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Man buys over a million cds, Vinyls, and cassettes from a failed company in an attempt to start the company over again. Abandons his family and buys and moves into a warehouse in another state in one of the most violent cities in America. Spends over half a million dollars to get cockblocked by the city for zoning violations and gets robbed over 30+ times. He sneeds about the city and it's inhabitants on twitter documenting his journey. He's also trying to build a fusion reactor and a science museum in the city

MY CASSETTES! :#!soycry:


Murfie was a startup company that focused on the digitization of physical media into digital media. People would send their CDs, Vinyls, and cassettes, which the company would store in their warehouse and rip the contents onto their own platform for people to stream. Murfie even allowed people to buy and sell with other users on their platform.

During sometime during early November, the company asked all of it's current customers to make sure they renewed their current subscription before November 17th. No more than 5 days later, the company sent out an email to it's customers saying that the compnay was ceasing all operations including the website. This abrupt shutdown shocked everyone, that even that former CEO had one idea what had happened .

The situation only continued to spiral out of control. Murfies ToS had a clause that promised its customers that they would return all of their physical media in the case the company shut down (For a small shipping fee of course :marseymerchant:), but with all of their services down, customers had no way of getting back their cassettes and cds. In total, there were close to a million CDs, cassestes, and Vinyls left somewhere in limbo. Unsurprisingly, people were soying out about this:

😢 Our first “startup” client was Murfie. We’re super proud of being part of their story, and our world is better off because of their music-ownership-focused journey.

They have my 100+ cd's and $1000+ dollars. nothing to be proud of if they leave people in a lurch.

At this point everyone had lost hope that they wouldn't get their stuff back. Until one determined man showed up.

John Fenley :#marseyautism:

John Fenley is an investor, landchad, family man and an autist for music. When he heard the news of Murfie going out of business he stepped up immediately and offered to buy the remaining digital collection.

It wasn't his first venture into this type of busines. Fenley had a similar business that to Murfie that he started years ago, but was unable to find investors for his company. But this a second chance for him, because he knew what he could do it right this time. This was his white whale.

Shortly after, Fenley sold about 150k dollars worth of stock he received from another company and purchased an abandoned warehouse in Pine Bluff, Arkansas.

Before we continue let's discuss Pine Bluff for those unfamiliar with it. The only aspect you really need to know about Pine Bluff is that it makes third world shitholes look like a paradise in comparison. Let us look at some statistics to truly understand it :marseychartscatter:

Homicide rate:

Pine Bluff had 29 homicides in 2021. Pine Bluff had 23 murders in 2020 - a rate of 56.5 murders per 100,000 people. The national average was 6.5 murders per 100,000 people in 2020

Poverty Rate:

The per capita income for the city was $17,334. About 24.3% of families and 30.6% of the population were below the poverty line, including 45.6% of those under age 18 and 13.7% of those age 65 or over.


A fairly dangerous city to say the least. But, Im guessing at the time Fenley didn't understand this and would come across many problems in his journey for his whale.

The journey :#marseypirate:

Fenley has been documenting his adventure on twitter. These tweets are mostly in chronological order, but these aren't all of his tweets. You can check out Fenleys twitter account to see his full journey, but im just going to show some of the highlights.

Right off the bat, Fenley has issues with the Pine bluff city hall fining him for building violations:

Was handed this today by PineBluff zoning. Apparently semi truck trailers, shipping containers, and tents aren't allowed anywhere in the city. Even in industrial and commercial zones. Is this real? Just shut down the whole town.

He eventually meets with the mayor to discuss his future prospects but that ends up going nowhere:

Was handed this at the end of my meeting with the Mayor of cityofpinebluff. It's basically an eviction order barring me from living on property I own. I told them I would not leave the #Murfie containers unguarded regardless of their threats. Meeting did not go well.

I should mention too, that Fenley is also trying to turn the warehouse into a science museum and that he's attempting to build a fusion reactor :marseymushroomcloud:

I was playing around with a GPU accelerated Penning Trap simulator we are building to help understand my fusion reactor and came up with a very weird idea based on what I was seeing when I start with a flat disc of particles.

Tragically for Fenley, the PineBluff goverment are a bunch of chuds that don't trust the science:

What kind of city government tries to prevent someone from opening a science museum?

Fenleys frustrations with the city government only continue to grow:

Pine Bluff just seems to want to tear everything down. All they know here is destruction. It's amazing to me that they act like this. Can you imaging any other city working so hard to bulldoze houses? They don't want anyone to fix things.

The downward spiral only continues for Fenley:

Had another break in at the warehouse yesterday. This time they were able to open all 4 containers. They stole the security system, 2 telescopes, 2 turbo molecular pumps and other high vacuum equipment tools, welders, RC toys, sculptures, etc. Murfie media seems mostly OK

He does offer a $3 bounty to whoever catches those robbers :marseybountyhunter:

Had over $20,000 worth of equipment stolen last Saturday. Putting a bounty on catching the crooks.

