
I was trailing through my local grocery store ehen i saw someone standing nesr the enrgy drink aisle. She was super nice to me as she told me the specific energu drink she buys is out of ztock.

I genuinely needed a freind and thought the niceness ajd generosity with words was her way of saying i could be your friend.

I saw her next time in a differnt location and gave her my email, since sharing a number or facebook/instagram kwhich i dont use) could be risky as she may thinjk im some sort of hooting hollering guy looking at her as prize money.

She never got back to me after thinkin i was tryinng to get with her, when in reality i just wanted a friend as aoft spoken as her.

I can def see why someone doesnt always accept strangers friendship because she could be thinking i want to stalk her or some illegal shhh.

Anyways sorey for this post but its drama in my life.

:impishchud:The West is saved :impishchud:
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A Jinxthinker stream advertisement

post-stream podcast : had a good stream 7:59

description: i feel like king of the world. one day i'll have phil's wife on her knees whilst phil pleads with her not to commit infidelity. we have mindbending s*x. phil's crying about it. she calls me daddy in front of him & he licks my semen off her wedding ring. i take over his life. he signs his apartment over to me.

  • we're fanging and banging tonight. Today was a momentous occasion because there was a chatter in the Twitch stream. It was a sexual stream

  • He had to restart his EU IV game as Aztec

  • He's becoming more Phil-like (the boss man)

  • Back in the 90s he would have said he liked Elden RIng, but now he doesn't. His fee to pay Elden Ring is now 1000 USD/GBP/Euro 1:40

  • We do a song to celebrate (Zella Day- Hypnotic) 3:00

  • Starts rambling about streaming more 5:20

  • He asked the jinxsisters if they had a twitch account but neither responded 6:20

  • Breaks into song again while ranting about Elden Ring then talks about a Butterfly

!jinxthinkers would you make DSP cry by skinwalking him and stealing his life?

OP in r/likeus in tears over whether animals can cry

/r/likeus is a Subreddit for posting pictures and videos of animals behaving in human ways. As you can imagine, this can often lead to a level of anthropomorphizing. Occasionally people will disagree on whether a post truly belongs in the sub. Take this post, where a cat is given a kitten after losing hers, and seemingly begins to cry.

Objections raised largely centered around the scientific consensus that cats can't "cry" as an emotional response, and the cat in the video likely just has an eye infection or dry eyes from anesthetic. However, OP (a mod of the sub) is ready to argue with everyone who disagrees. It's unclear how many of the removed responses are from OP removing them.

"My goal is to make these rare and controversial cases of animals crying emotional tears better known."

An argument over the meaning of physical responses in animals

For added drama, it turns out that OP's post history is filled with videos of animals crying, and arguments for why it's real.




WSJ is reporting what many are already seeing -- market for CS majors is pretty saturated.

Are English majors in high demand?

Actually, yes. The future is bright for humanities majors.

For low paying jobs.

I make $300,000. But sure.

Kids that have actual social skills are in demand more than. Kids that can communicate effectively, look people in the eye when talking, write effectively. Kids with great time management skills and EQ.

All of these executive functioning disorder/adhd Geniuses glued to a screen, not so much.

My husband always tells our HS sons--if you put down the iphone and channel more time in face-to-face and real world you are going to fare so much better than the others of your generation. Set serious limits.

Read the 'Anxious Generation'--if nothing else doesn't convince you that tik tok and SM and iphone are dumbing the h*ll out of our kids and making them socially inept IRL.

:marseynotes: anxious generation...

What market isn't saturated?

Also, this is why it is so hard to get admitted to a CS program -- they aren't expanding the seats to meet student demand unless there is market demand.

UMD CP actually halved the CS class, but I think that was due to too many students who are not ready for it being interested in it, and wanting to keep the classes more intimate. UMD is also developing its AI/ML programs.

Job market is cyclical, but low level IT jobs have all been offshored. The big thing now is AI and ML, both of which are related to CS degrees. Some colleges are now starting to offer AI majors. That's the next big thing.

Lets push more kids into a technology whose primary benefit is requiring less workers

It's good that they're not expanding the seats. My English major found a good high-paying job quite easily out of school, but I know there are not clearly established paths for those majors as there are (or at least used to be) for CS majors.

Please share firm and $.

I won't name the firm but it's a large consulting firm with quantitative focus. Salary is around $90k. I agree with the advice to go to the best school you can get into, do as well as you can in that school, and don't accept the notion that you are limited by your major. My English major also took math, econ, government, etc, so firms knew she could do the work.

Great advice.

And hustle. Wherever you are.

I've already help DS [dear son] research the clubs/teams to join at Ivy - will be freshman in fall.

