Canadian PM Justin Trudeau to resign

Basically this all starts, when this lovely wholesome video about totally underrated Biologist channel Team Candiru, about parasitic wasps laying eggs within the living bodies of caterpillar is shown. :marseyinabox: :marseydrinkwater: :marseytransplushie2: :marseyuwu: :carpbow2: VERY WHOLESOME FAMILY FRIENDLY

as you can imagine with such grisly morbid subjectmatter, the comments section is filled with jokes to cope about the horror of mother nature. Some inane jokes and comments are as follows.

jokes, people relating experiences, some praising the author of the video

You know, everybody having a good time, at the expense of the poor caterpillar which is the subject of our horror entertainment of the video.

AND THEN, our incredibly toughguy scottish cucks arrive when another inane innocuous comment is made

You guys get it, he's taking the piss about the fact that when British accented men with clear and handsome radio-voices are often commissioned to narrate Nature Documentaries, often many of then involving, unfortunate, gruesome and brutal natural events like Lions devouring recently born boks or whatever.

Unfortunately for the commenter, and all other non-Bongland native english-language speakers, whom are not well-versed in the various subdialects of the British Isles, the Narrator of the current video is not a blue blooded evil colonizer Englishman :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

and this causes seething RAGE and ANGER :purerage: :purerage: :purerage: for the Scotbongs in the comment section, because modern Scots want us to believe that they are still badass manly hairy-chested men, instead of the turbo p#ssies and weak meek wimps, whom are even bigger nanny state cucks than their Britbong southern neighbours,

and that they are VERY BADASS and will totally beat up outsiders :marseysurejan: :carpsurejan: :surejan: who dares to confuse them for their evil colonizer overlords!

:marseyakshually: :marseyakshually: :marseyakshually: :soysnootype: :soysnootype: :soysnootype: :soysnootype: :soysnootype: ACTUALLY HE'S SCOTTISH, A MUCH LESS SHIT BONG

"Don't ever call him English again" :marseybraveheart: :soysnoo5:

"1. It's a Scottish narrator, don't ever call an Scotsman English he'll break your nose

2. I think it's hilarious that you think there is a commentator sitting in the forest actively narrating this like it's a football match" :scott: :phil: :marseyscottish:

Now the problem is that Youtube comment threads are r-slurred and nonsensical and often doesn't display the order in which comments are made, and often only ever when comments are directed at others, this means that often are difficult to follow past the 1st 50 or so.

But even so, usually u can get the gist of arguments which popped up down a thread.

basically in this one clip, for example we had 3 different slapfights :slapfight: :slapfight: :slapfight: ongoing at the same time!

The "52% of Scots voted to remain with the English though, so number 1 isn't exactly true lol" is one train of fight about how not all Scots hate england and the Independence movement and Nationalism is a joke

The "we were Lied to regarding our nations value, debt and prosperity. Had Theresa May not been a lying cow Scotland would be independent" is random sneed about Mommy May raping wingcucks further down the thread

and the "He doesn't... it's pretty hilarious that you think he does because he made a joke" comment is calling the other scots pathetic for blowing this internet tantrum :marseytantrum: :marseytantrum: :marseytantrum: way out of proportion as the original comment was obviously an oblivious yank having made an innocuous comment!

This video was posted 4 years ago, yet the comments would continue this great debate for over a whole year lmoa.

Anyways it doesn't get anymore interesting, just constant sperging about :marseynpcsheep: :npc: :npcangry: :carpbeannpcmad: :carpbeannpc: scotland. IS. NOT. ENGLISHHHHH :npctantrum: :npctantrum: :npctantrum:

!britbongs also, @Aevann does this count as a non-reddit source of drama?

Shot My Shot with My Therapist and Got Rejected : NYStateOfMind


Shot My Shot with My Therapist and Got Rejected

After I told y'all about the feelings I developed towards my therapist I decided to take some of your advice and shoot my shot So during a session I told her how I felt

She got really serious and said it's normal for feelings to develop but I can't entertain that it's against my ethics Then she said it was best if we stopped seeing each other adding I can't continue as your therapist and I don't ever want to see you again

Yeah didn't expect that

I don't know why this dude is talking about his love life on a drill sub but he's getting clowned on across posts

I beg yall start flaming people for this shit stop coming to this sub venting about your personal life this neighbor has a frickin therapist and still comes to an nyc sub to cry. This shit gotta stop!!!!

This mf reminds me of tony soprano and his therapist only when Tony confessed his feeling and got shot down he didn't coming crying to the internet this shit sad bro learn to take an L and keep it to yourself


Fricking psycho

Two side dudes (both at the same job), all while married. Crazy work. She was one of the ones that's been mouthing off about how women analysts are just as qualified as their male counterparts.