They never catch them lmao

I never could have imagined that I would have to lock up all my valuables, and carry a loaded pistol with me, to feel safe walking to the bathroom at night in my own home.

Fenley also starts sneeding at the police for being shit at their job:

I think we need to change the way the police in this town are paid. I say double the budget, but every time a crime happens, the police pay the victims to make them whole until they reach 75% of their current pay. Let's see how fast that stops crime.

Despair grows inside Fenley:

PineBluff is a cesspit. What do I do? I've put about half a million into trying to get started here, but I can't get anything done. I only have about $100k left to work with, and that's not going to buy much anywhere else. I will not put Murfie media in rented space again.

I should mention that Fenley is also married and has kids that live in another state. It appears that he's somewhat abandoned them in pursuit of his dream.

Surprise... I was robbed again in PineBluff today.

7 days later... :marseywait:

Robbed again! WTF! Pinebluff 2 guys in sniper gear and gloves came and robbed me again this morning. I've lost track of how many times I've been robbed. I'm seriously going crazy.

Several hours later.... :marseywait:

Twice in one day... called 911 immediately. I went out and had the guy on the ground at gunpoint. Police were on site in 6 minutes.

Would you believe I was robbed again?


Febley is also is his own security guard too. He'll often confront those on his property with a gun of couse:

Robbed again? Seriously?

Fenley called the cops on the guy in the above video, and the police actually arrested him! But the guy was quickly released from jail and came back to Fenleys warehouse:

And they let the guy go, and surprise, he came back again today.

PineBluff happening right now. Two thieves were scoping my place out with this U-Haul filled with thievery tools. I had them at gunpoint but they ran away.

Three kids seeing if they can steal stuff. Just another day in PineBluff.

The constant stress continues to pile on our neurodivergent Ishmael:

3 years ago today I read an article that changed my life. Murfie had shut down and all the media they stored was headed to the dump unless a miracle happened. I stepped in to try to save the situation, but being stuck in containers for 3 years isn't much better. I'm so sorry.

I should clarify that he's basically living at the warehouse fulltime to ensure that one is trying to rob it. At least one has ever tried taking his security cameras:

PineBluff this is why I hate this town.


Can anyone tell from the sound what kind of gun I just heard firing shots outside my warehouse?

Fenley has been here for 3 years at this point and still hasn't been murdered somehow

I nominate PineBluff for "Most Purge -like" town. Criminals here have learned that nobody will stop them, and they won't pay any consequences for their behavior.I actually wonder if the city is complicit in this. Lack of investigation and prosecution is tacit approval.


Good movie reference!

I was having a pretty heated argument with somebody last night over a truck that they stole from me, and I'm pretty sure they burned one of my houses down. #PineBluff

Hopefully 2023 brings better luck to our hero

Not 4 hours into the new year and I'm already injured while dealing with an intruder. 2023 is off to a great start!

Its never going to get better for him


So far that's Fenleys entire story. An interesting one to say the least. Hopefully he doesn't get murdered so we can get more updates on his pursuit of happiness. Fenley doesn't look like he's giving up on PineBluff yet, since he's bought over 75 properties in the city so far. I truly hope he does catch his white whale one day

Thanks for reading!


EFFORTPOST [Effort Post] Cameroonian commits a heckin hatecrime in the White House

>go to to write an effort post

>find out I've been forcibly logged out

>forgot my password, guess it's time to make an alt

@Aevann @carpathianflorist @jannies please do the needful and pin this effort


I ran across this gentlemen sometime ago and have been meaning to cover him in some detail because he's a drama mine by the name of Simon Ateba. This all came up when he picked a fight with the utterly perfect and immune to criticism current and all time champion White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Piere.


White House correspondent Simon Ateba has accused Biden's press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre of "discriminating" against him after she left a briefing room without answering his question. Ateba, a Cameroonian journ*list who runs the online news outlet Today News Africa, has repeatedly clashed with former White House press secretary Jen Psaki and Jean-Pierre in the past two years, accusing them of ignoring reporters in the back of the briefing room.

I respect a man who doesn't want to be put in the back of the bus. :#marseykingcrown:

Ateba, who has long complained about the press secretary ignoring reporters at the back, is known to be one of the loudest journ*lists in the briefing room. In May, Psaki asked him to stop interrupting after he shouted questions at her during her final briefing. "Why don't you take questions from across the room? Because that's not what you've done for the past 15 months," Ateba asked, talking over another reporter, before Psaki told him: "Simon, if you can respect your colleagues and other media and reporters in here, that would be greatly appreciated."

