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AGP enjoyers debate if it's normal to have euphoria boners while dress go spinny :marseymanysuchcases:


I know the AGP thing is a myth but I'm afraid that I just have a fetish and I'm not really trans. I don't know what to think.

What a mistery, i guess we'll never know :marseythinkorino::taythink::marseyfranklin::platythink:

Girl listen I get horny when I shave. Because it is so euphoric for me. Euphoria Boners are real and they don't take away from your validity.

totally not a fetish btw

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Then how about this: shut the FUK up

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If you can't handle a little constructive criticism, then maybe you should just shut the FUK up.

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If you can't handle @Lv79_Lich at my worst you don't deserve @Lv79_Lich at my best.

trans lives matter

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Too bad for you, because I can and I do.

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