
learn to do things other than code lmao

Decided to Stir the Pot a Bit



@Aevann rightoid content


As a bonus, I'll leave you with another one of my recent favorites, that is just a little too short to make it into the pastas to sleep to category

SCP-1947 │ Emission Sphere │ Euclid │ Transmission SCP

GN, rDrama :hearts:



The fatter you are, the more r-slurred you become.

I know this because I have experience both being super fat and just normal amounts of fat and declining.

Also this. Fatter people grow up to be dumber.

Also this.

The more fat I lose, the smarter and more competent I get. Coincidence? I think not.

The west keeps getting dumber, and the west is also having consistently higher BMI over time. Coincidence? I think not.

Therefore, if you want to avoid being r-slurred, you must become fit.

Fit people are hotter people. Hotter people are smarter people because they are fitter people.

In conclusion, good looking people are naturally smarter than you all things being equal.

Become fit, become good looking, become smart, become rich.

:marseyfedoratip: :marseydetective:
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  • fuckmeatsandwich : /h/glory is for REAL WOMEN only and no deepfakes
  • BWC : Built for the darkest coal vantablack sub-saharan african BIPOC BBC
:siren: AOC AND LAUREN BOEBERT S*X TAPE JUST DROPPED :marseyautismcap: :siren:


Why Hitler Wished He Was Muslim


!truecels You will NEVER have this

:marseygiveu#p: back to ldar for me bros

:marseyobese: I love bucky nuts :marseybeaver:


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Will he secure a third term?
"Sharp Objects" (HBO) and the direction/editing Jean-Marc Valee (who is dead)

"Sharp Objects" is perhaps imo the best limited series HBO ever produced and is something I will eternally recommend to everyone, even you cute twinks

One of the few things I've ever seen that is perfectly edited and directed, all thanks to Jean Marc Valee (who died of being fat a few years ago). Being dead, he will never make another show or movie and therefore this is his legacy.

Don't google it like a loser, just watch it. The book it's based on is pretty good I suppose.


You may remember the case of Brendan Depa, who knocked unconscious teacher's aid Joan Naydich, then attempted to beat her to death.

Naturally, his attorneys have filed a lawsuit against the district, alleging that staff ignored Brendan's special needs and are themselves responsible for his violent outburst.

If you want the details, you can read more at FlaglerLive or ABC Action News.

I am reminded of how poorly my state regards the safety and education of everyone but a handful of special needs children. Anyone with an IEP is allowed to beat other children and staff, destroy classrooms, and bring all instruction to a crashing halt. Discipline is ruled by optics, rather than common sense, If we complain, we are told that we simply aren't doing enough to meet the needs of our special needs students.

Because the needs of the other people in our building do not matter.

I feel like most people in this thread didn't actually read either of the articles. The first one paints a pretty darning picture for the school district, who seemed to ignore every recommendation from the kid's previous psychologists and the group home he came from, and dragged their feet in creating an IEP for him. If they can't accommodate his needs, then they need to take steps to find a better placement for him, and it sounds like they weren't doing any of that.

It doesn't at all excuse his behavior, or the attack. He's still being held accountable for that, and rightfully so. But the district and the school fricked up too, and hopefully this forces them to change the way they do things.

It entirely excuses his behavior. That big r-slur didn't want to be in school, and doubly didn't want to be in gen pop. Admins and teachers forced him to be and shrugged off all the documentation saying he should not be there, because after all what's a kid gonna do?

If that defense motion is true I'm 100% on the students side here.

The psychologist said he was aggressive and acted without thinking with extreme mood swings. Parents provided detailed psychological reports from when he spent a year in a residential facility, a representative from the facility came to his IEP meeting and detailed violent behavior that required 4 staff to physically restrain him, his IEP listed only task refusal?!

He didn't even live at home but in a residential facilities because parents couldn't physically care for him.

After this school admin threw him in general education with an untrained aide? Then after repeated escalating violence he was given random days of out of school suspension? Not going back to staying at the facility at “home” until a more appropriate placement was found.

Yea I'm on his side here. Everyone said he was violent and the school decided to let him just continue without putting him in a more restrictive environment. This should go to the CSE chair for negligence.

Yup. School knew darn well what he was and just swept it under the rug because it was easier than dealing with it, the way they do with most problems.

Nonsense. This thug got plenty of "behavioral therapy" in the group home and he still assaulted other people 10 times there before he was moved to the public school.

The only "therapy" that will help this monster is heavy doses of valium that make him sleep day long. THAT is the cure for his violence, not singing songs and holding hands in a circle.

Shocked this stayed up in teachers.

STOP letting these kids in public schools. This is why parents are pulling their children out of public schools at alarming rates, because they're in direct contact with these animals that can kill them (but it's okay, they got an IEP so their needs are more important than any average student's)

The only people who wanted him in school were the admins and teachers! Everyone else saw this boy for what he is and wanted him in some sort of mental health facility.

Consoom product say school bad (choice comments in description)

Repeat a fricking lie pasta with a fricking twist

Im too retarted to properly nootice

Good old fashioned racism while being too kitty to drop a fricking hard r

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Relationship advice.

How do I improve my relationship with Lilith?

I don't have a strong relationship with Lilith, I realize it's because I'm likely asexual or s*x repressed, and she represents the flow of sexual energy. How do I improve my relationship with her and better connect? Since I really find nothing wrong with it, it's just kind of the way I am. My connection with her isn't strong since my connection to s*x is kind of weak.

I'm trying to work with Qlipha and she oversees Gamaliel.

:!marseyelonmusk: beaten at his own game by :!soyjakanimeglasses:, :!marseychudstamp: and :!marseyfreezepeach:cels in shambles

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