>:!marseydynamite: TAKE MY QUESTIONS

>:marseypearlclutch: PLEASE BE POLITE

The increasingly tense situation between the journ*list and Biden's press secretary escalated on Thursday. Jean-Pierre walked out of the White House briefing room in visible frustration as Ateba continued talking over her, asking questions about next week's U.S.-Africa summit, as she was attempting to reply to him. "I literally just tried to answer your question, and you shut me down," Jean-Pierre said, before deciding to end the press briefing prematurely and leave the room.

>:!marseydynamite: ANSWER MY QUESTIONS

>:momblackjak:: I LITERALLY JUST DID

>:!marseydynamite: ANSWER MY QUESTIONS

>:momblackjak:: flees

On Friday, Ateba made an appearance on Fox News's show Tucker Carlson Tonight, telling the TV host that it has been a "nightmare" to cover the White House while Jean-Pierre is press secretary.

That settles it, he's officially a rightoid now. Surrender the 500 marseybuxx @jannies

"It's been a disaster, a total catastrophe, a real nightmare covering the Biden White House. Right now, I'm the voice of Africa in the U.S.—but I can confirm that the level of discrimination against me and against African journ*lists in the White House is astounding, it's disgraceful," Ateba toldlson, adding that he didn't "have questions at the White House" for three months now. "Even as President Biden is about to receive 50 African heads of state in D.C. for the U.S.-African summit, she didn't give us even a single question. I've been trying for the past three months."


The journ*list went on to accuse Jean-Pierre of discriminating against him for his accent. "I sound different. I wasn't born here. I was born in Cameroon. I speak French. I speak different languages. I don't have the American accent. I've tried. I've failed and I've decided I'll stick with my accent," Ateba told Carlson. "I'm an immigrant, and she doesn't like that," he added.

This might be a good time to say the pot is calling the kettle black, but I don't know if my DEI chairperson would condone it.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Newsweek.

Whitehouse being :#marseyracist: again smhtbh*list-accuses-press-secretary-jean-pierre-of-discrimination/ar-AA157MBN

But that's just the boring news article. Time for the drama, Simon Ateba is a drama king and with the limits reduced on twitter his WALL OF TEXT can crit you for 9999 damage. :#marseyfighter:

I would like to welcome my new 50 thousand Twitter followers who have joined me in the past one day as attacks continue to come my way. With nearly 200 thousand followers, I can keep getting the facts and the truth out! I need 1 million followers first, not to get attention, but because I have something important to share and the word has to get out. You know, true journ*lism is compassionate. It does not connive with the powerful to oppress and manipulate the poor, it afflicts the comfortable and comfort the afflicted, it looks at the little guy in the room with no voice, the little school with no water, the people with no lawyers, no consultants or public relations firms to defend them. Often journ*lists become part of the elite. They wear nice suits, drive nice cars, fly nice planes and have no idea what the people are going through. In the briefing room, they measure people based on how much money their outlet has, how many readers came in yesterday, they look down on those who are not on their so-called level, and they become entitled and the real people turn their backs on them. When they tweet, no one respond, because the people see the arrogance, the entitlement, the lack of empathy and compassion.

That's what I am telling them in the @whitehouse briefing room. Don't fly to Africa when you disrespect and sideline the African in the room.

You in the wrong neighborhood @whitehouse :#marseyfrickyou:

Open your eyes and minds, I'm right here with you, not miles away, and even though my questions may be uncomfortable, that's simply me doing my job and that's what the American people want and that's what the First Amendment protects. That's why this is the United States, the most advanced country in the world where you can ask questions without fear of retaliation!

With a based black man throwing down with the literally Perfect and immune from criticism White House Press Secretary, the rightoids have begun to circle the wagons and praise him endlessly because we all know you can't cancel a black man.

For the resident rightoids who care about Tucker Carlson here's the clip he was featured in:

Attacked by pirates on the Gulf of Guinea with an AK47 to my head, kidnapped in Nigeria, dumped in the woods & left for dead, arrested in Cameroon during investigation & kept in dark cell

Turns out there are still based journos still out in the world

only to be sidelined at the White House.

Queen shit :#marseycard:

Since then Simon Ateba has been using his massive surge in twitter followers to shit talk the white house and other journscum. It's nice to see someone besides Glenpai bussyblasting other Journs. Here's one of my favorites:

This guy @justinbaragona from @thedailybeast is a disgrace to journ*lism. He's been writing nonsense about me for sometime now. When he tweets, 5 people comment because he does not know what he's doing.


Checked and wrecked :#marseyxd:

I wonder if this guy has had a gun pointed to his head by pirates as I have, or been kidnapped, dumped in the woods and left for dead but survived, or even been arrested and kept in a dark cell while doing an investigative report. Can this guy remain a journ*list if he's not paid for one year? How much do you know about real journ*lism? Can you be hungry and thirsty and still do the work? Keep writing nonsense about me. Years from now, you will be ashamed of yourself. Anyway, all the little things that you write about me, doing propaganda for the government, the press secretary and the WHCA don't mean anything to me. May God forgive you.

