A somewhat boring (re: words words words) thread where I tried to explain to leftists that acting r-slurred is bad actually

I'm going to post this here so if anybody wants to pile on.

I gave up after about an hour trying to explain that destroying property and acting r-slurred as bad actually.

Feel free to make fun of me for trying. I'm drunk

Dad died.
International :marseybee: day is coming bros :marseysoyhype: I can't wait :marseydance:
Friday night drunk thread

Pregamed with a few guys who don't know what the frick pregaming is. They went straight blackout drunk instead of just getting buzzed so now it's 7pm, I'm mildly buzzed and the guys I'm supposed to go drink with can't even be trusted to not throw up in the Uber or asleep. Frick, we're only 6 shots into the night and I haven't eaten dinner yet.



What is it with women getting lost and dying/nearly dying less than 3 hours from help?




Just take a look through any of his all day long rants about people, he is also well known for stickying his opinions to the top of threads for no reason.


Really he has out done himself by defending the latest anti-cheat above what even the literal employees are doing. Banning everyone even mentioning they had problems while the company was trying to collect issues people were having to actually solve them (they actually made a thread later to directly collect these because the Jannies were working too hard and preventing them solving peoples issues :marseyxd: )

The highlight of which was stickying a post calling people racists for having tech issues, he then went to defend himself from people making fun of him, but then locked the thread after people kept laughing at him.

the /r/leagueoflegends mod team also control every related league of legends subreddits :marseyschizotwitch: so also have locked threads making memes about them.

Please take your tech issues to, a subreddit he just created as an excuse to ban all the threads he doesn't like :marseyjanny2:

For good measure they also control /r/lol just to make sure no one can make a competing subreddit for the game with a reasonable name.

!g*mers discuss one of the worst gaming subreddits

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