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posting goth gf aoc once a day every day until its friday
MasterLawlz has begun writing erotica on Reddit about an imaginary girlfriend :marseylawlz:

My 28m gf 27f called me "Ben 10" during s*x. I think she might be cheating. How do I check?

So my gf and I are doing it this morning and we're doing it missionary and it's really good.

At one point she screams out "give it to me Ben" my name isn't Ben, she then pauses and says "10, give it to me Ben 10, oh yea you like fricking Gwen don't you?".

She later acted embarrassed and admitted to me that she has a huge thing for Ben 10 as he was her first crush as a kid.

But I think she might he lying and there might be some Ben out there.

Am I crazy?

Tldr gf claims to have Ben 10 fetish


This is a crazy story with a lot of twists and turns that starts in New York in the late 1950s

Our story starts with a lawyer :marseysuit: named Burt Pugach becoming infatuated with a girl named Linda Riss. He takes her on dates, buys her fancy gifts :marseyroses:, and gives her rides to work every morning. And this courtship works, and Linda and Burt start dating.

All goes well for about a year, until Burt drops news no gf wants to hear -- Burt is already married, and has a kid. Linda is pissed, but Burt tells her he's in the process of getting a divorce. Linda still is not happy. But Burt doesn't give up, and shows up at her house with divorce papers in hand to show he's serious. The problem? The divorce papers are FAKE.

Understandably, this is the last straw for Linda. It's bad enough to have a secret wife, but fake divorce papers? She breaks it off, and soon starts dating a new man, Larry Schwartz. After just a few months of courtship, they get engaged. Burt is not giving up, he sends letters and flowers and gifts and asks her friends to pass along messages. When that doesn't work he starts threatening her, throwing rocks :marseystoning: at her window, tells her he'll have people kill her. As you might expect, this doesn't work either.

Furious at Linda, Burt hires 3 guys to go to Linda's house, ring her doorbell, and throw lye in her face. She's rushed to the hospital and spends 3 months there receiving surgeries and other medical care for the caustic burns caused by the lye. Ultimately, she is left totally blind in one eye and partially blind in the other eye. :marseyblind:

Even worse, shortly after this, Larry and Linda call off their engagement, either because they fear Burt or because Larry doesn't want to deal with a blind wife. A few months later, the police track down Burt's hitmen, who immediately rat out Burt. Burt gets sentenced to 15 years in jail. :marseymugshot:

This is where a lot of these stories would end. But Burt is still madly in love with Linda and starts writing her love letters from prison, speaking fondly to her. :marseymailwoman: And Linda, she's broke, living alone in Manhattan, she's lonely, so she starts writing him back and they become pen pals. And when Burt finds out about her financial struggles, he starts sending her money he's been getting from doing paralegal work in jail. This arrangement continues for 14 years, and eventually Burt gets out. And when he gets out, they start dating again!

Burt is kind of a celebrity for his criminal act and gets invited onto TV to do an interview, where he pulls out a ring, turns to the camera, and proposes to Linda on TV. And she says yes, and they get married just 8 months after Burt gets out of prison. :marseybride: They co-write a book cashing in on the drama called "A Very Different Love Story"

At some point over the next 20 years, Burt starts cheating on Linda with multiple women. In 1997 point one of his mistresses comes forward and claims that Burt has started harassing her and threatening her with violence, just like what happened with Linda. Unlike Linda, this mistress takes Burt to court. And poor Linda, she appears as a character witness in the trial for Burt! And Burt beats most of the charges.

Linda dies in 2013 of heart failure at 75. But the drama still isn't over! Burt must have felt some remorse for what he did for Linda, because he wrote his will to leave most of his $15 million :marseycapitalistmanlet: inheritance to a foundation for the visually impaired he set up in her honor, with some longtime friends also getting some. But when Burt died in 2020, his updated will left most of his money to his caretaker Shamin Frawley, and nothing for the foundation. Shamin is accused of coercing him into changing his will after he had a stroke, and withholding food and medicine until he died. But that's still working its way through the court system. :marseyjudge:

new fascist :marseyhomoitsover: dogwhistle :marseyokaymilk: just dropped :marseyautismcap:

My biggest boomer :marseycenter: complaint is that I'm low-key a fascist :marseyhomohitler: πŸ˜‡

not even low-key

Yeah honestly the word degenerate :marseyfurry2: is one to one

that chin LMFAO. you could flip his facial :marseymayoparty: features upside down and he'd still look the same :marseyxd:

Things unironically have never :marseyitsover: been less sexualized unless you search :marseyprostateexam: for it in pockets of the internet

people who say this are usually turbocoomers who don't notice :marseytransattentionseeker: oversexualization because it's how their brain :marseyyakub: normally operates

I hate that these people ruined :marseygraze: the word β€œdegenerate,” because I love calling myself and my hobbies degenerate.

