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Female white (racist) Uber driver savagely beaten and robbed by 7 Black Xweens.


Apparently it was because there were more passengers than seats but it obvious that yt foid driver is racist.

Coward Janny has locked the post. :marseybongojanny:

Some Redditors noticing things in the comments

Pick better clientele. The few horrendous months I did ride share I pulled away from so many shady looking people.

A lot of deleted comments with neat replies from wokies.

It would take one video of a white person hitting an uber driver to prove you wrong

So do you always carry this mindset everywhere you go and label blacks before they have a chance to display their character?

Reveddit link : https://www.reveddit.com/v/PublicFreakout/comments/vinb2y/female_uber_driver_savagely_beaten_for_kicking/


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Looks a bit asian oops it's mayo: https://www.gofundme.com/f/pay-medical-bills-attorney-car-repair?member=20129377&sharetype=teams+share-sheet

Thats disgusting, she did absolutely nothing to them and they just went wild. How is this not all over the news? All over the media?

oh sweaty... did you not learn about reparations in school? that's why we need CRT SMH

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Do better, she clearly said "BLYAT" when she was hit for the first time.

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Yeah she called her an Butthole too

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NATO disinformation. A Russian woman would never disrespect nubian queens. Africans are allies of the Russian Federation.

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Those are Afro American they all have evil mayo nato blood in them https://www.science.org/content/article/genetic-study-reveals-surprising-ancestry-many-americans

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Finally someone says what we're all thinking and points out that Slavs are more african than africans.

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that study supports the trans-racial struggle:

>But a person's self-identified ethnicityโ€”or the ethnicity her doctor assumes she isโ€”doesn't "necessarily correspond to [her] underlying genetics," Bryc says. In a mixed population like the United States, it's perfectly possible that a European American could carry the sickle cell variant that's more common in African-Americans. In order for personalized medicine to live up to its potential, she says, doctors need to "consider the person" and her or his ancestry in all its complexity, rather than just falling back on reductive census categories.

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Life fuel for mayos, they can officially call the self bipocs

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The American dream is having a tenuous connection to a ethnicity more or less completely foreign to you, from a place youโ€™ve never been, and making it your entire identity, and blaming personality flaws on your self-ascribed racial/ethnic identity.

While ignoring the place youโ€™ve lived your entire existence in, where all your important relationships are, because lol thatโ€™s boring

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Finno Uralic Russian orcs are Asian.

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Holy shit she still gave them the ride despite not having enough seats and they still beat her butt. Lmao.



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She told ยซะพะตะน ะฑะปัั‚ัŒ, ัะฒะพะปะพัˆัŒยป itโ€™s clearly bipoc on bipoc violence

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Not seeing this coming makes me think she's a bit r-slurred. Never imply a black person is doing something rude or unusual if you're going to be alone with them later.

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