Another πŸ‘ abortion πŸ‘ org πŸ‘ btfos πŸ‘ biofoids

Naturally plenty of salt in the comments. Radlibs already moved past regular feminism in favor of trendier and more esoteric issues. This leaves only confused terfs behind, while an army of chuds looks on. Synthesis: trans men are allowed to get abortions, but women aren't.

:marseyhandmaid: :marseylaugh:

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Now the feminists know how the atheists felt during atheism+

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What is athiesm+?

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Atheism + all the things the funDIEs and their reLIEgion don't like. People tried to make atheism "intersectional" and it led to massive splits that arguably carried on to elevatorgate, donglegate, g*mergate and etc years later

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My militant atheist phase ended before it became a thing so my knowledge of it isn't great but basically people within the online atheist community went "Ya know, Atheism is fighting the same opposition as feminism so we should combine them" and fractured the whole community.

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Atheism + feminism sounds like the worst thing ever

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Elavator-gate broke the atheism/atheism+ movement. A guy asked out a woman if she wanted to come to his hotel room for coffee as they were heading back from an after convention meal/drink with a group. She said no and they both went to their rooms. Next morning the woman tells everyone how the guy is practically a male feminist for asking such a thing in an elevator where she had nowhere to run.

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Oh yea I remember that lmao.

What a shitshow!

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Literally all the big online atheist communities rebranded as intersectional feminist communities.

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Some stupidity about 10 or 15 years ago where a few youtube atheists got drunk enough on their own 'popularity' that they thought they should create some new cult of atheism shaped around feminism and general r-slurtardation, run it like an actual cult and got militant with anyone or anything that didn't accept the supremacy of their new movement, attempted to dominate all atheist discourse and to shut out anyone who felt that atheism is simply life without any god. Then edgy militant atheism had its day, the world moved on, and here we are.

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Neil deGrasse Tyson memes about smoking weed :marseybadass:

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American protestantism and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


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