[Not Drama] what do you think is the stable population number for humans?

As you all know humans as they develop tend to have less kids. What you might not know is that this has happened before. The case being that many societies once they reached their peak saw a phase where they all saw a decrease in their fertility rate. (Someone correct me if I am wrong)

My personal theory is that human civilization by design tends to encourage the spread of IQ rather than maxing it out at the top for multiple generations so those at the top naturally die out to rebalance the average IQ while uplifting it. Like hyperspecialized ant workers.

So taking that into account I think the US will decay in the 2100's followed by China in the 2200's and India peaking then.

The ideal population I believe would stabilize around 4 billion people globally after all predators and animals larger than humans have been eliminated and only humans with a desire to reproduce remain.

What do you all think would be the stable global population?

Minimalist Marsey

Give me my badge

Bait sub idea - Poorcels dying due to poverty

A sub for poor people dying because of poverty

The drama potential from all corners is pretty huge

[Not Drama] Future expansion of nations around the world predictions

Hey there, these are my predictions for which countries might expand or integrate in the coming decades. Would love to discuss.

  1. The East African Federation is formed - you have probably not heard about this one but about 6 countries in East Africa have agreed to officially come together as a single sovereign nation by 2023. This would officially place them in the top 10 list of countries with the highest GDP per annum due to population size. Very possible for it to be a mover and shaker of the years to come.

  2. Turkey- Turkey in its domestic politics already treats itself as the sovereign protector of the Turkish people around the world, it is highly possible that Turkey will expand across and take territory for itself in the regions of Iraq and Syria which both are nations not in a position to protect themselves against Turkey. Turkey also has a military force more well trained and bigger than all middle eastern states I am aware of and in an expansion war as the middle east destabilizes it can easily take over territory for it's own gain.

  3. Russia-Belarus integration-already a free market and free movement exists between Belarus and Russia. With Belarus alienating Europe and a leader who wishes to retain power or at the very least not be fed to the dogs if he loses power, it is highly likely the country would be handed over to Russia for takeover.

  4. European Union Federation- This one is viable only in the very long term like 2050's and afterwards as the leaders of the EU know that once you become a federation it is far more difficult to add new member states, and there is no strong support among European citizens to become a federal union.

  5. China expansion into inner Mongolia- out of all the Chinese neighbors you must he wondering why would China specifically expand into inner Mongolia and nowhere else? Put quiet simply the population of Mongolia is so low as to be unable to put up any meaningful resistance, There is increasing goodwill between China and Russia along with Russian focus on wanting to take back its past western territories so possibly no protection of Mongolia from them, China has not been gifted any land by Mongolia in exchange for a broder treaty like its other neighbors that I am aware of, and Mongolian GDP is above 4000 USD per capita, which makes them one of China's more competent neighbors, ie, people smart enough/competent enough to annex.

  6. Chinese administered autonomous zone of Pakistan. I know I have blown this horn multiple times and many of you won't agree with me but look at it this way. China already has experience with dealing with alien cultures and integrating them like in Xinjiang. China has already invested 31.9 billion USD under belt and road into Pakistan from 2014-2016. Pakistan has an incompetent leadership and the general Pakistani population has a positive opinion of China as per what I know. So all in all the Pakistani's might mistake a Chinese takeover for liberation until the camps start being set up.

  7. Israel takeover of Palestine- Israel over time continues to lose support in the western world. As of now the funding of their nation continues but the last bunch of retaliatory strikes into Palestine by Israel saw huge drop in public support. Once America finds no geopolitical use for Israel and backs out of the middle east completely, Israel would have no reason to not go mask off and will likely do a complete takeover of the Palestine territories with the migrants forced into escaping into a failing Egypt and other neighbouring territories.

  8. US- Canada integration/ no Mexico sorry :( - US and Canada are both Anglosperic nations. Canada already follows US lead. The border between Canada and US is already semi porous. Canada and US are both developed nations. If Canada and US were to integrate it would make them the largest nation in the world by land area covering around 90%of the north American continent. This powerhouse will have almost zero percent chance of getting cucked for the next thousand years.

These are my predictions. What do you think?

real life is just like overwatch
Bob Woodward with his tits out on Insta
Anyone else watch Survivor?

I need someone to discuss this season with, nobody I know watches it anymore.


