twimg.com/media/FH_eiDMagAA6DaR.jpg?width=462&height=684) ![](https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/TeavusEhabR2L_CeA4EUnpT0Yq1Cw-TTagBDZg0UtdQ/https/pbs.twimg.com/media/FKfOZydacAQTqhy.jpg?width=696&height=684) ![](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/948504275447869490/953771958720401418/E_KJLIdXsAAssx5.jpg?width=405&height=683)

![](https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/YR1YUzw5QGhIGrTJ8WdWkNc5Q0eC-R-Ul4--3IU_5gk/https/pbs.twimg.com/media/FN_B-H_aUAEGdIc.jpg?width=535&height=683) ![](https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/Lh6iLcRm1kNIBnWJXHh58GuqvRxT4WsTvaoZ0LpE_NY/https/pbs.twimg.com/media/FNXH4EtUcAMSycy.jpg?width=814&height=683) ![](https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/AVsITntjqzw-01qVvM8wtaZTtI1-JltnRfsRuWkAmOQ/https/pbs.twimg.com/media/FN2f-paVEAMgHQM.jpg?width=532&height=683) ![](https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/Z9_BW-rOA2UCzNHqeZoknSTGRFhH-8g5pRt5s66IlsI/https/pbs.twimg.com/media/FNvMZBBXEAQzyMX.jpg?width=344&height=683) ![](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/948504275447869490/952832200456405072/unknown.png?width=515&height=683) ![](https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/6RqIrABhrYMErkphl9fV4ejqjHwCL0X0qFsbxqyQt0c/https/pbs.twimg.com/media/FOTGe1uakAIPU4X.jpg?width=512&height=683)

![](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/948504275447869490/952441012507275284/unknown.png?width=1131&height=458) ![](https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/9JvWB77yW9jp8j0a4kOHWWSaRI1a_fl3msp2mwgGLzY/https/pbs.twimg.com/media/FOA6toBVIAMweJ2.jpg?width=884&height=683) ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/948504275447869490/955063505122390057/unknown.png)

and one (mediocre, but it's the thought that counts) piece of art for our resident /hmofa/ furchad @Marshill:


@SomeGayFurry @Noctis @AltAccountUmbreon @FurryNationalism @ThreeLetterAgent @furrybussyhunter @Lycanroc @furry @TracingWoodgrains @DudeBussyLmao @carpathianflorist @kn0thing @of_blood_and_salt @Publiq @DerekSavageCoolCuck @SparkBrave @Gandalf @CBT @Nipsu @Greu @Corvus @Pastel @Phoenixgoldfire @AnFurryTwonk

everyone get in here

As always, if you want to be added to or removed from the ping, let me know, and remember to join us at rdrama's most dramatic hole, /h/furry, where the fur and fun never stops :marseyfurry2: :marseyexcited: :marseycatgirl:


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