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  • THOMAS : If youve ever downmarseyed youre not a true rdramneurodivergent
  • MERRYB0GA : This post stroked my ego so hard I just came all over my keyboard
  • chinchilla : 🐈̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚̚
  • Impassionata : lmao this is how you slamdunk the waffles
  • Horned_waifus_shill : Joan wayne gacy is a p-do

Dramatards mald when someone makes an edgy joke :soycry: :soycry: :soycry: :soycry: :soycry:


It was a joke ffs chill (-6)

A horrible joke (+19)


This is the most dramatic thread I've seen on here lol

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β€œI would rather look at child porn than threads I look at voluntarily several times a day” isn’t really a joke as much as it is a seemingly explicit desire to consume child pornography.


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It's obviously a joke because he's listing out the worst things he could possibly see to exaggerate about how much he hates trainposting.

Like I get people here be really touchy about p-do jokes and all but the actual joke there hinges on CP being an awful, awful thing to see. Like get off your fainting couch neighbor damb.

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I'm sure the person who wrote that isn't really a p-dophile but it's just a bad joke we all make bad jokes it okay in life to make mistakes it's ok it's a normal part of the human condition hey don't worry too much to do with picrew and I think πŸ’¬ is it good for him abt that like that and I have a different civil people that are just kinda like that and I don't know what to do you think about it but it is a social security card and the scars is that you have to live with the unbearable and they are often used by the landphobic police πŸš“ and I don't want to be honest with you can you get a whole month or so and then we have the best part about the USA invading Greenland is the best thing I ever had taiwanese to be honest I think it's good for them to be a real woman and they don't go to that kind of thing for the rest of the time it's not a thing to do with it because they are not the same thing with men and they have to live with other people they have to live there for a while and then they have them they are often they don't have it to the other ones you can get it then I'll have to do with the unbearable and the judicial system is basically like they have them and they don't go into the parts of them but the other ones they don't have it they would have to do the same thing they would have to live there and they don't have it to be a thing or two of them but the media is the best way we can do it for them to have them in the world and they are often used to perpetuate people are better than the DPP and they are often used to perpetuate people are better than the DPP.

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@grizzly what did you like about his comment?

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It's just a healthy staple kind of schizopost though I didn't read it all the way through.

Ps. It's kind of rude to expect me to perform the labor od writing stuff down while I'm phoneposting. You should have known

Pps. Why did you assume masculine pronouns here?

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hehe, <spoilertag> (pps) </spoilertag>

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I shouldn't have asked :marseysad:

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pls put paragraph breaks in πŸ˜–πŸ˜–

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Sorry oh so I get how this works I need to write 200 characters, that's only way I can write anything at all. Ñ́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́Ñ́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́Ñ́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́Ñ́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́Ñ́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́Ñ́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́

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bruh Pizza award only needs 280 chars

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What is pizza award?

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It's where u have to type 280 chars for all ur comments

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So when do I get it?

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You can buy it in the shop

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right now

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lol ily :marseyxoxo:

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You're immune to it if you're going to write that much shit in your posts.

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This is either a Markov Chain or a lower version of GPT. Screencap this

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Probably just predictive text

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So a markov chain yes

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Jesse what the frick are you talking about??

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I keep saying it over and over again that we're infested with plant life IQ agendaposters who you now apparently have to explain that making an exaggerated claim that pushes beyond absurdity is a common form of humor. Many on this site are so goddarn stupid I honestly have a hard time believing you have the mental bandwidth to involuntarily breathe.

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I keep saying it over and over again that we're infested with plant life IQ agendaposters who you now apparently have to explain that making an exaggerated claim that pushes beyond absurdity is a common form of humor. Many on this site are so goddarn stupid I honestly have a hard time believing you have the mental bandwidth to involuntarily breathe.

I literally grabbed a trans post that isn't drama, made a mockery of the average trans agendaposter in the title, and the low IQ agendaposters still upmarseyd it to the frontpage. Then, I made another post mocking them for upvoting that crappy post and got a ban award for it.

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Yeah but that post was actually funny. It was at 45% and there was sneed in the replies. You chose a poor example of a post with "no drama."

