Wtf is wrong with the post page

For those that don't follow football, a man who loved football (Cam Newton) was cut by the Patriots after having a terrible past couple of years and being showed up by a rookie QB. He was also unvaccinated. The story that he was cut because he was unvaccinated was quickly spread across r/nfl. I had to link the reveddit since most of the posts have been purged on the live thread.

To start, every Covid post has this automod response after a football player said vaccines don't work.

This post relates to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

r/NFL has an established position that commenters who attempt to downplay the pandemic, undermine widespread agreement among the scientific and medical communities about the efficacy of vaccines in preventing death and the spread of COVID-19, or anything which can be interpreted as having the potential to delay someone from receiving the vaccine will be moderated.

Millions of these posts saying nobody said that. Keep in mind you would be banned in July if you said people could still catch Covid if they were vaccinated

lol no

Bunch of false equivalencies like this

Probably a bunch of people about to be banned in the live thread.

Jannies win - r/nonewnormal banned.
Good morning, I hate rentoids

Thank you πŸ˜‡

The #fake movement continues to grow after ESPN is duped by its latest franchise: #fakefootballteam.

The eternal grift continues:

Bishop Sycamore allegedly claims to make its home in Columbus, Ohio. However, according to The Sporting News, it appears that the school might not be real.

There was alsoΒ a GoFundMe page in Bishop Sycamore's nameΒ that was set up on Aug. 21, 2021.


That's because there might not be one. The website makes no mention of classes or teachers or alumni or ... pretty much anything you might expect from a real high school website.

The exact address is not known. Bishop Sycamore β€” which has been described as "an online-only charter school" β€” currently lists a P.O. Box as its address.


Twitter reaction

Twitter memes


Doesn't go far enough.

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[Required Title]
Marsey Request

Coomer marsey but this gif.


My last wish be to be elected to Congress before the World Ends. It’s probably nothing.

What do you know, mods do remove the weirdly sexual posts in r/teenagers that get posted here
I had not idea the hurricane was this bad
G*mers seethe at poorcels

Basicly some youtuber/streamer made a video saying you can't blame the people selling hacks or the hackers selling paid carries or shit like that, since a lot of them are poorcels in 3rd world countries just trying to survive and the 30 dollars from the hacks is a shit ton of money to them. G*mers proceed to seethe in a way that remind me of this.

My favorite comment in the thread

Also, frick his laid back attitude towards the issue. Frick the third worlder who's boosting and ruining the game and frick his starving family, I don't give a single frick if they starve to death. I just want to play my game that I paid for.
His other example is even worse, like it's just a scumbag piece of shit who happens to work like everyone else and wants to take a shortcut because "game is le hard"? Why should anyone sympathize with that? Anyone who paid a single dime for boosts or other shit should be hardware banned as well.
At the end he even says, "it's just them trying to make a living". When was that ever a valid excuse in human history?

Feature Request: Pressing <tab> while in the comment box should go to the "Comment" button instead of the "B" button

I think this is done by setting tabindex attribute.

While your at it, maybe make it visually clear that the button is focused, in the midnight theme I can't spot the difference, making pure keyboard navigation hard.

Site idea: unfollow notification

There already is a follow notification, so there should also be an unfollow one so you know you should do better.

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