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The Sardines are amongst us

Inside the SRD sneed post about the demise of TumblrinAction, I found evidence of an alarming and despicable phenomenon :#marseyohno::


>They'll come over, thinking they're in good company, but then they discover the homofascism isn't ironic


>Straggotcide when


>Darn I hope not a lot of them come over, already too many rightwing plebs there

Despite being 12% of the population, Sardines commit 56% of violent sneeds on Reddit. This is all a result of our disastrous immigration policies, the enemy are in the walls and as I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see the River Tiber foaming with much blood.

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Ha ha, our totes unironic hatred of srd is so amusing, right my fellow dramatard? Ha ha, can the srdine, am I right?

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