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Fr they're literally doing the same neurodivergent shit reddit does to jokes

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Carp is a gigatard part 13578443

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Why is your text blurry wtf. Also I like what you replaced it with.

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You guys are actually becoming the /r/thedonald version of ahs :npcmaga:

It's not a joke when it makes fun of me reeee :soyjakmaga:

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Boo fricking hoo BIPOC, reprehend me because I just said BIPOC, because it's obviously serious and i'm racist.

I'm also transphobic because i've made trains jokes, also report me to the fbi because i've fedposted recently. I am a threat to society.

Frick off, stop acting r-slurred. And before you try to virtue signal you should probably deal with the p-do-adjacent janny (joan wayne gayce or whatever that cute twinks name is)

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Gee golly gosh my girldick was tingling and that can mean only one thing - there's a raycist lurking on my fabulous gay website for glitter and glitter accessories.

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>he p-do-adjacent janny

There isn't only one, though I can't mention the other or else

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Why do you think @Joan_Wayne_Gacy is a p-do? Why are you too afraid to ping him when you accuse him? Why are you so obsessed with transgender folks?


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I have no doubt he's a fricking p-do, but i'm only accusing things we have proof of, which is that he's at the very least p-do-adjacent.

>Why are you too afraid to ping him when you accuse him?

Both I didnt know his tag exactly and I usually don't tag people. But surely you don't actually think I fear a janny lmao, you need to read the neurodivergent shitflinging in the modmail. But I can make a post calling him a child molester if you want.

>Why are you so obsessed with transgender folks?

I want to frick them, but @transgirltradwife keeps rejecting my advances.

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How does β€œgay man indifferent to California woman turning underage boys into girls” smack of pedophilia to you? Would it not stand to reason that a gay p-dophile would be upset by this, since it’s removing peepeees and adding tits? This is a remarkably silly angle. There’s also nothing sexual about HRT? Like it’s horrifying and mutilation and should be illegal under any circumstances, yeah, but the same goes for chopping someone’s arm off - every one of those descriptors applies to that. Would you call him a p-do if he didn’t care about some Reddit mod amputating kids’ arms?

Beyond that, I actually did a really super large post about Drewiepoodle on /r/Drama a few months before this site existed. Joan (as Pewkie) helped me revise it a few times to make it comply with Reddit’s restrictions on the sub. It eventually got gigajannied, but he did assist, he did allow it to happen, and he did pin a comment telling people not to report it.

This was all before Joan had any idea who I was. Joan also doesn’t even like me. So any accusations of cronyism are doubly silly.


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At this point I'm starting to worry about how seriously you take this shit.

Only people who have been r*ped as a child are this sensitive, and they all turn out to be child male feminists.

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is it acceptable to just say kill all chomos marseytrollgun all caps or no

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KILL ALL CHOMOS :marseytrollgun:

and now we wait

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KILL ALL CHOMOS :marseytrollgun: ALL CAPS

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Carp neurodivergent confirmed.

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It's a bad joke but it's a joke.


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would his other list item about wanting to watch dramatards shoot up a mall live be an explicit desire for random terrorism?

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If you don’t have an explicit desire for random terrorism why tf are you even here


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Precisely targeted terrorism is both more effective and morally superior, no matter for what cause

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When i fedpost its a permaban but when carp fedposts they make him king of the jannies

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The sperg was obviously exaggerating to make a point. Still incredibly r-slurred to say that, knowing the Dramafishes don't swim far from the schools of SRDines.

To his point, If the site jannies agree with him and want less trainposting, then perhaps they should also stop pushing :marseytrain: shit to the whole fricking site. You brought this upon yourselves.

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I don’t want less trainposting. I don’t want less anythingposting. What I want is for literally whos to stop bitching about people posting things they don’t like and begging us to be more like Reddit moderators to protect their sensibilities and keep certain topics relegated to le megathread or le meme monday or free friday or train tuesday.


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I know you don't want that, but what about the other jannies?

I personally give zero fricks about the trainposting, I just find it incredibly stale and boring when the r-slurred cute twinks bring up that shit up everywhere irrelevant. But who cares what I think anyway. I just want to Sylveonpost in peace.