He then finishes with this flattering photo of the Journ*

He does a little bit of trolling every now and then too:

Folks, you were not friendly to the First Lady @DrBiden . Most of the over 4,000 people who commented on my previous tweet below did not wish her a happy birthday yesterday.


(This is a parody, this is a satire): @JoeBiden blames @realDonaldTrump and 'racist sandbag' for falling on stage in Colorado.


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Some of these posts might be bait of course :marseybaitretard: since obviously some of us dramanauts are still unbanned on Reddit and running around in the old sub.

But I don't know some of these seem pretty real. Let's go see what the normie squatters have done with our former neurodivergent goonboy mansion :marseyneat:

My father has MANY kids with multiple women (which is rich coming from a man that calls women whres and slts). He never married and none of his children has his last name. He's just realizing this and is begging all of us to change our last name to his so we can “pass down” HIS last name. First off, I'm a woman who might get married one day and take my husband's name so that wouldn't even make sense to go through all this trouble and money to change it just to change it to a new last name especially as an adult. Second, he never raised me. Why would I change MY last name just so he can have his name passed down? Apparently the sons didn't want to do it either. Who can blame them. He should have thought about it before getting multiple women pregnant and leaving them without even child support…

… I really just don't understand what's wrong with him. I'm just tired of it.

Choice replies:

tell him to show some bussy and be gone

What's your Dads contact info?

I've been needing my bussy bred for awhile now. He seems like the perfect candidate.

Ok not gonna lie that "my parents should have raised me better" was chefs kiss perfect! I admire you for your quick wit and humor

But we also have,

tell him to suck ur peepee. my mom is the same way, left for 7 years, comes back and assumes all is well. people shouldnt have access to semen.

By /u/ewsalemm who's been primarily posting in /r/cd_collectors, /r/teenagers, and /r/drugs. A real reply? In our subreddit? :marseyshook:

OP of the post /u/starrblacc is posting in /r/trueoffmychest and /r/askreddit and frequently mentions not having parents and growing up as a poor @Sphereserf3232 relative :marseycherokee:

My gpa dying in a four wheeler accident and my mom and gma ODing

My mom OD'd a year ago and I had a dream that she was alive and I didn't realize I was dreaming and that I thought that I somehow went back in time so I warned her not to take any meds bc she will die.

When I was in foster care, the woman made a 13 year old foster kid cook for us.

Mine is a cultural thing (Native American). I was raised by my grandparents and they were strict about my hair. I wasn't allowed to cut it. Only trim. When my mom cut it, it caused a fight between my mom and gma. To this day I have it long to my tailbone and only trim it. I started putting it up in a satin cap and scarf bc it gets in the way. Hair is our pride.

Are real people using our subreddit to post about their silly Reddit lives? :marseypearlclutch: OUR SUBREDDIT?!

Let's go through a few more of these and look at the OP accounts that at least might be real

So this one had a write up already but I didn't realize it came from our sub :marseyfortykeks:

I thought that was the joke for revitalizing the sub. I had to check a few profiles to see that it is not a joke. I'm guessing zoomers are looking up "drama" and reddit and finding this sub somehow.

If only they sorted by top, all time and see what it really was,

Zoomers don't know their history :marseyzoomer:

I would file a complaint with the police department because this is not something they should have gotten involved in. Just keep posting everything they do on social media. Let them destroy themselves

Girl just hire a personal injury attorney and sue them for damages, and harassment/intimidation by engaging actual law enforcement to become The Hair Police to intimidate you into removing your posts.

I read through both posts. I've never gotten hair extensions and really don't know anything about them - but holy heck, even I can tell it shouldn't look like that!

Why did they call the cops on you, though? I'm very confused about why they are wasting police resources on a civil dispute. Is there something more to it that I missed?

If these are normal comments then how do these normies find our sub anyway? Is it just because we have such a classic name?

/u/Hot_Door7211 has been posting about this for awhile too. Dramatards don't usually (:marseypenny:) have that kind of patience for larping

Okay so I'll start from the beginning I'm female (18), My best friend at the time let's just call her Nicole (17) at that time I recently had a break up so I decided tinder would be a good try and soon found a male 22 let's call him Cam.He would often come get me to go back to his house a sneaky link type of thing…

… I completely cut off communication blocked Nicole on everything.Then a few months later I'm with my boyfriend and Nicole decided she wants to get her friends I don't even know to call me and text me.Saying things such as calling me a hoe,fat,r-slurred saying when she see me she will beat my butt.Keep in mind in 3 months I'll be 19 and she will be a minor still.Nicole says if I do fight her she won't press charges but I know that's a lie.So how am I the butthole in this situation.