“You could, like, be snorting cocaine off a stripper, while taking shots of vodka and engaging in a threesome. But you’d be like, ‘No, bro, I don’t do pork. Astaghfirullah,” Ali joked.

And while pork is very much the ultimate taboo in many Muslim circles, there are Muslims who have tasted it on purpose. “I tried bacon just because that was what everybody hyped up. Honestly, did not match the hype,” said Layla, who insisted on speaking under an assumed name—which tells you how taboo pig really is in our community.

Matt Parrett ate pork up until earlier this year when he declared his shahada and became Muslim. He was born in Alabama, and is now living in Kentucky, but thinks there’s no need for a new vegan pork alternative because he’s already fallen in love with another. “Jackfruit is very similar to pork, honestly. This food truck had jackfruit tacos and pork shoulder tacos. Honestly, it was hard to tell the difference,” he told me.

“The entire Spanish cuisine has pork in almost everything,” she told me, recalling her first trip to Spain. “That was historically a reaction to the Crusades. They did it to alienate the Muslims and to assert their Christian identity.


Pictures of balding trains, pretend to be somene asking for advice

fatso cheeseheads discuss refugees
Libertarians on suicide watch
r/neoliberal y’all’s a thread for heckin antisemitism
[OT] cumfy thread friday

Its firday,and its time for the est part about your friday. No, not that durty sloot. The comfy thread.

Off topic thread.

Dont self doxx.

Dont be rude.

Air your grievances

Brag about your achievements

Chantal’s top simp and chatmod is a fat, ugly s*x offender

I forgot that verified email can be a requirement. Explains why I kept getting autojannied.

[Not drama] question - which countries are currently westernizing?

It is very difficult to find genuine conversations or blog articles about westernization of countries in current time, likely because of how controversial the conversation gets. So which country do you think is unironically gonna come under the western sphere of influence in the coming decade?


Let me unfollow the fish

Bait sub second chance thread

As we all know everybody has their idea for an ebin bait sub to pwn r*dditors. I think we've created dozens at this point. Unfortunately most of them get a few halfhearted posts and die. Sad! But some of these ideas are actually pretty funny [citation needed]. ITT you shill already existing bait subs that you think deserve a second chance. Tell us what the sub is and how you think it can generate seethe.

Did you know that Spaniards call BIPOCs "Boars"?

Colombian singer Shakira has used her Instagram to spead bigotry and hate after alleging she was attacked in a park in Barcelona. Using "boars", slur term for immigrants, she screamed "they've destroyed everything!"

Many European police deliberately target boars: one city police officer attempted to take charge of the problem himself and shot at a boar with his service revolver, but missed and hit his partner instead.

Boars, which can carry a wide variety of diseases, are listed among the world's most invasive species and can survive in almost any environment. But increasingly the animals are drawn to cities, where they live off rubbish discarded by Europeans.

Their numbers have exploded across Europe, with the latest estimates now surpassing around 10 million across the continent.

As they have become more aggressive and more of a nuisance, many cities have employed a variety of strategies to cull their numbers. In Berlin, racists have killed thousands of them but the problem persists.

Last year police officers in Rome sparked outrage after they shot a family of boars that had wandered into a children's playground with tranquiliser darts and gave them lethal injections.


OP also posted the same post in a Magic specific subreddit after getting laughed out of r/Portland for being TOO Portland.

original text, as seen in r/EDH:

"I’m hoping to find some cool humans in their 30’s+ to play Commander with in Portland, OR.

I don’t hang out with my old play group anymore and I’ve had a hard time meeting people around my age at store hosted Magic nights.

I’m 36, into electronic music, analog art, backpacking, Nintendo, cats, cannabis, tattoos, and piercings. Also I’m queer, kinky, and polyamorous. If you are against any of those last three we probably won’t get along very easily.

I’ve been playing Magic on and off for 23 years. I like to play powerful tribal decks in a relaxed casual environment.

I like playing blue/red, mono green, and rainbow decks. My favorite commanders right now are The Locust God, Toski Bearer of Secrets, and Sliver Hivelord.

I exclusively use proxies cuz I ain’t got time for throwing hundreds of dollars at pieces of cardboard anymore.

I’m just hoping to find some chill people that I click with.

Please message me directly if you’re interested in linking up!

PS: I’m fully vaxxed 2 the max, and I expect you to be as well."

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