
Anyone who tries this past life hypnosis video and has something interesting to report will earn 1000 DC.

Contest ends at some point eventually.

Introducing /h/spooky! :ayydance:

This hole is for the discussion of all fringe topics, including but not limited to:

  • unexplained phenomena :marseymothman:

  • cults :marseyluther:

  • UFOs :marseyufo:

  • cryptids :marseybigfoot:

  • ghosts :marseyghost:

  • conspiracies :marseyglow:

  • schizoposts :marseyschizowall:

  • psuedoscience :marseyscientist:

  • new age and occult practices :marseywitch:

  • unresolved mysteries :marseybackstab:

To celebrate, the Alien Invasion contest will also run in perpetuity. :marseyalienprobe:

edit: I lowered the alien invasion badge requirements by orders of magnitude to make them easier to get


better video:


Throughout time immemorial man has looked to the skies for guidance. Often his inventions have been extinguished for the good of mankind, and for the aliens.

In 1952 the truth :marseyredcheck: was laid bare by the onslaught of UFOs attacking the USA Capitol :marseyqoomer: and the MainSQUEEN media :marseyjourno: does not want to talk about it!!!!

The photos still exist no matter :marseykneel: the revisionist history :marseyww1british2: you all pledge allegiance go.

Nothing was so clearly documented as on July 14, 1952.,_D.C.,_UFO_incident

The Aquatic Ape Hypothesis :marseymonke: -> :marseytinfoil2:

This is the theory that at some point in human evolution we came down out of trees and became semi-aquatic, kind of like seals or something. Scientists generally consider it to be r-slurred bullshit, but I'm not convinced that it's 100% wrong. Maybe we weren't like seals... we were like beavers! :marseymindblown: Think about it. Humans develop the intelligence and manual dexterity to build complex systems of dams and ponds and stuff, and that's going to give them a great advantage. We know that in certain places fish and shellfish could be a windfall of food for prehistoric humans. Is it so hard to believe that this drove our evolution a bit in certain directions? Where I'm skeptical is I would really need to have good evidence that humans are that much better at wading and floating than other apes.

(Stolen from /r/classified, where there's many hundreds of good posts to rip off and put on /h/spooky.)


"peer reviewed" journal article

Caught one in the act

Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : "Low-stakes" conspiracies are cucked Reddit tier crap (also all true) never forget WTC7






Astronaut agrees tho:

Fr this is what it is:

Other ufo stuff:



For context; i am a trans male teenager


I'm having a strange situation that I feel might be negative and I can't understand why this happening or what is behind it. I met this lady at a tarot group (it was her first time going) and the first thing she says to me is that my ancestors are trying to communicate with me. She offered to be my partner for tarot reading time and started talking as and mentioning things that I haven't told anyone there, or anyone other then family and friends for that matter. She told me that she is indigenous too and how she was much like me when she was a kid, which is weird considering I have very light skin and people often mistake me for being white,and she just looked like a little old white lady. She continued on to mention things about my personality and my internal struggles that I don't tell anyone, and at one point she mentioned that I had gone to a very very specific place which I had gone to 2 days before. Nobody would know that except my mom and here this random old lady that I've met for the first time knows about my trip. She told me to come over to her house so we can review the cards together and gave me her card so I can contact her. As I am a minor she offered to meet up with me and my mom first to prove that she's a safe person. As we were on a walk she went on and on about herself and how she is very spirituality gifted and how she knows that some people at the tarot group don't actually know what they are doing, and such, she casually calls me by my deadname that NOBODY knows except my mom and sister. I felt fear and panic and I have no idea what's happening. My mom told my sister about and my sister said she had a very bad feeling about the lady and my mom said the same, my sister said she think something evil is trying to harm me. I don't understand this and I have a bad feeling. What do you think is happening?


Mole Person accidently reveals themselves on live TV
Upon further experimentation @timmy_blueballs have determined that psychic energy isn't exactly psychic energy.

It is potential energy as in the human capacity too succeed. This potential energy differs from person too person but at the end of the day you are using a certain amount of potential energy whenever something goes you're way whether it be by putting in effort or getting lucky. The universe doesn't differentiate between flipping a coin 10 times and getting it right or pushing yourself extra during an exercise and gaining bigger muscles. It's all part of you're potential.

@timmy_blueballs came too realize this when @timmy_blueballs noticed that on @timmy_blueballs's lazy days @timmy_blueballs could get coin tosses right that had a 1 in 300 or 1 in a 1000 chance of happening, but when @timmy_blueballs started putting effort into other things and getting better at other things, @timmy_blueballs's coin toss guesses went down too normal levels and @timmy_blueballs could no longer influence probability.

