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This what the ACLU should be, supporting all civil liberties instead of just liberal liberty.

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Wrong chud. The ACLU should continue to solely focus on Trans liberties because they have the least amount of voices to support them. :soyreddit:

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Chase Strangio must be locked up in a closet somewhere. This doesn't sound like the modern day ACLU I know.


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Funny then that they deliberately show their bias in the first sentence

You’d be hard-pressed to find a more steadfast opponent of Trump and his policies than the ACLU,

Policies shouldn’t matter to the ACLU unless unconstitutional

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Trumps policies are violations of civil rights and 2 impeachments is enough to show that he frequently violates the constitution.

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You can have opinions yet still support yoir opponents rights.

The ACLU used to defend neo nazis right to protest.

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The ACLU defend the Charlottesville protestors right to use a public park. That was a big turning point for them so they decided to stop support the right to protest with some vague thing about how they use firerms at the event.

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