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:marseyvelociraptor: Very Cool Dino Speculative Evolution :marseyvelociraptor:


Old + small project by artist Simon Roy where feathered dinos never died, but instead went on to be cool and epic.

This is partially an attempt to cure @Cdace 's featherphobia. Please take a moment out of your busy schedules to appreciate feathered dinosaur society! :marseyhearts:





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>art project

It never even began for feathercels smdh

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:marseycrying: I just wanted to impress you with cool dinos :marseygiveup:

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It’s very nice art I’m putting it on the fridge!

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It looks cool but not very plausible. who tf is tying all those knots with tiny bird claws?

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Because when a moderation team makes a decision to permit one of their own to break rules, troll the users, make the sub look bad, and above all, attract a very destructive brand of user from a very chaotic sub, it speaks to a moderation team that no longer cares about the sub or the wishes of the users in it. Look at all those /r/drama buttholes in this thread.

Everyone of these has been downvoted. Everyone has been filled with comments deriding them and asking for the mods to stop permitting this shit. They have ignored those. Likely brushing it off as "not a big deal".

What it really shows is they're letting their friend get off on his little hoppy of bringing attention to himself, not unlike a child, and they're definitely sitting in their groomercord laughing at the users bothered by it. Otherwise they'd do the reasonable thing and stop it.


Simon Roy:

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