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Was part of the 10% Elon layoff yesterday. AMA : r/AMA :marseyelonmusk:



Elon is a great cult leader. Knew it from the start and accepted it. My opinion of him changed a few weeks ago when he said, we are cutting 10%. I get it, business is business but I know for a fact that certain people in the company should have been let go long ago. I know a few people who simply walk around the building all day and never do anything.

Opinion changed after getting fired :marseylaugh:

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Is been mopped lol, seems like it may have been fake :marseyjanny:

Top question in controversial: does tesla have a plan to recycle the batteries?


I actually don’t k le what technicyhappens with the batteries. I do know that any vehicle that is involved in an out of the norm accident is scrutinized. The corporation may not seem like they care but the people behind it do. All of that data is definitely examined. You can rest assured that most of the people at these companies genuinely care about the outcome and improvements to the tech.

Good info from a ten years engineering manager :marseynotes:

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