GOP Sees Opening as Biden Copes With Pre-Christmas Inflation, Supply-Chain Issues - WSJ
‘Invade Australia’: US TV host’s shocking call
:marseyrasta: Anthony B - Mr. Heartless :marseyrasta:


Yu worthless

Pass mi sword and mi cutlass

You think is a laughing matter this

You a try everything you have you trap set up

And you plan is for one brother to hate the other brother

And slay him so Babylon can crush him cup

It's a pity many of the youths don't realize

That you stray them with your dollars

Give them your killing orders

And turn around and sell dem out just like french fries

But here is what you do, you use the youths like dem a tool

For doing a bag a evilous things

But woe be on to you for turning people pickney fool

You shatter their hopes and dreams

You can't deny don't even try

You are the reason why decomposed bodies are often found

But will not be for long can't escape with all your wrong

Countless murders committed in towns

Fi di bag a people you mek a suffer

Fi di blood money that mek you richer

Oh oh oh Mr. Heartless you end it a go bitter

Shall be bitter, shall be bitter

Fi di youths you pay fi do the murder

Al a di body whey dem dump in a gutter

Oh oh oh

Member you a go pay fa

Rastafari teach you

You no waan learn

Well nuff a dem skin get burn


Check it out many times the innocent get slay

And you same one name the killer

To the crime stop media

Collect reward while sufferer grieve in pain

Mama face the hardest time to give youths education

And end up loosing many ways for her is only wasted days

No chance of getting back a fraction

So youths you need to stand up strong

Don't take no boosting from no one

Take this advise I give

Don't get red eye because a money just work and earn it honestly

Don't say that I'm talkative

A lot of youth like you dem use and heard it often in the news

Most wanted for killing a few

No follow them and loose your soul

Just keep you cool nuh loose control

Like others they will shake you up too

Fi di bag a people you mek a suffer

Fi di blood money that mek you richer

Oh oh oh Mr. Heartless you end it a go bitter

Shall be bitter, shall be bitter

Fi di youths you pay fi do the murder

Al a di body whey dem dump in a gutter

Oh oh oh

Member you a go pay fa


Until the colour of a man skin is of no more significance

Than the color of his eyes,

Then shall always war

Please know what life is for

Jah, Rastafari


Redditors discuss the buildup to a murder

Guy just got killed, there's another post. Anyway.

Some say this was a publicity stunt for his new album dropping soon but this seemed too brutal, and mad respect if it isn’t. What do you all think?


100% PR Bullshit I say. Looks untouched in the super timely promotional IG vid lol. Its just too ridicilous.

Surprised he'd need it tho.. he got a lot of people listening to his atrocious music. (give my boy Roffe ruff, a proper lyricist, the love he deserves ffs)


My point is that for someone whos content has never been about being authentic to what he's saying or his image.. that wont matter. Being publicized/get a lot of dramatic traction in time for a release that he says hes releasing "in spite" of getting kidnapped etc in an orchestrated IG "event" or whatever to call, is good PR in terms of visibility. And visibility is a lot more important to him than being authentic to 1 single demographic that might listen to G-rap, of which he isnt authentic to anyway.


Anything involving Sweden and crime will always get the same white reactionary responses. Doesn't matter if the criminal was native to Sweden or not. And most of it is coming from Americans ironically. The exact same people who have absolutely nothing to say when white people drop bombs on thousands of non-white men/women/children overseas every month. Imperialism is the direct cause of mass immigration. The destabilization/resource depletion of the "Middle East" by Western countries.


Ive seen them. They look ridicilous indeed. But I dont think anyone believes he is a gangster anyway. Dudes a spoiled 17 year old kid. So its more for the text than the image I reckon. Who knows.. maybe it is true. I doubt it perosnally tho


Someone came back to this thread and pointed out that he was murdered, after all, so it wasn't a LARP. To which the redditor's confident reply was


Getting killed dont make you a gangster.


Or so claims some random on Twatter, though it appears to have gained traction with local Suns beat reporters.

This is your brain on fentanyl

Dudes whole profile is posting black and white peoples fighting, and blacks committing crimes, throughout Reddit. But the linked post shows us the why he’s actually upset.

Schizochad is happy that Alec "Hitler 2" Baldwin capped some foid
german lolcow drachenlord has been arrested
Rightoids have a field day with DDDs newest TV appearance
some people say actress han so-hee looks like itzy's ryujin
An unoriginal bait sub idea: cops that like issuing tickets

Yet another garbage bait sub idea to die just like the rest of them.

Good night r-slurs :marseycapypat:


Remember, this is the future of finance.

Him do Betray

Mei Mei and Pabu have wisely moved out of Portland now. Frick that place and frick everyone who lives there.