The parenting job doesn't end once they get in to a top college or program. It shifts and changes. Now they need life & career advice. Show them where to look, questions to ask, clubs to join, people to meet.

I know this is much harder with introverts….


Many CS majors end up with contractors and bouncing from job to job with little job security.

A friend seems to be "off" every few months as they say, looking for a new gig.

They are probably in lower level jobs or in older tech. My spouse was the same. Luckily, spouse is at the tale end of their career and retiring.

This economy sucks

I guess people should go into the low paying industries like home health care hospitality instead since that is where the job growth is.

Get a liberal arts degree (economics and something soft) from the highest ranked school you can.

Recruiting for finance, consulting, and corporate /strategy roles are much much easier if you are in English and economics major coming from Rice or Vanderbilt or Emory compared to CS at Purdue…..

Ask around people!!!

lol at this bs

Unless you have good connections/networking, that will not help.

DS [dear son] will graduate from an Ivy, commencement is today, and he is still looking for for a job, as most of his friends who don't have connections. Those with connections have good jobs.

Your kid had to join the clubs in schools and network network network….

Nothing lands in your lap.

These "clubs" arent the only way to network. One of my undergrad TAs encouraged me to apply for a job he used to have, since I had mentioned in office hours that I was interested in that subfield and I had a high A in the class. You don't need to golf.

+1. Some seem to think it's not fair when a person gets in the door a job interview due to connections, but you need to work to develop those connections.

Ultimately though, outside of CS, you need a graduate degree if you don't want to hit a hiring ceiling a few years down the road.

Huh? Why wasn't your kid networking? It's a requirement in life…..

Social skills people.

Golf and tennis….

That's why my kid is double majoring with math. Hoping for options...just in case.

Also, 90% of the people who were CS, along with myself in undergrad, moved into other areas like sales or management. Very few spent their career in tech. Some of the best product managers I've met at top Silicon Valley companies started off as Engineers even before going on to business school.

My husband is a senior software engineer with a highly specialized skillset; the market for entry-level to low mid-level is extremely saturated and starting salaries are no longer competitive.

Party's over!

I know! My oldest just graduated from UMDCP and only got 3 offers for over 120k.


That's why my kid is double majoring with math. Hoping for options...just in case.

My kid is also a double major in math and CS, but only because they love math. I don't think a math major in and of itself is lucrative.

Math connects back to the data science and financial quant side (and goes further "just for fun")

This is why we need entrepreneurs to create more of the jobs your kids want.

We need your kids to be the entrepreneurs! That's what Gates and Zuckerberg and Page did!

Being an entrepreneur is too hard for most people. I say this as an owner with 50 employees and $26M in sales last year. People want the success without the risk and pain. Honestly, most people are basic and want a steady paycheck for minimal effort.

I mean, my CS major took English and Business classes (straight As). I guess they can do non CS related work, too?

+1 Our CS major is minoring in creative writing and theater.

Very soon the CS degree will be considered obsolete


good thing my CS major kid can communicate effectively and look people in the eye (debate team), and write effectively (IB DP grad), as can many other students of other majors, not just English.

English majors aren't in high demand, though. So, it's better to major in STEM or business AND communicate and write effectively.

Just returned from a college reunion, and my friends' kids who majored in CS and graduated last year and this year are all un- or under-employed. It seems pretty obvious to me that low-level CS jobs are the first to be gobbled up by AI. If you go to a top school, it truly does not matter what you major in. Most of those kids who want top jobs in tech, finance, consulting will get them. Majoring in something skill-based is more important if you attend even a slightly lower-ranked school. This is why people work so hard to secure spots in the Ivy-plus schools.

Again the data doesn't agree with your imagination.

Harvard english major 4 year out median salary = $49,675

This is utter BS.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

oh shit there's 10+ more pages of this shit



:marseychud: :marseycrying:


i agree with the :marseycrying: they should have just shot it


Jay Glatfelter spends about $4,800 a year on toys – $2,400 for himself and $2,400 combined on his six- and 10-year-old sons' birthday and Christmas presents.

The 39-year-old tech sales rep, who moonlights as a toy influencer under the moniker Geek.Dad.Life, is among a booming group of grown-ups who are shelling out big bucks to collect action figures, trading cards and Lego sets that harken back to their youth in the 1980s and 1990s.

Their love of all things Star Wars, Marvel, Ghostbusters and Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles is a bright patch in an otherwise bleak outlook for the toy industry.

For the first time ever, toy demand from preschoolers was surpassed by demand from toy enthusiasts over the age of 18, with the latter accounting for $1.5 billion in sales from January to April, according to data from Circana.

“The reality is that most kids today are not connecting with physical toys the way previous generations did,” toy influencer Dan Larson told The Post, explaining that he's “a big fan of G.I. Joe.”

