


Petroguzzlers I don't feel so good:


Aliens be appearing:


Russia is groping America's gock:


Putler coming for those f16bussies:


!schizomaxxxers speculate wildly.

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Any newsorters will get a gf before :marseyskellington: 2024 is over :marseyheart:

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:marseyrofl: theyre overcompensating for how embarrassed :marseygiggle: they are by the new sanctions lmao

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>Russian warships and nuclear subs are right off the coast of Florida and Harvard in Cuba.

Wow, so you mean Russian nukes would only take 3 minutes to reach US cities instead of the 25 minutes or so it would take for regular ICBMs to reach them from Siberia!

What a difference! Not...

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Imagine being the man behind the curtain though, not Joe Biden but whoever is really pulling the strings. 3 minutes is such a tiny amount of time to decide something as consequential as global nuclear war.

And that 3 minutes isn't even 3 minutes. That's 3 minutes for the techs to detect the launches, convey that information to their direct superiors, who then punt that info up the line and god knows how many steps that is to finally reach the top.

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When the nukes are launched there isnt really anything to decide on the nuclear war, then its already happening. All you gotta do then is launch your own nukes.

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Imagine how much less gooning :marseycoomer2: you can do now smh.

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Won't even have enough time to settle on a video between alert and impact

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If it's only 3 minutes, the public is for sure not getting an alert

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This has to all be related to $GME mooning.

Just has to be...

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:marseyfsjal: :marseymushroomcloud:

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Holy fug i want to have whatever he is having

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Extra chromosones?

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B-word didn't even use the right β€œimminent”

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Also misspelled Havana as Harvard

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Nooooooo not before Nintendo Switch 2 has been announced and Elden Ring DLC has been released!

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Aw man, I was hoping you were serious.

Don't psych us out like that....

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I question if the end of the petro dollar is really a big deal. The problem remains in that no one is going to entrust all their money with a slav, a sexy Indian dude, a chink, or a macaquito. Not that the US isn't corrupt and couldn't confiscate your money, but it is still infinitely better and more trustworthy than any other. Chong's would immediately steal every cent then say it is your fault for making it possible. Who is going to put everything into these currencies?

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People are all like "the dollar has inflated value because you can buy oil with it" and act like it's got no other element that distinguishes it as a medium of exchange. As long as I need 134 thousand of them each year to prevent the IRS from arresting me, it will continue to have value.

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bitcoin :marseywallst:

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Literally :marseyme: they could return :marseymonke: to gold. The gold standard hasn't been gone that long and only disappeared because the US was able to schmoozy with Saudi :marseyimam: Arabia and start the petro-dollar in the 70s.

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Fiat currency is basically financial sorcery, going back to the gold standard would gimp the US economic so hard.

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The gold standard disappeared because the world economy outgrew the supply of gold you r-slur

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Neighbor there is no "Petro dollar".

The dollar is tied to the performance of the US economy, and trust in the government to be stable and an honest broker, nothing else. Oil fuels the modern world, thats why it is so important for everyone, but that doesnt make the dollar somehow specifically reliant on it. If the oil supply collapsed, every economy and thus every currency would be turned upside down. Chinks are dependent on oil just like the US, only unlike the US they dont even own their supply but are dependent on foreign sources. Russia is reliant on oil not as a "precursor resource" but as the only important product their miserable shithole actually "produces".

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b-word :marseyarthoe4: gold has supply issue

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US can always threaten saudi arms deals if they consider switching which is the only thing that will save them after the oil runs out

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saudi :marseyimam: will make friends :marseytherachel: with iran. no weapons :marseytf2heavy: needed.

check mate uh..shahmaat

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They don't want to have 1 country :marseycatgirl5: dominating everything.

For average burgers :marseyamericanpearlclutch: that probably not a big deal since that will mean import will be more expensive so more shit will be build :marseyyarn: in US

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Sometimes everything changes in 2 weeks.



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Poor guy,

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I haven't seen this before but it's really funny. Thanks, king.

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You are in for some bad poosay northman

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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Lol that bad pusi scene was leaked I remember calling people dumbasses if they believed it was real dialogue because it sounded too unbelievably dumb

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>Russia has surrounded the WEAK AND PATHETIC United States with their NUCLEAR submarines. It's over for American dogs!


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Russian :marseytankushanka: simps don't understand what a nuclear :marseyoppenheimer: triad is and why mid range missiles in Cuba were important to them in 1962 but not now.

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it was only there :marseycheerup: to remove missiles from turkey and prevent bay of pigs 2. russian :marseyazov: can anyday launch :marseycruisemissile: nukes from submarines

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Yeah, Khrushchev made this sudden extremely risky move to put Soviet troops with nuclear weapons just off the coast of America because... he wanted a few dozen missiles to be retired in 1963 instead of 1964.


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one power :marseychaosemerald: move that involves US stakes, and suddenly it's a risky maneuver. US pilot :marseykamikaze: died, US citizen shat pants, Nikita was the one making demand terms. plus russia :marseysalutenovorossiya: had much warheads than what US knew about

keeping soying

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The submarine is only nuclear powered, AFAIK the zicron missile it can hold is only hypothetically nuclear capable at a future date, and it would be a small munition which wouldn't change any strategic dynamic

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Russia does this constantly it isnt even news lol.

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Why you so smart :marseypeterson: and don't understand is all about projection ? Main goal is to have an influence in Latin :marseydayofthedead: America :marseyliberty: and cover Venezuela and co. Is Triad going :marseysal3: to protect Venezuela if U.S. decide to turn it into Libya ?

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A nuke sub off the american coast doesnt mean anything for deterrence against LatAm shenanigans lmao.


>implying the rushBs would defend anyone else with their nukes

The slaviggers dont even claim to span a nuclear umbrella over anyone else.

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implying the rushBs would :marseywood: defend anyone else with their nukes

Wouldn't those nukes be a good deterrence from attacking Russian :marseyvatnik: bases in Cuba and Latin :marseydayofthedead: America :marseysouthernbelle4: so it will be also deterrence from trying to kick out pro Russian :marseyputin: gov in those countries. Just like U.S. can't get rid of Assad ?

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Is Triad going :marseysal2: :marseysal3: to protect Venezuela if U.S. decide to turn it into Libya ?

>believing the ruskies would :marseywood: even risk open war with the US for Venezuela

If only the US actually :marseyakshually: did some regime change in Venezuela and Nicaragua


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If only the US actually :marseyakshually: :marseyakshually: did some regime change in Syria

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Whats that even supposed to mean lmfao

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If US wanted moon would :marseywood: been green :marseysick:

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Venezuela is not a country :marseycatgirl5: fractured in a bunch of religious :marseyjesus2: and ethnic groups like Syria. Change the government along with the upper echelons of the military :marseysalutetrans: and it's done, it would :marseywood: be more akin to the occupation of Germany :marseyswastika: or Japan.

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