Digable Planets - Where I'm From
Guy comes out as a banana, comments locked


My bru, do you want to log off, tear a page from Corinthians and snort some [autojannied] before I cancel your right eye…


Link goes to his "story in short", i didnt read it because its too long. However the post has 136 comments and a 46% upvote ratio

Shadowbanned for meanie name

Look at OP's profile.

@Elbonian_Mud_Smuggler literally keep yourself safe, you disgusting whiny hall monitor butt redditor butt snitch butt b-word. You need to go back to where you belong

Goes out to every janny too. Radical centrism? What's that???

Iibhola zakho zekorona

It's irritating. Fix it.

Two r-slurs arguing about Drake


Reported by:
  • Dongwha : I can't read my own fricking post in this country club
  • Dramamine : Poor nonsense
This country club has done nothing but bring me down as a person.

everyday i come in here and all you do is tear me down insult me hurt me with your words and do nothing but harm me emotionally physically mentally and I just can’t take it any longer this club is so abusive and toxic it’s crazy. no one even realizes how disgusting all of your behaviors are. every single time I talk or type or even do anything or interact with anyone in the club everybody just goes against me and gangs up on me like a pack of wolves and just attacks me and i didn’t do anything to deserve these attacks and these hurtful words. i literally just try to be nice to everybody but nobody ever wants to be in my shoes and nobody ever tries to sympathize with me and see where I’m coming from all of you just see me as the enemy and as the bad guy that’s trying to ruin the club or something when really I’m just trying to spread positivity. you guys act like I’m some kind of virus or disease, constantly casting me out so much, making me feel so left out and so alone in this club. it’s fricking driving me insane I feel mental and I feel like a weirdo just being around all of you because of how you treat me. at this point in time, I’ve given up on ever trying again and ever becoming any of your friends because I just know your feelings towards me clearly. i know all of you hate me and never want to be around me again or never have anything to do with me. it’s clear that you all think I’m a joke and that I’m stupid, idiotic and boring. it’s so mean because I literally don’t do anything to you guys but you guys always act like you hate me and it makes me feel so confused because I don’t know what I did to deserve it. I feel like I should just leave because clearly nobody wants to be around me and everyone would be happier if i left anyways so i’ll just go and i hope all of you find happiness in life and i’m sorry for all the troubles i’ve ever put any of you through.

Am I shadowbanned?



Anyways, the point of this post is that masstagger makes our subs light up everytime we create a bait sub. Ditch all your old accounts for baitposting and make new ones today.


and their s*x

Baitsub idea. R/OnlyAfricanImmigrants

Edit: title is fake subreddit name to send down wrong route. Actual subreddit name should be r/therealamericans

It's a sub about how in the US there is not enough black immigrant population and how it must be because of some racist stigma against letting blacks get in.

All Asian and European migrant quotas should be cancelled and given to African Americans until this wrong is righted and we have enough black people coming in from all over the world.

This should only see a problem with racist people because they are the only ones who think only letting in black people would lower the immigrant quality.

We must specially target the Asians who make up an unfairly high amount of wealth holders in the US blocking upward mobility for the black people.

Am I shadowbanned?




Based and talipilled
Rusted Root, give it a listen sometimes
To: Frozen

Hey, @FrozenChosen. It's me.

I would've DM'ed this to you but it's way to long.

This might get long, but I'm not in a great place rn and need to get these thoughts out.

It seems I've finally been banned forever. Before this account gets banned though I wanted to make a final request to you.

I'm going to make one final long in depth post here, explaining the whole story of Krayon, of me, on rdrama. And I want you to post it, because I'll get banned if I do.

To be real serious for a moment, this site has become a bigger part of my life than I'd like to admit recently, in a time where I've been struggling with life and have had even fewer relationships than normal.

I don't know you, not really. Rdrama is more of a huge comedy LARP if anything. But I ask that you publish this for me because I need to get these thoughts out somehow, I can't let them die with me.

If you agree to this, just reply Ill do it, and I'll get the post to you soon on another account.

it's probably for the best that I leave this place, and honestly I'd advise you to do the same.

A lot of the people here are genuinely bad people and this site and the actions of it's users causes people to hurt more and feel less joy. You're to good of a person for rdrama

And I don't think you really want to be contributing to this site that can only do harm.

But I'm just a random person on the internet, and your life is your own, so take that as you will.

I thank you for your forgiveness. The forgiveness you gave me in this shithole on the internet actually helped me make peace with the some of the grudges held against me in real life. I wanted you to know that. And I wish you the best.



tl;dr OP goes out specifically to help low level players in chinese game (indicative of either child or woman), gets mad cause another bedo joins in a tries to be sexual with his prey proceeds to LITERALLY BOIL AND SHAKE IN ANGER at said libertarian and ends up spending 1 HOUR talking with a minor just to make them feel safe. To the surprise of no one a small ammount of time searching up OP's history reveals he is a gay fanfic writer and spends hours answering people questioning why he's hanging out with minors in the first place. Easy lolcow milking potential FARMERS REQUIRED.






One of my two accounts, sort of main account got CRUELY AND UNJUSTLY BANNED after I WAS NICE and HELPED YOU by reporting a security issue. My account was ROBBED of all my dramcoins, set to -1,000,000 dramacoind JUST BECAUSE I ASKED FOR COMPENSATION IN FAKE INTERNET CURRENCY FOR MY HARD WORK.

AND I only ever asked for compensation because I LOST my dramacoins because I sent them to my original, banned account AND NOW I CANT SEND THEM BACK.


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