There is a certain level of influence you can have over reality around you, whether it be working hard, finding success, or getting lucky in a dice game. It's all from the same source so using it all up in one place will mean lowering of capacity in other places.

You can in theory also raise you're potential energy for the day too day but @timmy_blueballs still haven't figured out how too yet. @timmy_blueballs assume you do this simply by improving yourself and you're well being or something like that.

Do with this information as you will.

@timmy_blueballs stand with Israel.

Average /x/ thread



The fact that no other intelligent civilization has existed before humans supports the evolution having a direction theory

Think about it. Complex creatures and large creatures have existed for hundreds of millions of years easily, across all that time not once did a human like intelligence species emerge? Doesn't that sound preposterous?

Look at human species development, even for the scant 10,000 or so years of history that we can actually track, every 1,000 years you observe, there is more things getting done in every next 1,000 years that the one before, till the point we are growing exponentially.

Look at the modern era, ants have figured out how to perform surgery, multiple animal species, both land based and aquatic, have figured out tool use, all within the past few centuries to thousands of years? With no proof found of any non hominid tool using species before that?

There is only the exception of ants and agriculture where millions of years of agriculture occurred without any further developments that is true, but that again seems to be an exception in the general trend of animals getting smarter over time all around us. Raccoons and mice included.

There is no reason that multiple branches of the evolutionary tree would be getting smarter at the same time, except for the possibility that animals species respond to one another when it comes to adaptations, and all animal species adapt towards the most successful models of existence. Which is to say, if anything as smart as humans would have existed before humans, then all species would have become as smart as that species and multiple animal civilizations would have risen up in the past, instead the fact that only humans are the giant civilization species supports the idea that this is the first time in the history of Earth that all species have begun to reach this level of abstraction, and only eusocial species will be able to adapt and survive thousands of years down the line.

The fact that we haven't come across any signs of alien species out there also suggests that in the timeline of space we are one of the first intelligent ones to emerge, and the universe moves towards entropy, but life itself moves towards ever greater complexity within that entropy. Like two opposing forces trying to beat each other. When life wins it reverses entropy and goes back to the big bang, and when entropy wins the universe turns to nothingness until over an infinite amount of time something springs forth from the nothingness starting the next universe.

Additional fun fact:

The fact that when everything is silent in the forest, people get scared and look for safety by hiding proves that humans aren't an apex predator but just the largest population omnivorous species out there.

I stand with Israel.


!Catholics !nooticers !atheists

Information @timmy_blueballs have gained about the future and the world around us.

1. There is a 50-50 real chance of nukes or equivalent being used in the Ukraine-Russia conflict. A nuclear spill at least on the scale of a nuclear bombing.

2. Ukraine is going to win the war.

3. Israel is going to lose this conflict

4. China is going to collapse

5. Buddhism is the religion that is right about the nature of reality.

6. There will be no Mars or moon colony for humanity. We are going to remain a single planet species.

7. I have a 50-50 chance of reaching a net worth of 100 million USD

8. I am going to have 4 sexual partners before I die. There will be no stable long term relationship. There is a 50-50 chance I end up having kids.

9. I will live to cross a 110 years of age. I am never going to end up in jail.

10. Humanity will still exist a thousand years from now.

11. Ghosts are real. Aliens are real. Bigfoot isn't real. Aliens have a 50-50 chance of being malicious to humanity. They are already on Earth.

12. My pp size is not satisfactory.

13. The Illuminati/ shadow government controlling the entire planet is real.

14. The CIA psychic experiments were a failure.

15. My IQ is above 120 but below 130.

16. I am not neurodivergent, nor ADHD, nor have an anxiety disorder. I just haven't truly put myself out there to succeed.

17. There will never be a single world government.

18. I am the one who struggles against destiny.

19. Reality fluctuates

20. Reality can be fluctuated in your favor by your actions.

Is there anything else you guys would like me to find out about the world?

I stand with Israel.

Spooky predictions from the machine thread. Using @timmy_blueballs's psychic powers too predict the future.

@timmy_blueballs will use the slots machine too make @timmy_blueballs's predictions. If slows wins or draws its yes, the bigger the win the louder the yes. If lose then no.

Let's get started.

@timmy_blueballs stand with Israel.

POPPY :stacyyes: be like :marseykitti:, and now @butthole is all :marseyschizowave:

this b-word is creepy. @peepeehands can you fix her?

it gets wierder :marseytrump: tho, she made all these "songs" before the :marseymask:pandemic

6yr ago

"palestinian lives matter" is a racist phrase. only Black trans lives matter!"palestinian lives matter" is a racist phrase. only Black trans lives matter!

The AP considers this news: Some astrology bullshit is happening!!!