This one seems foid coded and the youngins are about that r-slurred :marseyhmm: The account has only made this post

So. I am thirteen. A female who generally enjoys kpop and music. My sister (let's call her Yuna) is going on twenty-three who also typically enjoys kpop and others. Im pretty sure she has selective speaking. She's a highschool dropout. She has diabetes and she'd been diagnosed with autism recently and i know i cant hate her for it—but it is infuriating. (P.S, we are an Asian-American household)…

… In summary, my sister is living carelessly, worklessly, rent free in my parents' house with the chore of doing nothing but eating the house out of food, stealing everyone's sh!t, not sharing anything with my elderly grandma, and only going out with me and my family for food. Only labor she's doing is taking out the weekly trash. She gets the biggest room in the house, too—WITH a walk-in closet.

Please give me some advice 😭🙏 (Yes, i used a kpop idol's name to replace my sisters even though i absolutely LOVE itzy Yuna.)

Some of us are calling bait

Changbin's, hyunjin's, felix's, and seungmin's are the most adorable to me. Jeongin's has an earthy(?) vibe for whatever reason or whatever that even means. Chan legitimately surrendered and i absolutely RESPECT. Jisung fits so cutely it's actually nauseating. Maybe im biased. idk. But something about (hana)_doolsetnet IS SO CUTEEE. lino's is actually pretty random idk where he got that from 💀

literally all of the freeze and fight or escape album. PLUS NO RULES AND GBGB

P1H NEVER disappoints in live singing.

But this seems to be a real K-pop brain :marseybrain:

Hi guys, don't know where to talk about this. But I work with my family members at this third party trading company. I've been working here for 2 years , and since day 1 I've been very suspicious about my uncle. He's always going to this particular secretary in my office. She's like 34 and he's already 50. Worst part is that he's the boss of my building where I work at. If I'm not mistaken, it is against company policy to most companies for management to have something with a regular employee especially if you work under them. Everyday he visits her desk about 7-8 times during the entire 10 hour shift. He brings her food, always gives her snacks. For some reason they always tend to bump into each other at the break room or the hallways. It would be very coincidental. There would be times that I would be in the break room when she's there. He would randomly come in and always chit chats with her. When my other manager is absent and not in her office room , they tend to hide there but obviously leave the door open. My uncle has 3 kids, owns his home and has a great wife. This woman has been divorced and is known in my job for pretty much screwing everyone. Everytime I pass by them, she's always caressing his chest , back or arm. I had reported all this to my boss but she keeps saying that she knows my uncle , that she knows my uncle loves his wife deeply. I said yeah sure deep enough that he's constantly wanting to touch another woman's hand right in front of a person who has close ties with the family. The girl basically does nothing at the office, it's mostly me and 3 other girls doing her Job. The secretary ends up getting a promotion as supervisor. My uncle and my boss are basically the decision makers . So I had told my boss if this continues I will report this to HR and directly to his wife. I also said I am also convinced that her promotion was rigged because of a certain influence. I need advice on what to do. Though I had this talk with my boss, they continue doing the same thing.

OP /u/DeliriousMofo has also been commenting "hmu" a lot on /r/bigboobsgw :coomerface:

my boyfriend of 6 months (25m) and i (19f) caught him cheating if thats what you would call it im not sure but he was streaming on twitch a couple of nights ago with one of his girl friends playing league of legends and he got a message from our dealer and called me to see if i would be interested etc etc when we ended the phone call i said i love you and he said yeah love ya and the call ended i went and joined his stream and heard the girl say “aw thats cute” he said its not like that and hes just a people pleaser and she agreed that she was the same she liled to help each other out ive got video proof of it because i had a friend screen record it and send it to me that was in the chat aswell i messaged him asking what he meant by that and he said “ugh nothing goodnight” today i went to go see him and confront him about it and told him i have the proof and he said no i thought she said druggie when she actually laughed about him saying its not like that thats why he apparently said im just a people pleaser… i dont know if you would classify this as cheating but all my friends agreed with me and said he was 100% flirting any advice on what i should do to not feel sad about this or what this is?

OP /u/Far-Cat7261 has posted this same thing in /r/help, /r/helpme, /r/helpmecope, and /r/cheatersconfronted

Choice comment,

This makes no fricking sense. You should upper decker him anyway just to be safe tho

Be patient with me here, I sure lack a talent in storytelling. This happened about 4 years ago and now that my mom is no longer at her current job I feel I can post about this incident. To give you some of a background, I live in a somewhat small town. My family has lived here for years. It is one of those towns where growing up I had to be on my best behavior because everyone knows everyone. One time I was picked up by some friends who were egging before picking me up and by the time I got home my mom had already had 3 phone calls from people telling on me that I was in the car that was egging. Everyone knows everyone and everyone is related to everyone. My grandma was very involved in the community and everyone calls her grandma. My mom is also very involved in the community and I swear she knows everyone. She also was on the school board and President at the time of the event that I am about to share…

… Talk about small town drama. This mayor is still the current mayor. Constantly, we see her breaking rules and she continues to create conflicts of interest for herself. Were we the buttholes in this situation? Should we just forget it and move on? Do we have the right to be mad still?