And you should go look at my shitty drawing.

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They are mixed. And while I agree that too much trainposting, or drama-free and humorless trainposting would be a problem, I don’t think we’re there. At the time of Steven’s thread yesterday, there was one trainpost on the front page and it was legitimate drama with slapfights galore. That is not a problem. There were an abundance of trainposts today from @thathoeovethere and @intervention, but Hoe’s were normal drama and Intervention is gonna Intervention and she always posts a variety of stuff that she finds funny or outrageous, so it’s not the norm for either of them.

If we ever develop a quantifiable trainpost problem I’ll be the first to rage about it and piss the userbase off by addressing it, but I just don’t see one at the present time. What I take issue with is randos speaking authoritatively on objectively false bullshit and pretending problems that don’t exist are actually real and present.


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I agree, the vast majority of trainposts are dramatic or belong here in some form. I brought that up because I'm certain some other jannies agree with the sperg's point, and I hope they are aware the site itself kinda incentivizes trainposting, perhaps a little too much but what do I know?

I just think :marseytrain: shit being brought up in completely irrelevant threads/topic/holes is fricking boring. But that's just me, and I what think or want doesn't matter because all I truly want is to Sylveonpost in peace :marseyembrace:

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Make it so that if you complain about X type of posts but you don't link to 5+ examples you get banned, for some reason these complain posts never give examples and that's annoying

Also I do think there's some cringe train posting sometimes that isn't really dramatic, like the LOTR one or the trains talking about their euphoria boners, they're cringe but not really drama imo, so perhaps having a /h/traincringe or something to post shit like that might help with the complains

Regardless, I don't really care about train posting so whatever bruh :marseyshrug:

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Here's a guy calling raping a child an "upgrade", now stop clutching your pearls and clean it up

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been enough on random cords with scrotes n ever dang time they β€œjust jokin” they rly ain’t imo

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πŸ’― Foid moment πŸ˜‚

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groomercord groomers at close to the worst population of males you could possibly select

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lmaoo true true but they still males n they exist

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You're getting really fricking close to Reddit with their "/s" mate, be careful twink.

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i love black people /s

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In defense of scrots the "I'm joking but not really" works. Sometimes.

Really yall need to start being stricter with the kitty make a neighbor read a book first or something. Tell him ur butt got a manual

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A Mimic Ate 51 Coins!



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Mimicks hate me too but I know better than to b-word about it, that's how it happens more yaknow.

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I will not give in to such stochastic terrorism


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Same yo, oh shit wait we can't agree on something, oh frick, oh jeez.

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[something restated to be not funny and actually rather incriminating] isn't funny and actually rather incriminating

:marsoyhype: :marseycarpautismpat:

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As much as I hate BIPOCs joking about kids being diddled, rdrama has time and time again made jokes about Alex Jones and his deranged Sandy Hook conspiracy theories as well as Uvalde. P-do jokes are gross and so are jokes about kids being torn to shreds with bullets. Most of the time I don't even feel like opening threads about yet another reddit :marseytrain: janny talking about why kids :marseytrain2:ing out or why teaching 3 year olds about men buttfricking each other is good because it's just too depressing.

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right and all the other objectionable shit on here is completely serious lol

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Carp has never bothered to discern the difference between joking about horrible shit and actual supporting horrible shit. He doesn't need to since he has no morals and no qualms about either jokes or real evil.

His pearlclutching is an act, a facade to hide the cold shell of a man behind a parody of rightoid morality.

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LOL I didn't make this, this is in reference to the RDRama Tea Party who was attempting to overthrow Carp

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Oh yeah thanks lol, I made that one after I trolled /r/Christianity by posting Bible verses (my character would end all his messages with "alright, have a blessed day, peace" and cause the NotChristians of /r/Christianity to seethe lol)

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I also said I would rather see dramatards shoot up malls than trainposts.

It was an obvious exaggeration. R-slurred rightoids can't understand this because they already accuse everything they don't like of being pedophilia.

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Yikes, bro. Bad look.


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Beautiful Marsey sig! Look at that almost dead cat go!


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