Frick you jannies for ruining my muscle memory

I curse whoever thought replacing profile button on toolbar with shop is a good idea. Be useful for once if you want a raise

We need to talk about Dave Chappelle

He didn't make the distinction between mud slinging accounts on twitter (2nd most toxic social media) and the LGTBQ community in general. He goes out of his way to address the entire LGBTQ community explicitly in his gripes. He said that they act like minorities until they need to act white around Black people. He based this off of one bad personal experience. He said 'Trans people make up words to win arguments'. He said the trans are out to get him and he needs to look for adams apples

He used a huge platform to lie about the trans community. He said JK Rowling was cancelled for stating a biological fact. First, she wasn't cancelled. she's still with her publisher, still publishing books with cross-dressing characters who are murderers

If by cancelled he means that people were mean to her on twitter, the biggest backlash didn't come out until she lied about someone's contract being renewed for purposely not referring to people by their chosen pronoun. To be clear, not for making a mistake, but going out her way to be rude to people directly. JK Rowling lied and said she was fired for her opinions. It was so wrong and inflammatory Daniel Radcliff went out and made a statement about the whole thing.

He complained that the LGBTQ community is preventing him to from going after white people. He said that he had them on the ropes before the LGBTQ community stopped him. But it's Dave who keeps on dedicating his specials to them. When his last special was released there were no articles being written about his beef with them, no social media trends. And then he dedicated nearly his whole special to them

And if he wants to get conspiratorial about white people, race, and sexuality issues, look at what they did in India and the Philippines. They did a ton to demonize homosexuality in those areas. They always do. Like the Hindy/Muslim animosity and the Caste system in India (which existed before the British came, but they dialed that the knob up to 100% by codefying into law and making it a part of their educational system) and apartheid in South Africa, they are always pitting minority groups against each other so that they won't focus on their oppressor

And I don't see how this could be any more fricking glaring than that the anti-gay people and anti-trans people are the same ones who are anti-BLM. The same people who keep passing laws specifically targeting Black people from voting

He also complained that Dababy got cancelled for being homophobic but not for murder. First, it's always easier for celebrities to attack individuals over attacking minorities

The CEO of papa john got cancelled for using the N word. Roseanne got cancelled for telling a Black person she looks like a monkey. Kramer got cancelled for using the N word

Laura Bush got away with running over and killing someone. Chris Brown got away with beating Rihanna. Don King stomped a guy to death and went on to become boxing's biggest promoter. Robert Richards, heir to the DuPont company, was convicted of raping his daughter and served no jail time. Attacks on individuals don't elicit the media attention like racism and homophobia do. But this is somehow the fault of the LGBTQ community?

Furthermore, social media backlash isn't a strong indicator of the extent to which systemic racism and homophobia is being addressed in our society. There's a still record high killings of trans people. Police can still largely murder Black people and face no legal repercussions

Actual cancellations from social media backlash are when corporations stop doing business with a person because their image no longer brings in the same revenue as when they hired them. This never really challenges the root power structures and phobias in our society. It doesn't matter how many celebrities throw their careers in potty, it won't affect systemic racism in policing

He complained 'to what extent am I obligated to participate in your self image'. He has none, but to what extent are they obligated to indulge in the idea that he is beyond criticism? To what extent should they suppress the fact that he is no longer a positive influence in their life

He complained about trans people using made up words to win arguments, but the majority of the terms that were coined for identifying phenomena regarding the marginalization of minorities came from the racial equality movements. It's mostly the anti-BLM people who criticize people for using terms like microaggressions

He blamed the LGBTQ community for taking away Kevin Hart's childhood dream of hosting the Oscars

First off, his old jokes were hurtful. Don Lemon did a great job of explaining why. I'm not going to link the youtube videos because that tends to get my comment deleted by the automod, but I'll just mention what to look up on youtube

Youtube Don Lemmon Kevin Hart

And Kevin Hart later acknowledges at much, saying that he has grown since

Youtube Kevin Hart apology

But the issue is that he was adamant in not addressing it twice. But he never apologized the first time. He never apologized in every single interview he did about his hurtful comments prior to the Oscars; he defended himself each and every time until

Google the article titled "Where Are Kevin Hart’s Past Apologies? An Investigation"

If hosting the Oscars truly was Kevin's childhood dream and giving an apology (and instead lying about previously apologizing) was a boundary, then he has a "Brittle-butt spirit" (Dave's phrase for LouisCK victims)

Btw by his own usage of the terminology, Dave tried to 'cancel' Don Lemon

Youtube Don Lemmon responds to Chappelle

Regarding his trans friend's death, he cited her arguments on twitter as a possible cause for her death. I'm just going to skip over the point that twitter arguments bring the worst out of people in general (and not just LGBTQ people), I'm not going to buy that story just because Chappelle said it. Maybe it's true and maybe someone else can confirm it, but from the way Dave lied about the Kevin Hart and JK Rowling backlash, I'm not going to believe his story purely from his take on her situation

Dave exclaims 'look how well the LGBTQ movement is going' as a comparison to the racial equality movement. There are instances where it may be useful to compare movements to better understand varying methods of minority marginalization, but this discussion is wholly incomplete without the discussion of areas where they are not comparable, because systems of oppression uses different tactics to oppress different groups. In Chappelle's own HOME STATE of Ohio they passed a law that allows doctors to deny LGBTQ people health care on moral grounds. In 27 states, there are no explicit statewide laws at all protecting people from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity in employment, housing and public accommodations. Which means in over half the country you can be fired or denied housing just for being gay or trans. Conversion therapy is legal in 30 states. Texas just banned a suicide hotline for LGBTQ youths