Take it back!

lol now it's a slur to be reclaimed

166k likes on fash post

and 10k on an r-slured :marseyawardretard: one

Don't leave :marseypeaceout: kids or small :marseytiny1: house :marseyvampirecrusader: pets alone :marseyitsdangerous: with people using words :marseyswear: like degeneracy :marseyslaanesh: or groomers.

leave them with us instead :marseypedo:

This ain't a dog whistle It's a god darn bullhorn

!chuds :marseytroublemaker:

Redditor :soysnoo: calls on all Walmart :muttscooter: employees to unionize :marseystalin:, doesn't really how a union works :marseyshrug:

Some highlights:

OP wants to include management in the union. Other Redditors point out how r-slurred that is and that union bosses can be just as bad.

Redditor points out that people be too catty to unionize. Delusional Redditors take umbrage.

Self described Typical lesbian communist is sad people that people are swallowing the anti- union propaganda.

Average Redditor (seriously, check xheir profile) agrees with OP other Redditors think xhe is stupid

OP calls for REVOLUTION!!

So I just learned about the nutty putty cave incident

I know, must of you probably already know about it, but Jesus.

I don't think :marseyoscargamble: I've felt this much dread watching :marseyoperasmug: another person's suffering :marseypain: in years.

:marseyrave: Day of the Flush (SpΓΌltag) Countdown: 18 DAYS :marseyrave:

What's going on?

The pushback

Despite setbacks, the movement continues to grow

  • Information regarding the protest was recently shared by True North journ*list Harrison Faulkner on xitter

  • A counter-protest against the indian intl. students protesting in Charlottetown was organized by two guys and reposted by PPC leader Bernier

The opposition are shooting themselves in the foot

  • Recently, in response to the success of protestors in Winnipeg, poos have organized in Browntown to demand extended work permits. Just because, you know, they want them.

  • This has obviously not been well-received by Canadians who are experiencing the side effects of several years of increasingly unregulated immigration

  • The response of many jeets to online criticism has been what one would expect of the typical ego-inflated thirdie:

I better see all of you kkklanadians out in the streets on July 1st.


This ad in honor of World Down Syndrome Day : Darnthatsinteresting

A lot of the comment threads are basically one person incredibly milquetoastly defending the idea that learning disabilities are an actual, real thing that exist, and then another person replying "Actually, if you look at the 99.9th percentile most intelligent people with Down's syndome and extrapolate to the whole population, you'll see that they're actually able to succesfully live on their own entirely off of social welfare with ownly twice daily visits from their carers! This also means you should allowed to have s*x with them, HITLER"

"Assume I can have s*x so I will" seems like a dangerous message to generalize

What danger do you perceive there, within or without the context of this ad?

[Words words words about how you can't frick people with a mental age of 8]

This argument kind of loses traction when most people who would make it, would also turn their nose up at anyone who has s*x with a girl whose boobs and/or butt are too small, or who's too skinny.

You can't say the mental age is what matters, and then turn around and say "No no, physical appearance is what matters!".

Idk what the frick this last dude's talking about, I think he's had one too many arguments defending 8000 year old dragons and his gut insticts kicked in lol :marseylaugh:

I hate this ad so much 😭 Just because a small part of the Down Syndrome Community can do these things does not mean you can assume that everyone can. [Words words words]

You missed the point big time....which is to not assume at all and instead treat humans as individuals regardless of the assumptions that can be made based their disability. But great speech!

Bayes' theorem DEBUNKED by GENIUS Redditor. If you think about it, not giving driver's licenses to children is also judging people based on assumptions, so why not reduce the legal driving age to 0? Sure, a few twelve year olds might get wrapped trees, but that's a small price to pay to reduce the stigma we're currently putting on children. Because that's what matters: the stigma. The biggest problem people with Down's syndrome have isn't that they can't function independently in any capacity, it's the stigma they get from not being able to function independently.

I don't understand this ad because not everyone with down syndrome has the same cognitive or physical abilities. If someone is being discriminatory based on someone having down sydnrome, then obviously that's bad, but being respectfully cautious with your judgements about how much someone with down syndrome might be able to drink, or how hard they might be able to hit, don't seem like the horrible travesties that this ad make them out to be.

The message of the ad is to let the person fail. Don't prevent people with Down Syndrome from doing things because you don't think they'll succeed.

