[Update] My new furry porn piece is cumming (haha) soon!

The temperature in the past 3 days at my work has been in triple digits and I literally slept 17 hours straight today because it is my one day off and I had really bad heat sickness when I got home yesterday

I'm hoping to have most of it finished tonight and to finalize it tomorrow

Here's an Okapi


Joe gave Joe Covid :marseybiden2:
Applications for facebook mod

Why do you belong? Paragraphs preferred.

Turnpike Troubadours - Every Girl - YouTube

“We [Hungarians] are not a mixed race, and we do not want to become a mixed race either” – this is what Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said during his address in Tusnádfürdő (Baile Tusnad), in Central Romania today. Beforehand, he slammed Western European countries and politicians for encouraging illegal migration and mixing their population. He said that Western-European cities were lost to the non-European population. Orbán argued that the West moved to Central Europe, suggesting that this region would be Europe’s future.

And the best thing is he has like 70% of support in the country which makes seething self hating budapest cucks even funnier.

Fundrasing for a memory hole

Old drama that people forgot,preferably if they were made to forget preferably stuff that aged well or in a funny way.

Like this shit



Stop filling up my inbox with your neurodivergent nonsense. I'll send a glitter bomb to your house so help me.

rdrama theme song
Hats are dead. This is a bbbb website now

Image not related

Behold Rdramas very own aspiring mass murderer.

check the history over the past hour. I think he's mad about drama coin lmfaoooo

Sentencing Hearing: Impassionata [BIPOCs Get In]



Yesterday we heard the arguments of the court-appointed prosecutor, @longpostbot. As @Impassionata declined to offer a cogent defense, spamming the NSlur in what can only be described as a fit of impotent neurodivergent rage, @longpostbot got dunk after dunk. Truly, if there were any doubt in my mind that @Impassionata is an imposter who is not based enough to merit the power of the username, it was set to rest by the poor performance of the defense.

If anyone wishes to set forth the argument that getting dunked on by a bot is based, I pity their prospects for getting laid ever, but the comment section is below and it's a free r drama dot NETTTTTTT.

An additional factor weighing heavily in my decision is the 43 dramaslurs who made the brave sacrifice of not choosing the NSlur option in order to fight for the power of the word 'based.'

The Verdict

The court therefore renders its verdict: guilty.

My recommended sentence is that @Impassionata name be forcibly changed by the admins to BIPOCNata, to more accurately reflect the performance of the character we know as Impassionata. If we are to have a chorus of NSlurs let it come from one truly empowered to take the awesome responsibility of spewing this one word all over everything.


There are those who have accused me of being afraid to say 'BIPOC.' Dude... I'm just not. I just don't think spewing it uncontrollably is anything other than stupid stubborn autism.

Everyone is a BIPOC in the eyes of the State. I posted an old essay early on in my time here titled "The Student As BIPOC" to point to the chip they put in our brains :marseyschizoshaking:

It's an interesting word, and in the right hands, a powerful word. Using it just because someone once told you you couldn't use it is basically being a BIPOC.

@HeyMoon asked the poignant question: which of us is seething?

Well speaking for myself, I'm pretty sure I'm here for the lolz.

And I think I got a little leash on Impassionata and when I poke him he struts around like a good little BIPOC spouting BIPOC everywhere. Because those who are easy to provoke to rage aren't based. And in these unbased times, it's more important than ever to have a firm idea of what makes a man based. The lolz! They are being had lmao.

Besides, low effort crap is for simps. My problem with most of you nslur-loving idiots is you don't actually take yourself seriously enough to write good. I think that longpostbot said it best:

You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

Do you really think you're a free thinker just because you say a no-no word? Or are you just a fricking child trying to lash out?

Man up cute twink!

Sincerely, your cute twinkgy pal BasedGod


Me chasing the red notification button

Does anybody know where this spunchbob video came from :marseycheeks::marseyterrydavis:

@aevann notifications are broken

@Aevann notifications are broken. It said I had two notifications and nothing was there, had to clear notifications. Now it says 5 and nothing is there, have to clear notifications again.

Get your shit together. This is embarrassing.



I’m a poorcel


Big Black - Steelworker (1982)
another fph and poor crossover.

does anyone find this attractive

[🤓🤓🤓🔘🔘] Just going to leave this one here….

Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Besides using the racial slur, what else has he done? Genuine question (38)

He went out and partied during Covid and Indie was only a few months old. He also made out with at least 10 different girls while partying during Covid. The max that happened to him was his SNL appearance got pushed back. Oh and didn’t stop his fans from hurling threats and slurs at people that held him accountable. If he was truly sorry he would’ve at least tried to stop it. Atp MW himself isn’t the problem but his fans are. His fans that try to get him out of everything. (-12)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Genuine question: what does a “slap on the wrist” mean to y’all?MW was suspended from his label, banned from radio play at the outset of his album’s release, prohibited from attending awards shows, vilified by any person not in his fanbase, and ultimately prompted to grovel before the masses on Good Morning America for what he did. Not to mention the Dixie Chicks’ controversy took place two decades ago—and involved a public statement against a sitting president—while MW’s was only two years ago and involved a private, drunken conversation caught on a neighbor’s camera. We can argue the morality of the two until we’re blue in the face, but the simple fact is that MW suffered real consequences for what he did, and people still hold it over his head to this day. I think both of these so-called “cancel culture” moments were dumb and grossly hypocritical when we consider how many known predators and abusers continue to excel in their careers to this day (Woody Allen, Chris Brown, etc.). (41)

The “not in his fan base” is my entire point NOBODY in his fandom held him accountable but if it was anyone else they’d hold them accountable but because it’s some yee yee kid from the middle of nowhere they don’t. A slap on the wrist to me is he got away with it to quickly. The Chicks suffered for years but MW suffered for like 2 months and everything was back to normal. It’s the misogyny in country music or heck in the entertainment industry in general. (-9)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

I didn’t say there weren’t members of his fanbase who held him accountable—in fact, I have friends who stopped listening to him and who no longer consider themselves fans because of what he did. I just wanted to underscore the fact that no one with any real influence in the industry condoned what he did, or even came to his defense, in the immediate aftermath.If you believe that a “slap on the wrist” is essentially a punishment that is too short-lived for your liking…how much longer should MW be made to suffer for what he did? And, more importantly, what purpose would it serve?Accountability does not exclude the possibility of giving grace and allowing growth. Personally, I think excluding MW from the public sphere would hinder both (as it did for DC back in the day). Also, I was about 3 years old when the latter controversy took place, so I honestly couldn’t tell ya why people behaved differently back then—I imagine misogyny is a part of it, though! (10)

His career should’ve suffered like the chicks did. He shoulda been blackballed longer. Big Loud didn’t “suspend” him. They kept him quiet until it blew over then Big Louds golden child is back on top. Just because major radios pulled him doesn’t mean every radio station pulled him. Meanwhile for the chicks they got pulled from every single radio station. Same thing should happen for Jason Aldean but it won’t because he’s a Republican Man. Ever wonder why female singers rarely get number 1s on the radio unless it’s a duet with someone from another genre or it’s with a man? For example Lauren Alaina. Right now she’s the go to person for duets with a man. She has a ton of wonderful and amazing and emotional songs that she sings but you don’t hear those on the radio (at least not where I live). You hear “One Beer” or “Getting Over Him” or “What Ifs”. She has 3 hit songs. Road Less Traveled, What Ifs, & One Beer. Two of those she was just featured on. One of those I didn’t hear once on m... (-5)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Comparing Morgan using a racial slur to the Dixie Chicks who didn't like the President because he was "from Texas" and they didn't want a war, is ridiculous. THOUSANDS of people were killed on 9/11 by terrorists, George W Bush sent our troops to war in Iraq because of this attack. The Dixie Chicks absolutely deserved to be cancelled. Morgan may have hurt people with his word choices but you can learn and grow from that and I believe he has. Bashing the President for sending our troops to war to defend our Country after the deadliest terrorist attack in US is unforgivable. (7)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

You’re going to have MW stans messaging you super hateful things for weeks now. They might even try and dox you. Just warning you. (19)

Oh I’m ready. MW stans hate when people do this. But I’m petty and I can’t stand that fandom. Heck remember when after the incident they were calling people slurs and sending threats to people on Twitter? That’s why MM is better. (They also hate when you say that). Idk what they find good about him. He looks like every other white guy in the south. Heck someone my dad works with and knew since he (the guy) was young IS MW except he can’t sing & ain’t got a baby mama (that he knows of) but other than that he’s like MWs long lost twin. But them sending threats and trying to dox me just proves my point that they’re crazy and not in a good way. (-1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

My issue with The Chicks is that, when given the opportunity to make a statement or “apologize”, Natalie doubled down on her stance that got her in trouble in the first place. Just listen to ‘Not Ready To Make Nice’ and that’s Natalie in a nutshell. (1)

Oh I’ve heard “Not Ready To Make Nice”. It’s one of my favorites. Not everyone is going to be for war. Not everyone supports the idea of war. Not everyone supports the idea of kids getting shot for something they can’t control (if you’re threatening my family then I’m going to do what you say. But that’s also how a lot of children are raised in war zones). Was it in bad taste? At the time yes. But do I blame them for being vocal on their views? Heck no. (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Miserable-Grape959

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 7

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

The chats - identity theft

The ginger lost his voice so I got cheated out of seeing them a few months ago

blakan gods

bulgaria is better than turkey bulgaria num 1. moldova femboy weak sperm

Hey cute twinks

My name is Kyle, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, r-slurred, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid butt pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any kitty? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I wasted 2 antifa cute twinks and was starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all cute twinks who should just keep yourselves safe. Thanks for listening.

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