I guess I have to explain this first because you won't see it anywhere else: "Supermoon" is not a real concept in astronomy. It's not even a real concept in astrology. Somebody made it up in the 1980s iirc in an astrology book. Schizo moids :marseyschizotwitch: who are into occult stuff are trying to get to the original truth that Hermes Trismegistus gave to his followers in 1 billion BC. The jealously guarded secrets that have been passed down through so many generations.

The "Supermoon" bullshit comes from some astrology book from like the 1980s. We got men out here trying to unravel the meaning of our existence and foids are like "What color of nail polish do the planets say I should use today to find a rich man with a nice car?" :marseynails:

Anyway, on to the article which was actually put out by AP, about an event that only exists in the context of astrology:

More a popular term than a scientific one


That's the only hint they give you that this is just astrology mumbo-jumbo.

Cape Canaveral byline

So she was sent down there to cover actual rockets and stuff. Some SpaceX launch got delayed recently? So maybe the AP :marseywitch3: ordered her to write about New Age foid shit...

No let's be honest with ourselves, it's some very "spiritual" mayofoid in her 20s. All the expensive actual real journ*lists got fired and replaced with them. Who cares? It works for all the companies that fired everyone and replaced them with H1B indentured servants. It works for Boeing when they tell their labor force that's gained skills over generations to eat shit and make the new plane in South Carolina. Just sort by cheapest and pick the first option you get.

The only person who I know who toys with the concept of astrology, I forgive her because she's from a culture where it makes more sense. And she was really smart apart from that. But she's doing major engineering projects now. A little bit of a my first wife was tarded situation.


Reported by:
  • WildStar : :redlight: copious amount of groomercord in the video :bluelight:


On July 28th some rando Brazilian YouTuber named Lucas Estevam flew on a ATR-72 by voepass and posted a video on it. The original title of the video was "The Danger of flying on a Voepass ATR-72 - old Passaredo - is it safe or dangerous?

He changed it to "Flying on a Voepass ATR-72 How is it to fly on Passaredo?" Yesterday after the crash

Translating the Twitter excerpt for you guys

>Estevam: yes Julia (the flight attendant), it's beautiful, I'm recording a video of my experience. Julia, do you think it is calm to fly on this plane?

>Julia: certainly!

>Estevam: is it?

>Julia: certainly, it's very safe

>Estevam: people watching from home can relax? (Ficar de boa)

>Julia: sure, certainly

>Estevam: I've heard none of them ever crashed

>Julia: No

>Estevam: Oh, thank God is not going to be this one guys! 29 years, did you know that Voepassโ€ฆ (video ends).

!macacos agora as gays foram longe demais! Botando pรฉ-frio nessa linha aรฉrea :marseylgbtflag: :marseylaptopangry2:


Also, he starts his youtube video with

>How many people have died, and how many crashes did Voepass (previously Passaredo) suffered from?


In the excerpts, Elizondo claims to have supernatural powers and to have appeared as an angel while engaging in psychic attacks on America's enemies.

:#marseywitch3: :#marseylaugh:

After a while, remote viewing became second nature to me. I was able to put myself in the zone without any sort of protocol or ritual.

Whoa! I still need to light some candles and hum my mantra. I'm just a babywitch compared to him.

I routinely assessed counterintelligence reports. Let's say an informant said a particular location was important. Was it? I'd shift into remote-viewing mode and try to put myself in that location.

Why worry about the NSA spying on you when this genius can do it from the other side of the planet?

As a test, we all gathered together in a secure facility at the Pentagon with our brown-bag lunches and attempted an act of group remote viewing. We directed our conjoined thoughts toward a specific terrorist in his cell... Months later, we learned that the terrorist had told his lawyers that the CIA had sent five angels to disrupt his sleep.

:marseylaugh: :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh:

The M-cave mystery: What happened to Kenny Veach

>Kenny Veach a 47 year old desert hiker with 20 years of experience. His youtube account went by the name snakebitmgee

>Kenny comments on one of Dr. Steven Greer's videos about Area 51 on how he found M-shaped cave and details his experience. (Currently that comment is no longer up and seems to have been deleted by the channel owner.)

>His comment gains a lot of traction with people urging him to go to that cave again and film it.

>On his second attempt he films himself trying to find that cave again but fails to find the cave again.

>On his third attempt in November 10 2014 he goes on a over-night hike and this is the last time we hear about him.

>A missing person's report is filed for Kenny Veach.

Kenny's Girlfriend comments on this situation and says that the rescue team were only able to find Kenny's cellphone near a mine, his body wasn't found.

9 years later and Kenny's body still isn't found

So what are your theories on this? Do you think he saw things he wasn't supposed to see and got discarded or do you think he died from a accident while hiking, or maybe got mauled by a wild animal? Or maybe entered a cave where he got fatally injured ?

His last video for reference:

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