Internet Catholic thinks Dante's Inferno is in the Bible

!classics !lgbt

Catholic Roblox girlfriend posts quirky meme

Anyone who actually knows Catholic girls. Even really conservative ones. Know that none are like that


It noted that an increasing number of Indian states were implementing anti-conversion laws, “creating an environment where any Christian who shares their faith can be accused of a crime, intimidated, harassed and even met with violence.”

The CBCI statement, signed by its president Archbishop Andrews Thazhath and secretary general Archbishop Anil Couto, came two days after police arrested Fr. Dominic Pinto, a priest of the Diocese of Lucknow, and six others following claims that they had sought to convert Hindus in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh.

A spokesman for the Lucknow diocese said there was “not an iota of truth” in the accusation.

In May 2023, it emerged that a bishop and a nun were facing prosecution following an inspection of an orphanage in Katni, Madhya Pradesh, a central state ruled by the BJP. Bishop Gerald Almeida and Sr. Liji Joseph were accused of seeking to convert the orphanage's children to Christianity — a claim described as “a blatant lie” by a local priest. They were granted anticipatory bail in June.

Pope Francis accepted the 77-year-old Almeida's resignation as Bishop of Jabalpur Jan. 13.

Poppa Frank just endorsed gay marriage.

@carpathianfriendly this is your fault for breaking your lent vows.


Hi, so long story short my boyfriend and I have been together for 6 years now. When we first started dating he was pretty progressive and he even went to pride parades with me, said he was really disappointed after Roe v Wade was overturned, etc. But in the past 1.5 or so years he really started falling into the “traditional” beliefs, became a lot more Catholic, and socially conservative. We've had a lot of big disagreements in the last year, starting with the Barbie movie last summer…..he has made condescending comments about “woke leftists”, the “west is losing their morals”, etc. Then recently I saw on Instagram reels (I just happened to come across posts he's liked), that he's liked reels that were making fun of pronouns and then one about how couples with kids without a mom are “unnatural”. He also liked one about how modern feminism is destroying society. I am seriously appalled that he has these views and I'm so dissappointed. He doesn't voice it to me because he knows how upset and defensive I get, but now I know what he actually thinks. I just have a feeling he's listening to those podcasts about being “alpha males”, the need for women to have kids, importance of Christianity in society….etc. Anyway obviously it seems like the answer is pretty clear here, but is it possible for a person like this to be convinced otherwise? Could he drop these beliefs? It's just hard because he used to be a different person..and we've been together for so long, we live together, so much is tied up. But it seems like for the most part people who go down this route only go deeper in it. It's not too dramatic of a reason to break up with someone, right? Each time I've brought it up he's said I'm being too controlling about his views and we should agree to disagree. He says I'm being a “militant leftist who doesn't have room for other views”……I can't handle being with someone who has such disrespectful views and I'm just wondering what went wrong..and when…and also, I just hate what Instagram reels, TikTok, and these certain male influencers have done lately. It's bizarre to see so many guys turn right wing in the past year


The :marseywomanmoment2: :marseydetective: are onto you, being Catholic is a Q-adjacent ideology.

it's not a tale the agnostics would tell you... :marseypalpatine:
:marseyandjesus: :vegetakneel: :marseycwclove::marseycwclove::marseycwclove:
Hosanna in the Highest

Is it a sin to get a chatbot to write my dead Aunt's eulogy?

bottom text lmao :marseypope:


Posted by a woman who is:

trying to lose weight :marseychtorrr2:

stained her new couch with period blood and denied it :marseypussyhat:

claims the abortion she had as a teenager was the "best choice in her life" that "saved her" and allowed her to "become the woman she is today" (obese FO76 player) :marseysatanworship2:

GM frens I hate satan and pagans :pepejesus:

Some Lenten reflection

Friends, today's Gospel exposes the pride of the Pharisees and concludes with the prescription of humility. I want to reflect on this virtue.

St. Augustine said that all of us, made from nothing, tend toward nothing. We can see this in our frailty and sin and mortality. St. Paul said, “What do you possess that you have not received? But if you have received it, why are you boasting as if you did not receive it?”

To believe in God is to know these truths. To live them out is to live in the attitude of humility. Thomas Aquinas said humilitas veritas, meaning humility is truth. It is living out the deepest truth of things: God is God, and we are not.

Now, all of this sounds very clear when it's stated in this abstract manner, but man is it hard to live out! In our fallen world, we forget so readily that we are creatures. We start to assume that we are gods, the center of the universe.

The ego becomes a massive monkey on our backs, and it has to be fed and pampered constantly. What a liberation it is to let go of the ego! Do you see why humility is not a degradation, but an elevation?

So True
A Lenten anthem


Context: Bong churches are now so low on attendance that they're running out of money. Obviously the solution is to start hosting raves where everyone wears headphones.

This has made the ladies of Conservative Woman very angry.

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