This is all coming from that hairdresser that is accusing skip Bayless of propositioning her for s*x. Dafuq is going on over there lmao.

You're the goat, skip. I don't care what anyone says about you.

They had a coke runner on the show who was also groping women. Spectacular.

Poor guy fell in love.


This is the biggest L women have taking in sports broadcasting history. All this weeks after all the shit they were talking.

Reported by:
Calling all Dino turbo neurodivergents ( @Cdace ) - what's the most :marseyshredded: :marseywindmill: brutal, violent, and :shadowrage: EDGY paleoart you've ever seen?

T-rex DEVOURED by giant crocs

eysore time! :marseyeyemixer2: :marseyeyelidpulling:

Scene in the original Jurassic Park book, which was excluded from the movie for being TOOO BRUTAL :marseywindmill: :marseyshredded:

Seismosaurs turbo cucking predators

Seismosaurs cucking birbs

paleo birds eating smaller birds

Murder Chickens :marseychicken: :marseyfriedchicken: are scary :marseyscared: :marseyscared:

Irregular infrequent collection of recent images I've saved that I enjoy

idk I can't remember the last ones I posted so there might be overlap

Share urs below


There is a YouTube channel I watch that goes through hours of body cam footage and edits it down to something that fits within my ~15 min attention span. I know most dramacels have even shorter attention spans so I edited it down further into a 3 minute video

Here is the full video I stole the clips from:

Some amusing comments: (can't link comments on YouTube, I tried)

Some news about the trial:

Alexia Gah Gi Gay Mary Cutbank, 19, of Duluth, and Seneca Warrior Steeprock, 39, of Savage, are accused of ambushing and shooting Cameron Maurice Jones at least eight times in an apartment near Lake Avenue and West Fourth Street.

The Minnesota Court of Appeals this week reversed the case of Seneca Warrior Steeprock, 43, who has been serving a statutory maximum 20-year sentence following his conviction by a Duluth jury in February 2023.

The attempt on Jones' life was believed to be connected to another Bemidji-area homicide, committed by Cutbank's brother in November 2020. The victim in that case was Charles "Chucky" Kingbird.

But according to court documents, Jones and Montana Cutbank had a "contentious history," and Jones' family believed he, not Kingbird, was the intended victim of that shooting.

I found another unrwlated homicide case involving Alexia Ga Gi Gay Mary Cutbank:

Funny interview with her codefendant


In August 2019, a year prior to the shooting in the video, Alexia Ga Gi Gay Mary Cutbank and her friend Mia Faye Sumner killed a man named "Fatback" on the Red Lake Indian Reservation. Mia Sumner then stole Fatback's car, drove to Duluth, and was suspiciously lurking around the scene of a third, unrelated drive by shooting.

United States of America, Plaintiff, v. Alexia Gah Gi Gay Mary Cutbank (1), Mia Faye Sumner (2), Defendants.

Duluth Police Sergeant Joseph DeJesus testified that on August 20, 2019, at approximately 2:30 am, he and other police officers were investigating a drive-by shooting at the intersection of 24th Avenue West and West 3rd Street in Duluth, Minnesota. While clearing the scene, he noticed Sumner at a nearby bus shelter.

Sergeant DeJesus asked Sumner if she was high, and asked her which drug she had used. He then stated, "[o]k. Hey, relax. It's not illegal to be under the influence of meth. You know that, right? It's illegal to possess it, not to be under the influence of it."

Sergeant DeJesus: So where are you going to go in Duluth, right now?

Defendant Sumner: Home.

Sergeant DeJesus: But home [is] in Red Lake?

Defendant Sumner: Yeah.

Sergeant DeJesus: So how did you get down here to Duluth?

Defendant Sumner: I stole a car.

Sergeant DeJesus: Where's the car at? Whose car did you steal?

Defendant Sumner: It was my car.

Sergeant DeJesus: You stole your car?

Defendant Sumner: Yeah.

Sergeant DeJesus: But how do you steal your own car?

Defendant Sumner: It wasn't mine. . . it was cause I killed him.

Sergeant DeJesus: It was what?

Defendant Sumner: I killed Fatback.

Sergeant DeJesus: You killed Fatback?

Defendant Sumner: Yeah.**

Sergeant DeJesus: And you stole his car?

Defendant Sumner: Yeah.

Sergeant DeJesus: Who's Fatback?

Defendant Sumner: I don't know

Sergeant DeJesus: How did you kill Fatback?

