Fatties at a Magic the Gathering Meetup

The fatter you are, the more r-slurred you become.

I know this because I have experience both being super fat and just normal amounts of fat and declining.

Also this. Fatter people grow up to be dumber.

Also this.

The more fat I lose, the smarter and more competent I get. Coincidence? I think not.

The west keeps getting dumber, and the west is also having consistently higher BMI over time. Coincidence? I think not.

Therefore, if you want to avoid being r-slurred, you must become fit.

Fit people are hotter people. Hotter people are smarter people because they are fitter people.

In conclusion, good looking people are naturally smarter than you all things being equal.

Become fit, become good looking, become smart, become rich.

How are there involuntary fatties?

Losing fat is literally one of the simplest thing in the world. How are people still failing at it?

your tax dollars hard at work




:#marseyemojirofl: :#marseyrofl: :#roflmao: :#turtoiserofl: :#laugh: :#marseygarfieldrofl:

Your reminder to exercise and get fit

Being fat is disgusting.

Being fat is ugly.

Being fat is depressing.

Being fat is shameful.

Get your shit together and start with working out because exercising is the one thing you can do on your own without needing anybody else and still having real meaningful gains in life that will help give better direction to things around you.

Exercise and being fit will balance your hormones and teach you to love and hate the right things in the right quantities.

Being fit gives purpose to both the love you feel and the hate that you feel.

Being fit changes your outlook on life.

Workout. Workout. Workout.

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Get on Ozempic or put down the fork fatty :marseyscooter:


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USA citizenship test


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I hate fat(e) people 🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🐖🔫



Good Morning I hate fats :marseychonker2:

Some :marseycrayoneater: is having his parents visit him in :marseyflagsweden:. Because he's well adjusted :marseysmug2:, he's asking the good people of StackOverflow (the travel subsite) what to do about his cow of a mother :marseyscooter:.

So - where is the cutoff? Is a 300 pound 5'6" woman going to be too big to fit in a single airline seat? Or am I worrying about nothing?

Of course instead of telling the fat pig to loose weight, the fatties of SO oink together about their :marseyairquotes: struggles :marseyairquotes:.

But I have been really worried about flying because I am a big girl, I'm 5'6" and close to 350lbs :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

... even though we may be curvy, we can still fly without paying more for our curves!!! :marseyradfem:

We're still in the comments and I already want to blow my brains out :marseybudddwyer:. Fat rolls aren't curves

... Passengers of Size ...


At least in the answers one normie comes out and explains what the rest of us have to put up with :marseybrap:.

An update, I had a flight a few months back with Qantas, where I was wedged between two very large women.

:marseyplane: :marseycapitalistmanlet:

:marseychonkerfoid: :marseyskinny: :marseychonkerfoid:

I am 6'3" and pushing 400 pounds and I have never had a problem on BA flights.

Some gross hippie :marseypeace: says it's fine. Bio even claims that he's active. Probably counts going up the stairs as exercise :marseyobesescale:

My girlfriend is 5'4" and almost 450lbs right now, and she is just getting to the point where a second seat is truly necessary--up until recently she could squish (albeit uncomfortably) and with the courtesy of the other passengers and a single extension she could do just fine. At 300lbs she had no real problems at all. The seats were a little tight, but the armrests could still go down at that point. :)

Yasss qween get that bag with your feeder fetish boyfriend. :obesedaddysgirl: :marseythebuilder:

I'm a big girl 5'6 and close to 400 ( working on it) :marseywut2: and usually fly 1-2 times a year.

but also totally depends on your body shape too.

Uhhh Michelle, blob is like not a body shape, but go off I guess :marseynails:.

I am 5'4 and roughly 256.

Thinnest burger :marseychonkeritsover:




I'm 5'3" and a size 24 in bottoms and a 20 in tops generally speaking. I have always been naturally fat to varying degrees but I suffered from a restrictive eating disorder for a few years when I was in my twenties which took a massive toll on my health at the time. I now totally accept the fact that I'm naturally fat and am not meant to have a lean body type.

However, I still want to eat nutritious things and exercise on a regular basis like for my cholesterol, blood pressure, stress levels, etc. I always struggle internally with this because no one will "believe" I live a healthy lifestyle because I am visibly fat. Everyone will assume I'm lying lol.

Ultimately I know it's my life and I'm the one who has to approve of my choices, not anyone else! Does anyone else struggle with these types of thoughts?

Btw, I wish to clarify: I'm not saying I would necessarily be upset if I were to lose weight, I'm just saying it's unlikely to happen due to the chronic conditions I have which cause obesity

Here is an example of size 24 jeans that she is being forced to wear due to chronic conditions:

300s ( 24-26) I've felt very crappy - sicker when I get illnesses unrelated to weight, struggling to walk ( lungs hurt), more exacerbated stomach issues, issues with medical tests (MRI/CT) machines, have to fly first class or suffer the entire flight, struggle to fit broadway show or restaurant seats, and struggle to do things I want to do like travel to a place that requires a lot of walking. I know my comfortable weight and sizes but that's totally unique for everyone. I've seen women in the mid 300s similar or higher weight than me very happy doing regular fitness classes and traveling to high walking areas. I also agree with your comment of staying away from restricting nothing good comes from that focus on doing things that make you feel good and all the other stuff will do what it's meant to do.

Yeah, figuring out that balance is hard. I was around 300, dropped to 190 during the pandemic due to an ED, and now in recovery am trying to find my sweet spot. Right now I'm 270 and it hurts. My knees hurt, even with low impact workouts. I get winded easily. My body feels like it's in its own way. Restriction is a no-go for me, so I'm trying to focus on consistent workouts and curbing some dietary things that don't feel triggering

>illnesses unrelated to weight

>struggling to walk due to weight


And if anyone gives you shame, tell them it's a disability because people like them don't normalize spaces for all bodies. Or tell yourself if that's what it takes. They are disabling you, you are taking your power back.


Health At Every Size.


Yes, absolutely. I'm 5'1” and I weigh 330 lbs. i don't want to “diet” and my goal is not weight loss, but I do want to physically feel better.

I've accepted that people will always assume I live an “unhealthy” lifestyle because of my appearance and I'm okay with it. I try to keep more food around that's healthier than fast food but requires little effort to prepare so that it's the easier choice than a trip through the drive thru (one of my personal challenges in life). When I need groceries, I try to fit a physical trip to the store in instead of relying on Instacart so that I get a good walk.


Gotta keep those delivery apps afloat somehow.

Looking into this particular commenter's history sheds some insight into a day in the life of being healthy at every size.

“Too fat for a urine test”

Walking around the grocery store makes them break out in sweat

They're also addicted to popping biggol' cysts. :marseyyikes:

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