Dracula moment

Saturday drunk thread

9 pm where I'm at, I'm lit on red whine cuddling the cat (who's not that amused)

What are you guys sippin


What would I have to do in order to get a permanent UwU filter?

Pls I need to know

random ramblepost
  1. I got sick and lost half my week

  2. Now I am consumed by the fires of rage for reasons I do not fully comprehend.

  3. I lost about 1-2 kg this week

  4. I have been flipping a coin to make a quick decision whenever I feel indecisive

  5. The more I think about women's hypocrisy the more misogynistic I get.

  6. I have concluded society does not have individual men's interests as heart. As an individual man the message of society to you will always be what you must do for others.

  7. I believe in honor and glory, but I also believe that I should be the one determining what honor and glory is, nobody else must do so for me.

  8. The magic coin says i will have six figures in my bank account before the year ends

  9. The magic coin says I should leave by 2025

  10. My memory has improved. I can remember numbers up to 11 digits.

  11. I no longer trust foids.

  12. I no longer believe in multiculturalism

  13. I have gotten better at social skills. I interact with 10+ people every day now.

  14. I am pretty sure I should not take advice about anything in life from any of you.

  15. My instincts are telling me to focus on making money.

  16. My relationship with my siblings has improved.

  17. I have zero faith in liberals

  18. I have slightly more faith in center right individuals as they at least still believe in improving their own lives which is a respectable and sadly rare quality. To believe you can assert control over your own lives.

  19. I think rightoids are r-slurred when it comes to the cop question.

  20. I believe current liberal policies aren't fixing the cop problem either.

  21. The politicians know they need to keep letting in more immigrants to grow the country and if they stopped now they would be left behind on the world stage. Infinite growth means also growth in number of citizens.

  22. Americans aren't having enough kids.

  23. Pornstars have gotten uglier since 2010's and now it's become harder to even find interesting scenes online because of active search engine censorship of rough or hardcore scenes.

  24. My personal conspiracy is that all good looking women have been purchased by the wealthy and that's the real wealth gap. You can no longer reproduce with decent genes even if you wanted to if you don't have all the cash in the world.

  25. We peaked as a species some decades back and now we are hitting the point of purposeless human decadence.

  26. The US top guys know what they are doing, the politics is just the bread and circuses.

  27. The real danger to the average American is that as central America develops more and more latin Americans are actually smart enough to compete with actual Americans on the job market.

  28. The non-skilled American working class is a failure and a net negative to American society.

  29. Only thing keeping them aloft is middle class fatties who want their mcfattymeals served on time by someone beneath them.

  30. Inner city black culture is too violent.

  31. CPS should be allowed to take away kids from inner city homes if there are reports of physical abuse.

  32. Yes, I understand this will result in 90% of the kids being taken away.

  33. Asian people are white adjacent.

  34. I am amused by the fact that white people think Indian foids are genuinely crazy even by white foid standards.

  35. I am waiting for the second wave of Ukraine attacks to retake their territories.

  36. I do believe about 54,000 Russians have died. If the number were lower then their troop breakdowns would not make sense.

  37. I think Russia will use tactical nukes during the final stages of the conflict if Ukraine were to reach Crimea.

  38. I dream of conquest.

  39. I cannot believe the bardfinn bot still hasn't hit a day without someone saying bardfinn.

  40. I no longer believe in upliftment causes via colleges. You truly wish to uplift people then it is only possible via cultural and infrastructural changes. Otherwise you are just forcing the uneducated into work they will never be qualified for in 90% of the cases.

Ramble on my friends. Tell me how's things going.


tom scott apologizing for trump getting elected.

im uploading all of my stuff

(~4 tb)

to the cloud at the moment and i thought this was quiite funy

eat well neighborz

G*mercels :marsoy: seething at loli-chads :marseygigachad:

Im a couple drinks in and have a good one.

Scream Blacula Scream Official Trailer (1973)
An authentic, legitimate picture of the common carp


Reddit mod reveals his affections to his crush on Cut

We gotta spell it out again, don't we?

Being MAGA isn't a matter of "political opinion." It stopped being a matter of "conservative vs. liberal ideology" a long, long, long time ago. It's not about "how tax dollars are spent," "foreign policy," or "immigration." Heck, it's not even about the broad strokes of civil rights like the right to choose or the finer points like reparations. Those opinions, no matter how diverse and varied, still fall under the umbrella that is American democracy; as flawed and fallible as American democracy is, it is STILL democracy. MAGA isn't about democracy. MAGA is fascism, period. So you can't defend MAGA with the same tired arguments used in the past, in this case "you are intolerant of a different opinion." It's not a matter of "different opinion." It's a matter of fundamental definition - "is America a democracy, or a fascist state?" This is what MAGA doesn't get when they want to blame Biden and Dems for inflation, or immigration, or gas prices, or whatever else they want to rattle the pots and pans over; those things really don't matter in this discussion. Because while those things are all legitimate discussions when it comes to policy, we're not talking about policy anymore - we're talking about something much more fundamental, "is America a democracy or a fascist authoritarian state?"

TL, DR: Save the "so much for the tolerant left" bullshit, MAGAts

You’re using a word you clearly don’t have a good definition for other than β€œpeople I dislike”. Trump is not a fascist.

First of all, yes he fricking is what the frick are you talking about?

Second, many experts on fascism disagree with you - even some that were extremely hesitant to call him a fascist changed their minds after 1/6. For example, while renowned historian on Eastern Europe in WW2 Timothy Snyder has plainly said for years that Trump is a fascist, it wasn't until after 1/6 that renowned political scientist and historian studying fascism Robert O. Paxton concluded that Trump is a fascist.

And even the ones that still refuse to call him one usually do so by saying he's too incoherent to count as having that kind of strategic vision (both Roger Griffin - historian and political theorist studying fascism - and Stanley Payne - historian studying European fascism - have made such arguments) or that he's simply too personally corrupt to be viewed as having the actual dedication to nationalism rather than personal gain (Thomas Weber - a German historian studying Nazi Germany - has made such an argument), not by saying he doesn't closely resemble a fascist in practically every way.

Please gas Redditors.

dramatic happening
Are there PNGs of existing Marseys somewhere?

I was gonna try my hand at making Marseys but I'm not getting rid of a black background pixel by pixel just to preserve the black outline.

Twelve year old boy destroys home after his mother took his phone

Love that freep

Which one of you gave me money?

I'm not a paypig why do I have dollerinos

Lemme just come in SWINGIN



Leaving this hellhole smell ya later

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