I like you Dream so I'm going to be respectful here but destroying public property is not peaceful protest. This is what caused the failure of BLM. Most normal people are turned off by bad behavior. A better strategy would have been sit-ins on the outside property itself butโฆ
— The Homocracy (@ReasonPete) May 4, 2024
I'm going to post this here so if anybody wants to pile on.
I gave up after about an hour trying to explain that destroying property and acting r-slurred as bad actually.
Feel free to make fun of me for trying. I'm drunk
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Protest simply doesn't work in America. We are the least radical nation in the West. We've never had a significant socialist, monarchist, or fascist movement. The term "American exceptionalism" originally referred to America being the only country without a commie uprising in the 20s.
BLM? Failed. Occupy? Failed. Vietnam War protests? Failed so hard they got Nixon elected twice, but since he ended the war I guess they technically succeeded
The civil rights movement is famously America's only successful protest, due to highly contingent factors:
Disciplined, centralized protest organizations take great pains to make protestors look as sympathetic as possible
JFK cynically plays along to win Black votes
Protest leaders swallow their pride and allow JFK to use them as political tokens
JFK makes a big show of creating a major civil rights act while secretly planning to water it down. Before he can, however, a random schizo blows his head off
His successor LBJ uses JFK's death and years of Senate experience to beat Congress into passing an actual civil rights act
Even then, the movement was failing by 1968
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I want you to know I gave you the progressive stack award unironically and because you told the complete truth
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Once again, 1968 was the truly the year of the Chud (60s edition). Tricky Peepee was elected, pinko agitator MLK and Nepo baby libtard RFK got whacked (the latter by a Palestoid ), Brazilian unionists and commie students were imprisoned, the Dem convention was a shitshow.
On the year climax (christmas eve) Apollo 8 was orbiting the moon showing America was going to win the lunar race.
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there's also the part where it was a geopolitical tactic (explicitly discussed as such around the time of brown v board) since the american racial order was making us look bad to third-world countries and pushing them closer to the soviets.
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spider gang for life
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Americans are just too comfortable. No campus protestor would lay down their life for their beliefs, while this is common in countries with actual revolutions.
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Why was the movement failing by 1968? I haven't heard this opinion before
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The movement peaked in 1965, with the voting right act. After that, public opinion started to diverge, Whites felt that they had given enough, while blacks still dealing with the long term effects of segregation were bitter that there was no instant solution to poverty. Also the original civil rights movement was mostly going after Southern Dejure segreation that was literally written down. But after 1965 they started to go after Northern defacto segregation that alienated whites, as they didn't feel they were racist. The long hot summer of 1967, featured multiple massive riots that had high death counts compared to modern riots (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long,_hot_summer_of_1967). This even more so damaged the reputation of the civil rights movement in white America's eyes. In 1964, Northern Whites thought of civil rights activist of victims of Southern brutality. In 1968, Northern Whites, thought of civil rights activists as anarchists burning down their city and trying to change their kids schools.
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!chuds what's changed?
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The establishments greatest trick is how protests actually do anything when you aren't already invested in power.
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That comment killed me because I watched the videos of protesters beating each other with sticks lmao
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I like where they said "you said we need more peaceful riots but studdies show most of them were peaceful" and you were all "most isn't good enough it has to be darn near ALL of them" and they were all
The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko
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It felt like a continuous argument against people who don't want to recognize that life isn't fair.
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Average leftoid argument
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I don't think it's as much they don't understand optics as it is to them the only way to show devotion to a cause is to loudly and violently demonstrate your passion and dedication, so a peaceful sit in might be more effective with the normies but won't win them any cred with their peers
The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko
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And I think that that ideology blinds them to optics. They're more worried about virtue signaling than actually effecting change because they don't really care about the cause. They care about how they're seen, because their ideology is "show fealty to the cause".
It's all performative
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Wingcuckery has destroyed so many valuable things because they care more about performative acts than actually improving things. See fundies, environmentalists, commies, white supremacists, etc.
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This is true and surprisingly insightful. Someone should write that sociology paper.
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You've heard of the Performative theory of gender, now it's time for the performative theory of politics. And remember that to there are only two genders and two politics. The binary punishes those that don't comply, unless you want to be enby/independent and we all know that independents are like theyfab, independent in name only.
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There's the purity spiral but that's not quite the same thing.
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Fair enough, I see what you're saying.
