Posting cute art.




TL;DR: Beastmen players get fukt again, 3 decades of suffering.

GW has just announced that a slew of models are getting nixed for AOS 4th ed. The three notable groups getting dropped is a wizard Stormcast thing (IDGAF about sigmarines, look it up yourself), savage orcs, and Beasts of Chaos. BoC getting dropped like this is particularly brutal, as this army has been the whipping boy for 30+ years both in fluff and in the rules. The writing has been on the wall for a while as despite 3rd edition being about the age of the beast, they got next to nothing.

Most are decrying the removal of several factions from the game as obviously scummy, but there are those who disagree. Using such arguments as "Guys, it's hard to write rules for an army so they had no choice" :marseyreading:, "GW didn't make any new models, there was nothing else they could do" :marseyshrug:, and "LMAO beastcucks go play The Old World" :marseylaugh:.

Needless to say, plenty of bickering in the warhammer subreddits. Some foolishly believe they can convince GW this is an r-slured move and are encouraging redditors to email GW about how disappointed they are. I encourage all BoC players to get started on rebasing. Should have done that already considering ToW and Fantasy (any edition) are better games. Probably shouldn't have even left square bases to begin with.

Notable threads:


They aren't getting removed.

Your models will still have rules for years.

You don't have to start over. Those models don't disappear or stop working.

The only thing to be disappointed about is that there's not going to be anything new for them in terms of Age of Sigmar.

They're doing the right thing by telling you now that they won't be fully supported after 2025

They aren't getting removed.

They literally are getting removed as a faction.

Your models will still have rules for years.

You mean year.

You don't have to start over. Those models don't disappear or stop working.

You do if BoC is your only or main faction.

The only thing to be disappointed about is that there's not going to be anything new for them in terms of Age of Sigmar.

No. This is disingenuous. New PDF rules tend to be watered down and not as exciting. The army is as good as dead for fourth unless you want to play a bare-bones faction that probably won't be any fun.

They're doing the right thing by telling you now that they won't be fully supported after 2025

They are only doing the right thing in the context that they are squatting the army anyway. They aren't doing the right thing by squatting the army in the first place.

Side note: if you're argument is "well they are still used in Old World blah blah blah" this is an AoS and that's not relevant to most of the player base here.

I lost 3/4 of my army, but if it make the game better I'm good with it. Stop crying.

They are going to have legends rules for the time being.

Friendly games can still have them .... I dont get the backlash , maybe its cause i have very few units ( that i dont even play ) affected

oh boo-fricking-hoo to all you Stormcast, you've still almost twice as many options in just Footlords alone. so what you get a well deserved culling of your overbloated roster, you got plenty of other shiny golden butt Einherjar lookalikes that no one can tell apart from each other anyway, it's nothing compared to the Beast Players losing their ENTIRE GODDARN CODEX!

Everyone is acting like those armies are forbidden from being played now. They are supported through legends, rules that are allowed everywhere but competitive tournaments. With the stats from a little while ago, that not even 10% of the playerbase attend any tournament through their hobby lifetime, let alone one that ban legends content this all seems like a crazy overreaction.

So if the community could just stop being babies about all this and put out actually interesting posts, I would really appreciate it.

Journey to Nowhere

w-what's gonna happen to the guy in that jar?



Americans' fear of the even the slightest hint of sexuality is so insane to me. The fact that the left is more off putting than the right to the point you want the opponent disqualified is just otherworldly to me.

>Americans are... LE BAD


I'm in the middle of what's likely to be an hour+ long game of Magic

I'm playing Jeskai control and my opponent decided on like turn 4 to salty rope me every single turn. I have no life and nothing going on so I'm returning the favor. We're on turn 9 and it's already been like a 20 minute game.

UPDATE: It didn't last as long as I was expecting :( My draws were too good I drew all 4 Lightning Helixes and a Zurgo and Ojutai and I burned them out on like turn 12 or 13.

FATAL & Friends review B:tP books. : WhiteWolfRPG

Black Templars vs SoB :marseyhmm: :marseyhmmm:



Once thought a meme, now an actual talking point for leftoids (I even seen one unironically post making a wheelchair dnd thing on heroesforge).

It's that thing once again, leftoids are trying to push a certain thing in a fantasy hobby that fits their political worldview of idealism that usually makes no sense and requires even more suspension of disbelief than roleplaying in a magic land with dragons and unicorns.

WHEEL :#marseyclapping2: CHAIR :#marseyclapping2: ACCESSIBLE :#marseyclapping2: DUNGEONS:#marseyclapping2:


Anyway there is plenty of "right wing extremist" dunking on the thread, so I picked some replies/subthreads from lefties since those are more interesting to read.

Reading all the comments here, there's so much vitriol for just wanting for disabled people to be treated equally.

They WILL pull their weight because they ARE heroes, simple as that.


Complete with PF card for said wheelchair

Some friendly fire:

Few more choice pearlclutching.

Last time I read a thread on this I think the "adventureres wheelchair" I saw was something that basically couldn't be broken unless there were two crits against it, which makes you wonder why not every wagon and vehicle was made with this cheap wheelchair technology. These people can't even design something with some risk because they're so afraid of losing so they need an invulnerable wheelchair.

And why even a wheelchair? Learn to levitate or something. If you're a wheelchaired martial character just go home :#marseyxd:

Yu-gi-oh cross duel red eyes girl upscaled


Reported by:
Guzzy and I in the ultimate battle of Bird and Beasts :marseyowl: :!marseykrampus:

@Guzzy vs @KangThaConquered

One of us got our shit kicked in, but i dont want to spoil the fun :marseyexcited:

Just know that Card Destruction and Darkworlds dont mesh well :marseyonacid:

Tell me if you need commentary

Kangs Yugioh Structure Deck VS :marseykangtheconqueror::vs::!marseymissing2:

creation of /h/freemagic gave me a new card g ame itch

last time i tried this it was a dud and i was made fun of by plsno WHO IS A MAN BTW

this time its simpler. no deck building, youll choose one of the structure decks and ill play a structure deck from the same year. they will be roughly equal in power.

List of structure decks ones made before 2018

we will play on dueling book

or YGO Omega


So I tried sword world with some friends (I was gming) and after a session we realized it sucked terribly. The combat is incredibly repetitive and I think its meant to be the sort of game where the party grinds in if that makes sense. Because of this, I've decided to merge sword world and an older edition of dnd and run it in a setting thats original with inspiration from both.

The premise for the game itself is that the party will be explorers employed by the last remaining human kingdom after some tradegy wiped out most of humanity. They're rebuilding and so are asking adventurers to go out and create a map of the land so they can build outward. I'm thinking that they'll probably encounter lost villages and civilizations of other races and monsters. They could then shape the outcome by attempting diplomacy or fighting those they find and it should be pretty fun.

Some of the things I'm thinking about mechanically including are that I'll probably replace cleric with a less militant priest class which may or may not be npc only depending on how their spellcasting works (it my just be praying for miracles), I'd like to make wizards use mana points and make mana a larger part of wizardry and I'll try to develop a system for spell creation so players will actually be researching new spells instead of just using spells from the book, sword world has a grappler class that I'll port, and I'll need to add a bunch of races that players can interact with and potentially play as once they are on good terms with the kingdom.

If anyone here has any good (r-slurred) ideas they think it would be funny for me to include please feel free to suggest them.

!ttrpg !enemiesofkhaoskid

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