Defendant Sumner: With a gun.

Sergeant DeJesus: Where's the gun?

Defendant Sumner: I don't know, in Red Lake somewhere.

Sergeant DeJesus testified that he did not believe Sumner when she stated that she had stolen a car, or when she said she killed Fatback. During the pat down, he can be heard in the bodycam footage saying "she's telling me that she killed a guy in Red Lake, stole his car, and drove to Duluth, which, I find unlikely, but she's tweaking pretty [] hard here."

Sergeant DeJesus testified that it was not until the following day, August 21, 2019, at approximately 5:00 a.m., that he learned from another patrol sergeant that a homicide had occurred and was being investigated in Red Lake.

@JoeBiden !soren carp @ghostlighter @grizzly @elfbinn @getogeto @AraAra @MarseyIsMyWaifu !schizomaxxxers discuss this effort post

Teacher Who Got Pregnant After Raping Boy, 12, Gets 25 Years in Prison

Alissa McCommon, 39


Prosecutors believe the former English Language Arts and Social Studies teacher at Charger Academy in Covington had as many as 21 victims between the ages of 12 and 17, investigators said. Some of the alleged victims were her students. She met one minor at a party and one while playing Fortnite, Assistant District Attorney Joni Reagan said during the trial, WMS reports.

Preying them on videogame.

One mother grew emotional in court, saying, "I loved you like family, opened my doors to you," WREG reports. "You used our friendship to hurt me and the people I love in this world, took innocence from my son before puberty, took what was supposed to be a great experience and tainted it . Your mind is sick and twisted for looking at a child and being turned on.

"The innocent child will be loved and raised without your influence," the mother continued. "There's no amount of time they can give you that will equal what God will give you. You will burn in heck."

>Your mind is sick and twisted for looking at a child and being turned on.

Snappy quote

As PEOPLE reported previously, Covington police began investigating McCommons in August 2023 when they received information from the Tennessee Department of Children Services about possible sexual misconduct involving a teacher and a former student, police said in an earlier statement.

In other texts with the 12-year-old boy who impregnated her, she threatened to kill herself if he ended their relationship, police said, WREG reports.




DNC suddenly into realpolitik as BIG MIC LOBBYIST BVLLS come knocking:

:marseymonk: The Dalai Lama Chudda says frick off, they're full :marseymonk: :chudsmug:

CW: OP repeatedly misgenders her step son

SageSunrise: I am a step-mom to two wonderful girls age 12 and 13. Recently, the 12yo confessed to me that she "wants to be a boy." I asked her why she feels that way, and she wasn't able to explain, just "I don't know, I just do."

Now, she's always been kind of a tomboy. Over the summer she got a pixie cut haircut (with pink highlights), and she sometimes wears "boyish" clothes. But at the same time, she enjoys stereotypically feminine activities like baking cupcakes and playing with makeup. She loves all the current pop music girlies and knows every trivia fact about Sabrina Carpenter. As a younger kid she liked stereotypical "boy" toys like Nerf guns and dinosaurs (who didn't??) but also had a babydoll she treated as her actual child for YEARS.

So what I'm saying is - she's not a boy. She might be a lesbian (she hasnt confirmed it, but she is REALLY into Sabrina Carpenter...), but definitely not a boy.

How do I talk to her about this? I'm sure these feelings are coming from a confused discomfort with puberty hormones and body changes that she's misinterpreting as some kind of "gender dysphoria." The kids go to a very liberal private school and I know they're getting all the TRA messaging there (this is their last year there).

Does anyone have any experience with this? Any advice? I'm afraid if I just shut it down full stop she'll dig her heels in, but I'm definitely not going along with it. Their father (my husband) feels the same as me, and while their mom isn't as peaked, she has assured my husband she would never consider any medical intervention. Plus, we live in a super red state where "gender affirming care" is extremely hard to come by and might soon be illegal for minors.

Any advice?


radicalacceptance: Sounds like you should let her parents handle it.

iconic: Did you read the post?

I am a step-mom to two wonderful girls

Step-parents are parents in every sense of the word. They take on the responsibility of caring for, nurturing, and guiding a child

She is trying to handle it, are you treating her as less of a parent?

radicalacceptance:It might hurt some people's feelings to accept reality but stepparents do not have the same rights or responsibilities as legal parents.

PiquedInterest: She's not one of the girls' biological parents, but she's still an adult closely involved in their life, not a random stranger who can just punt them off to their parents.

radicalacceptance: Oh? Why can't she punt this one?