The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko
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Hey, in town any dispute where they aren't shooting each other is mostly peaceful.
I think they should issue boxing gloves and encourage both sides to punch out their feelings. It would also clear out some of the trendwhore college kids who want to be cool, but not enough to get punched in the face for it.
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Reminds me of the BLM days. โ90% of the protests were peaceful!โ Oh so only 10% of the 3,000 protests turned into violent riots? So, like, 300 violent riots? I don't know, still seems like kind of a lot to me
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If they took steps to separate themselves from the looters and helped combat it, it would have been fine. But they just spammed "vast majority" instead lmao
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I tried to make this point over and over again in the thread and it's amazing how much leftoids continue to ignore it.
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Firey but mostly peaceful
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The thing about that too, is they counted every protest, even protests with 2 people, to pad the stats. I'm not even sure it's possible to riot with 2 people.
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I've been told im a riot in bed
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Yeah, because they can't stop laughing.
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It's demonstrably true that the protests were indeed majorly peaceful until the police and pro-Israel thugs stormed into the encampments and started assaulting students. This idea that the reason why the cops were called in was due to student violence is fricking hysterical lol.
I swear, the amount of bootlickers in this site these days is crazy. Unironically
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Welcome to the real world where people will spin even the slightest mistake into your whole movement being violent.
You can cope and seethe all you want, but the reality is that the most successful movements were those that were so peaceful that they literally allowed police and fascists to beat them, sometimes to death.
I'm sorry you thought revolution meant shitposting on the internet, but it actually means throwing your body on the gears of the machine and being willing to sacrifice yourself for a greater cause. You fricking kitty.
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A peacefwl pwotest is abswowlutewy worthless if there's nyo threat of viowalnce. If u genyuinyewy believe in what u're saying then u have a seriouswy guwwible understanding of histwory and aww the pwotest/resistance muvments that twook place and their dynyamics in histworicwl cwontext. Literawwy ewery successfwl peacefwl pwotest that twook place in histwory, and I mean literawwy ewery singwal onye, happenyed awongside the threat of or the existence of viowalnce with it or pwior two it. There's genyuinyewy nyot a singwal instance where this wasn't the case.
It's funny that u think this is swome kind of "own", especiawwy in an instance where u're talking two a swon and gwandswon of literwl revowlutionyary militants. In 1973, my gwandfather was parawyzed fwom his waist dwown because of tworture he endured in a dungeon at the hands of the PIDE (fascist pwowlice in Pwortugal). U dwon't nyeed two teach mwe abwout self-sacwifwice two a gwateer cause, my famiwy alweady did. I'm a card carrying Mwember (almwost 20 years nyow) of the wery same pwowliticwl party my parents and gwandfather were part of. I'm wery pwowliticawwy active and take part in aww mannyer of meetings, pwotests, campaigns, labwor unyions and syndicates nyegwotiations and plannying. I'm nyot the champagnye Swocialist caricature that u've cweated in ywour head.
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I stopped reading here because you're fricking r-slurred. This isn't the 1960s and even if it was even Malcolm X said his approach was bad.
Yeah man, keep being violent and turning the citizenry against you. You're doing a great job. We totally got police reform from BLM and I'm sure you'll get an end to genicide from smashing up colleges, you dumb frick
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Every right we take for granted today wasn't "gifted" to us, it was won. Never forget that. Because if you genuinely believe that the monarchs and aristocrats of old gave the serfs and proles rights simply out of the kindness of their hearts then I have a bridge to sell you. Same dynamic applies to the ruling classes of today. Every right we have was won by active coercion. Every single last one of them.
In this case the students were very much not violent at all, it was the cops and the pro-Israel goons, but sure.
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Mostly through peaceful means. Sorry, tard, but history is mostly boring. It's everyday interactions and ideas built over a very long time that get things "moving." With the rise of towns came merchants and trade. International trade associations complete with private courts and security sprung into existence to compensate for the shit systems of government. Much of common law, which you live and breathe in, was built on the backs of everyday farmers and traders. Centuries of weedling and begging r-slurred demogogues for a crum of private property has become the pillar from which you can buy your dumbphone and b-word and moan about capitalism.
Almost all the violent "revolutions" have been absolute failures because they simply replace the status quo peepeeheads with another set of peepeeheads, e.g. the French Revolution, the Bolshevik uprising, Mao's nonsense, and almost every turd world coup in the ME, Africa, Latin America, and South America.