OP /u/lsha052513 has posted this same story in /r/smalltownstories, /r/AITAH, and /r/entitledpeople. Has otherwise been a Redditor for eight years and posts a lot in /r/LittlePeopleBigWorld

Choice comment,

Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.

I'm currently involved in a musical production, and we've been facing some backstage drama that's been causing tensions among the cast and crew. It all started with a simple comment that got twisted into rumors and escalated into unnecessary conflict. I believe that clear communication and strategies for conflict resolution are crucial in preventing such situations.

I'm reaching out to you all for advice and tips: Have you been in a similar situation in a musical or theatrical production? How did you and your team handle backstage drama effectively? Do you have any strategies or best practices to share that can help reduce conflicts and promote a positive environment backstage?

I'm looking for insights, personal experiences, or any advice you may have on fostering a harmonious and drama-free environment behind the scenes of a production.

Your input and suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts and helping our musical production run smoothly and harmoniously.

OP /u/JediWilliam has been a Redditor for four years and posts in /r/neurodivergentadults.

Choice comment thread,

OP: Just to clarify, when you use the word orgy, are you being humorous or does it mean something else that what I think it does?

Just an FYI you are in the wrong sub for this kind of advice/ question

OP: What's sub should I be in?

You're in the right place for orgy content. Bussy, am I right?

My best friend recently broke up with his 5-month girlfriend (let's call her X) cause he found out she was cheating. Recently his ex's best friend contacted him accusing him of cheating on X from the beginning and she claimed that her best friend never cheated on him. Looking at this I got pissed and told him to block her cause what's over is over and there is no use in flipping the pages. He refused and told me that he wanted to prove his innocence and also wanted to prove her disloyalty...

... He called me an AH and stopped talking to me.


OP deleted the account. Choice comments,

AITA Posting on the drama's so over.

We were still reeling from the shock of colonization a month ago

nta hes not entitled to that information and honestly sounds like obsessive behavior

Normal comment? :marseyclueless:

INFO - Does your best friend have a breedable boykitty?

OP chose to respond to this one :marseythonk:

I am a freshman in college, trying to figure out my roommate situation. I will use fake names to keep it confidential. I have a verbal agreement to room with Bob and Joe. After we made the verbal agreement, Joe started to act differently, especially after he got his girlfriend Mary. Bob and I have decided that rooming with Joe is going to cause a big headache throughout the year, because Joe and Mary have problems all the time. The plot thickens due to my girlfriend being Mary's roommate next year, so I feel like I will screw everything up if I tell Joe that I don't wanna room with him anymore. What should I do? Joe also has bad hygiene. It would be fine if Joe had his own room, but we do not want to get screwed over in a triple room, because Joe has Mary sleep over ALL THE TIME.

OP /u/drewevansss has been a Redditor for four years and posted this same story in /advice and /college. Otherwise posts in /r/askreddit and /r/oldschoolcool.

Choice comments,

They fear your powers - that's why Joe “smells”; he is giving out anxiety/stress pheromones.

Just play it cool for now and write every interaction and observation in a notebook. Add runes for extra effect. Give it to them after you all graduate.

They will read the words and fondly remember the good times — or they may launch an attack.

In the event of the latter, you are free to use your powers wisely. Just make sure that Mary stays besties with your girlfriend to avoid this.

Alternatively, get some febreeze and spritz it on Joe.

To which OP replies,

Should I tell Joe that Bob and I don't wanna room with you anymore? :clueless:

Going back it seems like the sub was partially reborn a month back when text posts started showing up again. Initially we were the ones making posts again like with Lapp's Taco Bell Insider Information and a Lawlz post but it also didn't take long at all for what might have been the first normal post to appear.

So there's a dude at work who I would run into every now and then and we'd always say “what's up” and give a fist bump. We also go to the same gym and we'd happen to see each other there as well. As of several months ago he started dating a girl who works with us and ever since he started dating her, he seems to have gotten colder and saltier towards me. Almost as if he thinks I'm after his girl or something. I had the same scenario happen with one of my friends but we settled it and I made it clear I wasn't trying to steal his girlfriend (they broke up a few months later lol). Now whenever we cross paths or run into each other, all I get is a mean mug and a stare. Like, why are people so insecure? Is it something to do with me? I hate when this happens but it seems to happen every so often.

OP /u/Visible_Ad_2990 has been a Redditor for three years and posts in places like /r/veteransaffairs, /r/invisalign, and /r/phenotypes. Did this man start rDrama's second life as a normie sub? Otherwise it might have been this post but it's a little r-slurred

Choice comment,

Dating a foid made him realize he actually likes bussy, and he is only mean to you cause he has a crush on you.