Circana, which tracks consumer trends, described 18 and over “as the most important age group for the toy industry,” pointing to a recent survey showing that 43% of adults purchased a toy for themselves during the past year.

The toy industry has been struggling to recover from a bust that followed a wild boom during the pandemic, when families were holed up at home stocking up on Barbies, Hot Wheels and board games.

US toy sales tumbled 8% to $28 billion last year after rising 1% from a year earlier, according to Circana data.

That's after historic surges in 2020 and 2021, when industrywide revenue surged 17% and 16%, respectively.

This year's numbers still look weak: Toy sales dropped 1% through April compared to a year ago while the number of units sold dipped by 2%, according to Circana.

It's no wonder that toy makers including Mattel, Hasbro and Lego are wooing drinking-age consumers.

“Lego has someone on staff whose job is outreach to ‘AFOLs' [or adult fans of Lego], who are buying $200 sets,” explained James Zahn, editor of Toy Insider.

Ineeed, Lego sells sets for adults that are far pricier, including a Titanic set that sells for $679.99 and a Star Wars Millennium Falcon priced at $849.99.

In another key trend, grown-ups are buying collectible plush toys reminiscent of the Beanie Babies and Cabbage Patch Dolls that sparked frenzies in the 1980s and 1990s.

Eight-inch Squishmallows, collectibles that look like Humpty Dumpty with various faces including cats, pandas, clowns and bananas, were the top-selling toy in the first quarter, thanks in large part to adult collectors, according to Zahn.

But the majority of grown-up toy buyers are so-called “kidults” like Larson and Glatfelter – who tend to be men who are into action figures, trading cards and model sets, say experts.

“The fandom skews more male and more millennial and Gen X,” said Glatfelter, who sees the trend as an evolution from previous generations who collected knickknacks.

“It's the modern day version of when our grandparents collected Hummel figures,” he explained.

Some collectors are sensitive about being described as “kidults.” The issue inspired Larson to devote an entire segment on his YouTube channel SecretGalaxy to discuss whether “Action Figure Collecting is an Embarassing Hobby.”

The answer, he concluded, is yes and no.

A “societal perception” that all toys are made for children feeds into the embarrassment, he said. On the other hand, collecting toys has “become more acceptable because companies are making lot of things for adults,” according to Larson.

“If tiny plastic people brighten your world a little,” Larson said in the segment, “then don't let anyone take that away from you.”

It can be a pricey hobby, with the average collector spending between $300 to $400 a month, according to Larson, who keeps some of his collection on display on a wall in the house he shares with his wife. Other items are stored in closets, the basement and in various bins, he said.

Toy industry honchos welcome the kidults to their toy chests, but insist that kids will always rule in the toy aisle.

For one thing, the first quarter is typically the slowest time of year for the industry, suggesting that adults' buying power stood out because there were fewer purchases for kids after families binged on the holidays, Greg Ahearn, president of the Toy Association told the Post.

“The primary consumer is always going to be children,” Ahearn insisted. “But we are finding that the adult market is flexing its muscle and has reached that tipping point.”


[–]SpursBanana_trumpet 52 points 1 day ago

>The vitriol some of you have for the women's game is unreal. It's not just indifference or even a dislike of the game compared to NBA ball, it's actual hatred. Some of the comments are just crazy when the only crime the wnba has committed is existing. :marseyindignant:

[–]SpursSpicyTigerPrawn 9 points 1 day ago

>I tried to watch the WNBA a couple times but I did not find it interesting so I stopped. Same with dozens of other sports I tried and moved on when I lost interest. That worked fine until several players went on a media blitz that tried to shame people into consuming a product that did not interest them. That was a clumsy move that probably turned a lot of neutral people against the WNBA. Shame is only a motivator if you know and respect the people who are trying to shame you. Since few people cared about the WNBA to begin with it did not have the desired affect.

[–]MentallyIllBlueHair -14 points 1 day ago

>Bro just admit you hate women. :marseysmughips:

[–]BubbaTee 2 points 20 hours ago

>I mean, the quality of play is pretty low. I imagine most 8th grade travelling AAU teams could compete respectably in the WNBA. 8th grade Seventh Woods would dominate the WNBA, let alone 8th grade Lebron.

>It's an inferior product. That's not mean-spirited, it just is. HS baseball is inferior to MLB. That doesn't mean everyone hates high schoolers.

>What do you want people to say? Pretend that Griner would school Jokic?

>But it's ridiculous to say these women have no skills.

>Every dude who makes All-City in HS basketball has some skills too, it doesn't mean people wanna watch them, or that they should get paid "equal money for equal work" compared to Luka.