You Marxist-inspired pieces of shit have been kicking the brakes of civilization since 1848. Y'all keep measuring change in terms of blood and death, while everyone else does it with cash and credit. Socialists truly are the BIPOCs of world history.
!chuds !historychads, another late night rant from Yours Truly.
!anticommunists, it's fricking KNOCK OUT NIGHT ON RDRAMA!!!
*ding* *ding* *ding*
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all those words wont bring your dad back
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My dad never left!
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The idea that peaceful protests/revolutions in the past could have achieved results in a vacuum independent of the threat or existence of violence is fricking hysterical and ahistorical. Just the most pea brained understanding of history.
This BIPOC thinks the merchant courts of the 16/17th century are the foundation of our legal systems and rights . R-slur, the proles didn't have any real rights under the feudal system and it wasn't until Napoleon came along and shook things up that Europeans drafted general civil codes.
That you're right about.
You mean centuries of collective action, organized labor, boycotts and political activism. To which there's mountains of literature detailing the progress from the early industrial revolution to today. Progress that shows active coercion by the masses absolutely works and achieves results. We would still have 8 year olds working in factories and have 100 hour work weeks if the people back in 19th century hadn't collectively demanded better working conditions, rights and protections.
The French Revolution took down the feudal system that had been in place for centuries and replaced with an objectively progressive (at the time) alternative. Same deal in Russia with the Bolsheviks which liberated millions of serfs from Tsarism. Same deal in China with Mao who freed the Chinese from European imperialism and elevated hundreds of millions of peasants.
BIPOC, if it weren't for "Marxist-inspired pieces of shit" your goofy butt would still be stuck working in 19th century working conditions and working a 100 hour weeks with no healthcare, no paid overtime or any kind of vacation time, let alone paid vacation etc..
What no historical materialism does to a mf
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You're r-slurred. Why would I read any of that?
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None of these words are in the Bible
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I remember the Gay Marriage Battle of Savannah
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And in the last 50 years they've been won through non-violent means. Normies always respond better to images of completely peaceful martyrs getting beaten for a cause. It's personally and narcissistically a lot more fun to graffiti a building or smash a window though.
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Pway teww, what rights did u exactwy "win" in the past 50 years? Because u can easiwy make the argument that u've wost mwore rights than u "gainyed".
Won't swomebwody think of the campus wawws and windwows
If u think painting gwaffwiti in wawws and bweaking a cwoupwal windwows is being "viowalnt" then u're a b-word-made straggwot and shwould unyiwonyicawwy keep yourself safe.
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Lmao the uwu award makes this perfect. Bro I'm not reading anything you're saying because you r-slurred
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Remember when gays busted out all the stained glass windows of churches until they could finally get married there.
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The primary force toward a better civilization, especially since the 1600s, which pushed autocrats and aristocrats toward democracy and private property rights was...markets.
Sorry, commie. You lost before it even began.
!neolibs !anticommunists
U S A!
U S A!
U S A!
U S A!
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!chuds we have socialist royalty here
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I've known more coherent downies.
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@The_Homocracy discuss
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Not All Protestors
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A good one to bring up is Claudette Colvin and how MLK threw her under the bus for the more respectable Rosa Parks despite them doing the same thing
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I wish I had this like 2 hours ago
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Well that whore should have kept her legs shut
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Intern-level mistake
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This and the coal wars are some cool history, I feel like the people in these comments would like to see it, although I don't know whether it supports or detracts from the legitimacy of violent protest
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Or the Whiskey Rebellion
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Infuriating to read, but that's to be expected since they're all Vaush c*m-guzzlers.
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It's my desire!
It's my desire!
It's my desire!
When we touch, when we kiss!
This one's just for you!
Good night, waterboy.
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This is my personal army, actually. I haven't seen your Messiah butt causing any drama in 2000 years.
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Christorians are notoriously dramatic
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Death of the author
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I can't really fault people for trying to reason with zealots, but it's a fruitless exercise that only makes you like the zealots even less.
Do you still like DreamLeaf? Or do you like them less now?
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I do it when I get really drunk and I was really drunk. Dreamleaf is still fine. Everybody has some dumb views.
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There's no reasoning with Millennials
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You had that same mlk comic quoted at you multiple times instead of a counter argument
Getting hit by them shareblue bots lmao
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ahhh yes, I didn't make any death threats. I've just called you fat and gay
archive.ph (click to archive)
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