I mean, these are very dangerous things. The assumption that someone can drive, or drink, or live on their own, or have s*x, when the average person with their disorder has the mental capacity of a child in first grade is immensely dangerous.

Imagine letting a 10 year old live on their own. How long do you think it'll be before the house burns down? Extend that to 14 and it's still the same answer. These assumptions are not without consequences

You teach people to drive, you give them s*x education, etc. Nobody's saying just throw a person with Downs into the deep end. The point is presuming they can't learn or understand is the problem.

Lmao imagine giving a 16 yr old the keys to your car and saying "good luck!" That's what you're pretending this video is saying.

Yeah, obviously the main reason not many people with Down's syndrome know how to drive is there's just no one to teach them lmao

So are we normalizing having s*x with people with Down syndrome now? Wild.

Yes because depending on their disability, they can consent. Not that wild.


All of this r-slur-molesting nonsense is underpinned by a sort of implicit Cartesian dualism and the belief that there's some ephemereal perfectly rational "self" that exists inside of everyone. This means that with the correct intervention--in this case, letting them do whatever they want all the time--people with severe learning disabilities could become just as smart and rational as Redditors. This is contradictory to all modern science, undermines the logic of offering any sort of accommodation to disabled people, and is only morally necessary in the first place if you make an a priori assumption that intelligence is necessary for a person to have individual worth, but is otherwise socially convenient, so it's mindlessly accepted even if the argument also explicitly promotes molesting people with learning disabilites :tayclap:

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  • Racecar_Johnny : Closed: duplicate of thread /h/slackernews/post/263099/
Let's look at the Stack Overflow new user experience in 2024

In response to constant bitching from jannies (unpaid) that new users aren't asking good questions, Stack Overflow have added a new feature called the Staging Ground:

Basically new users aren't even allowed to ask questions directly onto the site anymore and their questions are instead pushed into a separate pipeline where no one can give them answers and their questions are instead disseminated by powerusers. Only if a question passes this multi-stage process does it actually make it onto SO proper. Spoiler: nothing ever passes.

Let's look at what this new user experience looks like...

A new user asks a Python question (now deleted so no link). It's correctly formatted, it explains the question clearly and shows the error. This sounds like a good question, right? WRONG.

They're asked to edit the question (which they do), and then they're told to edit it again. The question is then closed as being "off topic" (it's a Python coding question lol) and to rub salt into the wounds a poweruser asks the Meta (aka poweruser sneed) forum how to punish them further in How should we respond in the Staging Ground when OP ignores feedback, makes a trivial edit and submits for re-evaluation?.

The response? Ask for more changes:

This is exactly what declined re-eval was added for. To elaborate more: we added this feature for this exact scenario, and it is designed to give the reviewer a frictionless way to both tell the author that they still need to address the original feedback (IIRC, banner tells them this). And if the author continues to ignore it, they will be temporarily blocked, with clear explanations why

Of course OP can't actually do this because their question has been closed as off topic.

Congrats Stack Overflow, you're going to die even faster.


Petroguzzlers I don't feel so good:

Aliens be appearing:

Russia is groping America's gock:

Putler coming for those f16bussies:

!schizomaxxxers speculate wildly.

AI wrote a song about drunk :marseymoonshine: driving :marseysteer: :marseysteerchingchong:

!boozers :marseyjam: :marseyjam: :marseyjam:

:#marseytunaktunak: :#chudjakdancing: :#donkeykongdance: :#ratvibe: :#soyjakdancing2: :#nikocadoavocadodance2: :#amerimuttdance: :#skellydancefast: :#squiddance: :#cobsondance: :#trollfacedancing: :#marseytwerkinit: :#marseytwirl: :#squidwarddance: :#marseytrippydance:

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This might be it, see you guys

I don't even completely agree :marseyyesandno: with Brady, it's just funny :marseythissmall: to watch :marseysalitsnowhere: blank :marseytemplate: slatists contradict themselves, or somehow say success :marseyoutried: is primarily due to privilege. I came from a dirt poor family :marseyquagmire: (similar situation to recently departed Jerry :marseyzootcat: West), and have been moderately successful by most measures.


Successful people always want to credit their success :marseyoutried: to hard work and determination and not all the other factors that go in to it.

Redditor thinks he's only talking about football?

If you ask me, there :marseycheerup: are a lot better :marseygenetakovic: options :marseystocksup: than football :marseyblackknightsmascot: if you want your kids to do something :marseysmugface: hard but don't want them to get permanent brain :marseycheerupretard: damage.

Redditors mom

The reason your mom has to work 3 jobs to stay afloat is because she isn't trying hard enough!

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