[–]Grizzliesdeltalitprof 1 point 15 hours ago

>I think comparing the quality of WNBA games to those of junior high school males is a huge exaggeration and an insult to what these women can do. Maybe the most talented eighth grader in the nation could do a lot in the WNBA, but that's not what a lot of these comments are saying.

>Comparing the level of WNBA gameplay to that of the average eighth-grade male AAU team. That's just flat chauvinism and ignorance. I'll gladly take all your downvotes to call that shit :marseykneel:

much more self righteous scolding in the comments. Including the familiar repeated argument that Amazon lost money in their first ten years, so why can't the WNBA lose money for 20?

[–]MavericksPointBlankCoffee 4 points 1 day ago

>Yes please talk to me about how all these tech companies are massively profitable- IE uber, food delivery apps, amazon for a decade+ etc. Plenty of examples of nonprofitable businesses.

>The NBA clearly sees value in the WNBA, to grow the sport, get women involved, support non-NBA programs, and so they subsidize them. Same reason title IX exists. In another realm, it's the same reason the government supports many social programs, libraries, fire departments. None of those things make money, they are there to benefit people, to grow their fields.

>Regardless, it's not my or your money so why does it make you so mad that it's going to growing women's sports?



:mars#eyhmm: :marse#yhmmm: :marseyth#onk:

"75 years of dictatorship- China vs 75 years of Democracy- India" curries discuss

Choice quotes-

>infrastructure doesn't mean development

:#marseycope: (typos edited out)

!antibharatiya don't you hate when curries pretend to speak English then slip into Hindustani for no good reason

Intra-brown infighting


Saw a hedgehog in my garden today

Don't know what to do with hedgehogs, so I left him a piece of sausage near the burrow. Now, half a day later, it is gone

Euro 2024 Live Match Thread - Spain vs Croatia




Sharp decline in white and male recruits. Don't mention woke are DEI because that has nothing to do with it!!

Why are men against women in the military (Janny had to shut this one down). Female soldiers don't end up fricking everyone on deployments and ruining unit cohesion that's for sure.

Mrs. GREEN APPLE - Columbus :marseychudjamming::!marseymonke:

!chuds :tayvibin:

Popular Japanese rock-pop band Mrs. Green Apple removed the music video for its new song, “Columbus,” from YouTube on Thursday, following claims of racism and ignorance leveled at the clip from users of social media. The video was online for less than a day.

“Columbus” found the three members of the group dressing up as famous individuals from throughout history, including the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus, encountering characters resembling apes. Mrs. Green Apple then educates and seemingly controls the ape-like men, having them pull the trio around in carts and saluting them.

“Columbus” the song came out at midnight on Wednesday, with the video arriving later that night. Criticism came quickly. Users sounded off in the clip's comments section and on social platform X, decrying the video as ignorant and bordering on racist.

The main problem appeared to be how this portrayal of Columbus, traditionally viewed as the navigator who discovered North America but who also brutalized indigenous communities of the continent, was grossly inaccurate. Others noted how the treatment of the apemen resembled colonization, and played into racist stereotypes.

Others went further, questioning whether the apemen characters were meant to be the “primitive” communities of other lands.

Around 3 p.m. on Thursday, Mrs. Green Apple removed the clip for “Columbus” from YouTube. The band posted a statement on its official website shortly after, apologizing for the video and explaining that its original intent was to present historical figures having a “fun house party.”

The planning director for the “Columbus” video was Mrs. Green Apple vocalist Motoki Ohmori. The song and video were part of The Coca-Cola Co.'s “Coke Studio” music initiative, which finds famous artists creating original songs and videos, often featuring Coke products in prime spots.

Mrs. Green Apple formed in 2013 and in recent years has become one of the biggest J-pop acts around. The trio consists of Ohmori, guitarist Hiroto Wakai and keyboardist Ryoka Fujisawa. They have sold out stadiums nationwide and appeared on NHK's year-end “Kohaku Uta Gassen” music extravaganza, and the group has provided the theme songs to multiple popular anime series. The group's song “Lilac” is currently the No. 1 song on Japanese streaming charts.

Mrs. Green Apple has expressed interest in taking its music overseas, and to that end the band established a company called Project-MGA in conjunction with Universal Music Group with the intent of expanding its activities to the rest of the world.

Shiba Inu-chan


God and I thought the post-miscarriage eating-raspberries-from-her-vagina-with-a-finger-up-her-butt scene in {Suddenly You by Lisa Kleypas} was shocking. Godspeed everybody.

Women aren't okey

I read The Skeleton King like this 😧🫢😰 and I have a HIGH Tolerance for batshit. I've been reading fanfiction for over 25 years. It's a Nightmare Before Christmas retelling that starts with grave robbing and necrophilia (by Jack) and Sally's face gets cut open for more room to give head repeatedly. My flabbers were gasted.

They need ye

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