Every divorced dad in the world wants to dump his parenting responsibilities on his new wife. OP doesn't need to play along. She doesn't have any legal authority over these kids' medical decisions anyway. She can and should let the parents handle it.

iconic: Step-parents contribute to the emotional, financial, and practical well-being of the family unit. It's not uncommon or wrong for them to become fully integrated into the fabric of a child's life and assume the responsibilities traditionally associated with "legal" parenthood

The law doesn't guarantee better decision-making capabilities. "Biological" or adoptive parents might not possess the knowledge or understanding to make the most informed decisions for a child's well-being. OP possesses the knowledge or understanding that "transgenderism" ruins bodies and lives. With this knowledge comes a moral obligation/responsibility to ensure that medical decisions are made in the child's best interest

The moral obligation/responsibility of a well-informed and loving step-parent supersedes the limitations of the law. Let OP handle it. Without information on the availability or involvement of the other "biological" parent, it's unwarranted to use the law to dismiss OP's concerns

radicalacceptance: Ok, but that's not actually how any of this works. The kids' parents make the kids' medical decisions and if OP disagrees it doesn't matter if she's objectively right or a better parent.

I'm sure dad loves checking out and letting OP handle this "because you're just so much better at this than I am" though. Divorced dad 101. Let's all be smarter than this?





Reported by:
Irregular AI slop post, Jan 2025 edition

Some pixel art this time

!coomers !2dgooners

Also I posted this here for -free- while I made twitter users go to my patreon I started recently



!blueanon !khive

Cope, Seethe, Dilate Chud Mega Event! Kamala Harris will certify the 2024 election for Donald Trump

The hour the chuds have been waiting for will arrive soon. They get to watch a beautiful black queen state that the crown of executive rulership goes to the evil fanta man.

Watch it on the provided link. Make a lil watch party or whatever chuds do. Someone else ping them because I sure af am not paying to ping them.

ran into a powerful chud wizard on amazon

Do NOT face Aleister Chudley alone when Astral projecting :marseydead:

Brianna Wu is chudding out again, this time on muzzie r*pe gang problem
Reported by:
Kiwis try to give :marseynull: advice on how to stop being morbidly obese. Surprisingly, he takes it very poorly!

Neighbor is incapable of not melting down on at least a weekly basis lmao



However, even some normie ledditors start to :marseynooticeglow: about why living expenses are getting more and more expensive, yet the ruling class and media only talks about "internet extremism" as the issue that plebians should be focused about! :marseywrongthonk:


I'm gonna bash my fricking head against the...

IT'S BECAUSE WE'VE TRIED ASKING NICELY TO AFFORD BASIC SHIT AND KEEP GETTING * * FRICKING IGNORED!!!** By our political "leaders", by our employers, landlords, law enforcement (see; elite class public security detail, lower class suppression unit) we're fricking sick of fighting to meet even the bare minimum!!!

And now it's "Ooooohhhh.... I bet all these attacks are because of that EEEEVVVVIIIIILLL INTERNET! It's gotta be that 'political divisiveness. That's the proble-"

GET FRICKED, NBC! It's the thing that your fricking owners won't let you fricking talk about, and I am beyond sick of the actual fricking problem getting so carefully danced around.

We're. Tired. Of. The. Owner. Class's. Bull. Shit.

:#speechbubble: :!#speechbubble:

I never thought I would be agreeing with a redditor typing an neurodivergent mental breakdown :#bruh: :#@bwcpat::#heartbeat::#soysnootypefastpat:


Its getting bad in the last couple of months we have had 2 assignation attempts on Trump a third non-attempt where a guy tried to sneak into his press conferences with a gun, we have had two shootings at Christian schools, an attack in new Orleans that killed a bunch of people and finally a guy tried to blowup a cybertruck in front of trump tower. these attacks are all over the place but the one connecting thread is it is all far right violence.

:#marseynoooticer: !chuds !nooticers


Just remove anonymity/usernames from all platforms. Users have to use their legal name. Let's get some real accountability behind people's actions and what they are spreading.