OP responded to the normal seeming comment

Do you have contact with either of these significant others? Maybe friendly interactions were misinterpreted as desire and ticked off the boyfriends?


are you good looking? Maybe they are insecure with having you around if their girlfriend mentioned you being handsome.

OP: I haven't said a word to his girl minus work-related small talk that lasted no longer than 5 minutes.

That could be it. Some guys get weird and territorial even if their relationship is completely unthreatened if someone is around they deem a threat.

OP: Makes sense. Makes it even worse when it's in the workplace.

Anyway maybe I've fallen entirely for bait and/or maybe I'm a little :marseyslowpoke: here but I just wanted to do a thread for anyone who wasn't aware our once thriving Minoan subreddit has been taken over by disgusting Grecian normies. :marseymedusa: They're like pioneer species arriving at a newly born volcanic island, or in this case more like hardy roaches returning to the site of a nuclear test :marseynukegoggles:

It'd be funny if the subreddit took off again as a normie drama sub only for the admiggers to see the uptick in traffic and reflexively hit the ban button :marseyban:

EFFORTPOST :marseymayo:+:marseykamikaze::Barbenheimer is "problematic". :marseyblack:s claim "racism" (race war inbound?? :marseyhappening:)


Recently, Barbie, Oppenheimer (and Pikmin 4:marseyletsfuckinggo2:) released on the same day.

It turned into a big meme where people would say "Wow, Oppenheimer and Barbie are really thematically different, but I want to see BOTH of them. Isn't that wacky?" (I saw both and they were both great, would recommend :marseyyes:)

It was the Twitter equivalent of when Animal Crossing and Doom Eternal released on the same day :marseysnoo::

This meme carried on for a while until just last night, when Japanese users decided they had ENOUGH of Americans mocking their tragedy :shadowrage: and retaliated

Team 1: Japan :marseyjapanese: (and their white allies :handshake:)

To start, the Official American Barbie movie account responded to a Barbenheimer meme:

:marseyfrozenchosen:: It's going to be a summer to remember😘💕

Japan got really mad at that, and demanded an apology. The Official Japanese Barbie Movie responded and I can't read Japanese but from the quote tweets I think it was something like this:

:marseyflagjapan:: Hey so Barbenheimer isn't Official and it was like super lame :marseynerd: for the American branch to talk about Oppenheimer like he killed people :flamethrower: and we demand an apology :marseybegging:

Japanese twitter users added some whiny community notes to Barbie US's tweet too:

:marsoyhype:: At 8:15 a.m. on August 6, 1945 (Showa 20), an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima for the first time in human history. The particular nature of the damage caused by the atomic bombs is that mass destruction and mass murder occurred instantaneously and indiscriminately.


They started the hashtag "#NoBarbenheimer" to show their distaste for the meme and you can find a lot of funny seethe. Here's some highlights:

:soyjaktantrumfast:: #Barbenheimer What do you Americans who use this tag to make jokes about the atomic bomb feel when they see this image? What you guys are doing is exactly the same as this. shame on you. #Barbie #NoBarbenheimer

They post this image to go along with the caption:

>Wants to retaliate against Americans

>Accidentally makes extremely funny image that Americans will laugh at :marseyxd::bowserlaughing:

This continues with several Japanese people making Barbie 9/11 edits:

:marseyrage:: #Barbenheimer #NoBarbenheimer How do you think? This is what you guys are doing. あなたたちがやっているのはこういうことです


:marseyclueless:: Hey American, how do you feel?


:marioclapping:: It's Barbenheimer time!

:midbusangry:: Can you do the same for Auschwitz victims or 911 survivor? #NoBarbenheimer

And here's one of Barbie commiting a school shooting or something idrk :marseyshrug:

They started long posting in the quote tweets of the American Barbie account too:

:marseylongpost:: The majority of Japanese are disgusted and angry against #Barbenheimer that is joking about the atomic bombs that killed 200,000 people at least.… Personally, I don't care and it's just another freedom of expression. People criticizing it also are. However, if they can't do the same in the Holocaust or 911, it is a double standard for sure. And if somebody did those, I assume that they would immediately cancel the one who did that. Political correctness or diversity or whatsoever they claim is that level of hypocrisy. FYI, the Japanese Barbie account officially announced that #Barbenheimer is not official and claims that the response to the movement by the USA headquarters is lacking consideration and is extremely regrettable. They are apologizing to people who felt uncomfortable and are demanding the USA headquarters to appropriate response.

In typical white lady fashion, once they found out that even one person was made uncomfy by something, all jokes about it must cease :marseypleading2: probably because they love the chance to be morally righteous :marseyshrug:

The Japanese really got their breakthrough into American Twitter with this tweet:

:marseyprojection:: Scene from Barefoot Gen (1983) where it shows the effects of the Nuclear Bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima on 1945.