I don't think Dave was homophobic/transphobic in his initial specials. He had some cognitive biases which resulting in him saying some hurtful stuff. But his refusal to accept any criticism and the resulting backlash has resulted in a full blown fear -> phobia of LGBTQ people besides 'the good ones' who are his friends. It's similar to a type of racism many white people have today; they believe in the idea of equality in general, but think the Black community are people hateful to white people when the kneel for the Anthem and criticize the police. They use isolated incidents like looting and random youtube videos to characterize the whole Black community. They think the average Black person has more privilege than the average white person by pointing to people being cancelled by racism the way Dave points to people being cancelled for homophobia. They think Black people are misguided in how they address systemic racism, and I feel Dave feels similarly about how LGBTQ address systemic homophobia and transphobia

Dave wants full equality for LGBTQ people but he didn't want them to address the very hurtful comments made by Kevin Hart or JK Rowling. He doesn't want them to call out people for using slurs; he complained about not being able to use the F-word slur. He also implied that the idea of the LGBTQ calling themselves 'my people' is racist, but at the end of the special used that exact phrase to refer to his fellow comedians, 'Stop punching down on my people'

He always tries to pit the LGBTQ community against the Black community. He complains about why is it easier for Bruce Jenner to change his gender than it was for Cassius Clay to change his name. Trans people EXISTED in the 60s, and throughout history. It wasn't easier, it took 50 years after the stonewall riots, which Dave actually referenced in his special. But why do this dumb game Dave wants us to play, does a person with cancer need to complain every time there's a breakthrough in AIDS research?

If his point is that the rich white power structures in our country are using LGBTQ issues to put down Black people, then he should go after the white power structures in our country directly and specifically. Maybe there are pockets of LGBTQ people putting down Black people like Peter Theil, but largely the white power structures strategy is to pit marginalized grounds against each other. The same people trying to put homophobia and transphobia into our school curriculum are the same ones who are trying to prevent Black people from voting

Dave says LGBTQ people act like minorities until it's convenient for them not to, but he's is doing exactly that with his cis/hetero/male privilege to wage with his fellow millionaire celebrities


What is Oppositional Defiant Disorder?

Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a type of behavior disorder. It is mostly diagnosed in childhood. Children with ODD are uncooperative, defiant, and hostile toward peers, parents, teachers, and other authority figures. They are more troubling to others than they are to themselves.

>conscious hip hop
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Racist reality joke: did you hear about the black on black gang war that killed 26 people?

They are still looking for the white man who caused all this.

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Dramanauts get stuck in a whirlpool of perpetual rightoid v leftoid sneed
I found rdramas favorite YouTube vid
[Story hour] The boy who cried bussy.

Once upon a time in a land of r-slurs and honey far, far away called rdrama there lived a young boy named Gussy.

The boy was a mischievous troublesome scamp who would run from place to place causing trouble wherever he could, and what was worse, he was a very big liar as well.

Every once in a while little Gussy would run down the cobblestone streets of the village shouting," Bussy! Bussy! I see it coming towards the village!" And all the people of the land in their excitement would leave there work in a moment and be off after Gussy to find the Bussy.

Each time when many miles away from the village Gussy would stop with a large crowd right behind him, he would turn around with a shit eating grin and proclaim," Haha! What a funny little trick I played on you!"

The people would grumble and scold little Gussy for lying to them, leaving all of them in a foul mood the rest of the day; but Gussy never listened, it was all just too much fun."

One day Gussy once more went down the street shouting," Bussy! Bussy! I see it coming! Follow me!" But this time almost no one came with him, except for three burly young men who carried the heavy loads in the village.

That was a large enough crowd for Gussy, on so he went on for miles away from the village until he finally stopped and turned to the three burly men with a shit eating grin. "Haha! There is no Bussy! What an amazing trick I have played on you!"

"What are you talking about lad? I see the bussy right here."

Gussy looked on at the three men in confusion as they approached him but soon enough he understood as his ouchies rang across the clear blue skies.

That evening he was the last one to return to the village, limping all the way, his spirit deflated and his buck broken. When he finally arrived he saw that all the men of the village were in high spirits. Wondering what could have them all so excited he grabbed a passerby.

"Why is everyone so happy today?"

"Oh. It's because finally bussy came today. It's in the village square."

Gussy couldn't believe his ear and he stumbled forward as fast as he could until he reached the center of the village, and there surrounded by a crowd, was the most beautiful buck he had ever seen, with the perfect bussy, so round and hard and warm and tight, as if it must have been sent from the heavens itself."

Gussy tried to approach the man so that he could have a piece of the bussy too but he fell forward in his excitement and couldn't get up.

The villagers looked at him in sorrow and spoke," poor Gussy. It looks like you are too weak to move now, which is a shame because the Bussy leaves tomorrow morning."

Gussy lay there crying. Buck broken and never to feel the perfect bussy in his life.

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