:!#speechbubble: !soyteens !fedposters

:marseynull: vs :marseyfatrick: Who will enjoy prison? & A MATI Listener claims to also have had success by appealing "I AM INDIAN" to twitter

direct link to fatrick tweet



Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

So many white knights in here perpetuating princess behaviour.Reason already flew out the door when she decided to pack irresponsibly, and now some people are saying she shouldn't be held accountable for her actions and the man has to pick up after her because she's sulking.Giving in is how you make the rest of your life with her miserable FOR YOU. (56)

Exactly, on the part of OP:Shut up and stop being a petulant child. (-25)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Oh look, another one.A gentleman would help a lady carry her bags.She'd have to be a lady to deserve it. (22)

If you think "saying 'partners should help each other'" is white-knighting and "getting a 'win' over your wife/girlfriend because reddit thinks it's cool" is the correct approach, you deserve all of the unhappiness which ever comes your way. (-11)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

No.You told her not to overpack, and she ignored you. And because her suitcase is heavy, it suddenly becomes your problem.Naturally, her solution is to sulk like a petulant child.Women demand equality until it's inconvenient for them. (48)

Some* women. Not all of us! (-17)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I'm sorry for your pain, but anger doesn't seem like the right response. In the end, in this equation, the common denominator seems to be you. Maybe change your attitude, so people are comfortable around you. You scare the shit out of me and I don't even know what you are like in person. I wouldn't want to know. (2)

Exactly he scared me too. He seems to have an extreme hate against women. And his reasoning is that women hate him or use him or won't choose him. Hmm I wonder why they won't choose him?I'm single too. I can admit I have my own faults. I haven't found the right person yet and I'm 28. But I've learned from every relationship & I've never taken my hurt out on 50% of the population simply because they share the same chromosomes as someone who hurt me. He is very, very angry and that level of anger is terrifying. He reminds me of this guy I went on a date with who was really pressuring me into s*x and getting incredibly angry with me that I wouldn't and started calling me absolutley vile shit. Like just so incredibly full of anger towards women not giving them what they want. (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Just this week a post from askwomenover40 showed up on my feed.The woman was asking why a man she dated 20yrs ago would contact her. She said she checked his fb account and he was recently divorced. The lovely ladies of Reddit, in their infinite wisdom, said it's because he wants to frick her. I didn't read all the comments but the top rated comments said just that. Me, being a man over forty, having real, actual insight as to what a man over 40 might think commented. My comment was basically this, "I don't know the circumstances of your break up 20yrs ago, but it's possible he liked you then and figures he might like you now. Now that he's single he might be interested in a relationship with you. Or, he might want to frick you. There is only one way to find out."My comment was removed and I was banned. I received a message from the mods that it was a women only sub and "males"(that's right "males") are not allowed to participate. I had no idea that was a thing. Women constantly comme... (1)

That's pretty shitty. I'm not in that sub. I actually don't know why this one showed up on my feed, but I was initially enjoying the fact that everyone was nice, for the most part, and gave me hope that the awful hatefulness on both sides over the past several months was possibly easing off. The problem is that on both sides, the hateful, angry people are the loudest. So, people automatically expect the worst and assume disrespect or whatever from every statement. Then you get folks using these sweeping generalizations about "all women" or "all men," which just make people even more defensive, and the spiral continues. The thing about that is that it only punishes the angry person because they just have all this angst building up and nothing to do with it besides throw it at other people. That makes them less personable and more likely to encounter people calling them names, further perpetuating the spiral. I'm purposely using spiral rather than cycle because it's bringing us as h... (0)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

YTA. I'm not huge on gender roles, but the one thing you do as a man is carry heavy shit. Y also TA for trying to tell her how to pack. This is her vacation too. It's insane to ruin your vacation over this, and of all the things to concern yourself over in a relationship, this is not it.I've seen a lot of bad advice in this sub, and all the people in here saying NTA might be the worst advice I've seen yet. Carrying heavy shit is the easiest brownie points you can get in a relationship. Just do it. (7)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Questionsey

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🔘🔘

Number of comments: 6

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:



old hags preying on defenseless zoomer males as usual
Look at the funny joke i made.


The basics- why he's in jail & acquiring a phone

& . After Dec 9th's announcement of "got a phone" He continues to retweet supporting messages

It's vlogging time

1. updating his fans and meeting his roomie

2. showing off a commissary haul from his fans, Life update & confirmation that he's a top bunk neighbor. His enemy appears

3. Holiday Preparations and trying to make peace- Setting up his Christmas tree, getting bullied & the importance of homemade christmas gifs, his bully

4. The cookie saga- baking a christmas cookie by mashing up packaged cookies, squabble neighbor, and debriefing after trying to give his bully a "cookie".

5. Aftermath & New Years- Journ*lism for Instagram/bully expose, a new years letter from his friend, hoping he's enjoying the cookies, happy new years, hanging with the homies, and playing football with the boys

6. a video simply labeled they are atheists which sounds like a vintage jinxthinker video title :jinxthinkerhesright:



I live in Texas so I went to chicago for my abortion and no they did not. Thankfully tuesdday I'm getting a pelvis scan and ultrasound. I went to another gyno I think I have pelvic inflammatory disease I've been doing research so we'll see.


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