It's from an animal :marseycatgirl: showing the effects of the bombing and its at over 110k likes on Twitter :luigidizzy: and people decided that maybe bombs are not all fun and games

Team 2: African Americans :marseysaluteusa::marseyblack:

Before we can get started, you need to know about LegoMe_TheOG a 14 year old black kid who's really good at Lego animations and even animated the Lego section of Across the Spiderverse (great movie BTW :taythumbsup:) he has been Twitter's star for a bit because his work is really impressive and he is also 14.

He jumped in on the Barbenheimer trend and even made an animation about it :marseymindblown: (very impressive stuff I think).

Terminal Reposter DiscussingFilm uploads LegoMe_TheOG's Barbenheimer render to his account (LegoMe_TheOG only got 35k likes and DF got near 90k :shadowrage:)

The post did great for 7 days until Japan unleashed their attack yesterday:

:marseybeanangry:: #NoBarbenheimer

There were more mad posts but Twitter sorts stuff weird and I don't feel like digging :donkeykongshrug:

Black Twitter caught wind that their golden child was under attack, and as far as they knew, Japan only started hating the meme when he posted :mariothinking: very suspicious...

:chadblack2:: yall rn for some reason

:tayhairflip:: The reason is anti-blackness. Next


:marseybackstab:: Crazy how once a 14 year old kid participates in the meme, SUDDENLY it's insensitive and inappropriate Y'all are snakes, every last one of you


:marseywrongthonk:: as soon as the black child prodigy hops on a meme yall suddenly get off barbenheimers meat and dont fricking argue about them "not knowing the wrath of the bomb" because you clearly havent even watched oppenheimer which delivers that fricking message in a powerful way


:thinking:: Why is it that everyone and their mothers' has a problem with Barbenheimer once a talented black animator takes part in the meme?

There's a lot of copers :marseycope: in the replies like

nooooo it's not racism we all just turned on the meme when the black kid did it coincidentally :marseycrying:


That was my post I hope you liked it :marseyloveyou:

Who do you side with in the war? Which Barbie 9/11 edit was your favorite? Talk in the comments below! :taythumbsup:

(Heh, and if you didn't like my post... you better watch your back :shadowrage:...)


The @schizo made a post about this 2 months ago

:gigachad2: pays :ethot: for 3 months, then charges back the money. OF complies, given that no actual service was provided.

The foid featured in that post will make another appearance below.

And the @carpathianflorist touched upon this in a thot CashApp post 11 months ago

Digital hooker loses like $50, actual hookers discuss the finer points of tax law, fraud, and more

This has been an issue in the industry for a long time, but I noticed there's been quite a few more posts about this in just the last few weeks. OnlyThots are talking about rising up and switching to Fansly because they say they have better protection against chargebacks.

I recommend clicking over to some of these posts and then randomly clicking accounts to get eyes on these ladies. It's generally quite bleak.

Yesterday: :#marseylaugh:

Unfathomable coomer W.

I can’t believe this is even allowed without any questions asked. It’s far too easy for them to do this! I’m so sorry 😢

unfortunately, this is OF’s reality for us 🥺

So true. I’m very new on OF and it’s got me super nervous.

Everytime I see this, it pisses me off beyond believe 🤬 I can’t believe OF let the happen all the time. How are you supposed to even trust a single sub to do customs or whatever for him, when in the back of your mind you know this can happen?? I always cash out as soon as I’m able to, and the day my first chargeback hits me, I’m done with that fricking site 😤

3 days ago

14 days ago

In the comments of that one is the thot featured in schizos post 2 months ago /u/Britcolombia

I had chargebacks from a sub who quite clearly kept purchasing. So no dispute over the quality of my content. My first feeling was of abuse. What onlyfans need to remember is we are selling a service that involves our bodies. We aren’t selling furniture! I contacted onlyfans and they said sorry for the inconvenience caused! I lost a lot of money but also I felt violated. When people enter into a sexual situation and an agreement is made that is consensual, when one person breaks that agreement it is sexual abuse. No two ways about it! I’m willing to stand with you on this. ❤️


And one more from last month

Luke... :#marseykneel:

Who will make a sigma coomer edit?

I'm relatively new to OnlyFans, and I had a scammer tip around $200. I was just starting out and knew nothing about chargebacks. It was my first post, and at first, I felt proud. I'm super shy and am learning to love all of my curves. When I saw that I was in the negative one day, I was shocked. That's when I learned about chargebacks and how the scammer gets to keep what we create and money is taken from us. I have never felt more defeated, and now I'm starting over, and it's hard. I just thought I'd share my story.


These foids give some words of wisdom as to why it's not as simple a fix as others want to believe

Couple additional snacks

Foid declares onlyfans is harder than 90% of normal jobs

Listen moid, you may be out there in -10 weather at 5 am collecting trash or mowing lawns all day or fighting fires, but I smoked a joint, masturbated and then sat at my laptop for 2 hours. Literally slavery.

Foid gives a recipe for how to make fake c*m


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