Very informed college football fan has some... interesting takes
Not an Okapi
Dating apps are more expensive than hookers
A BIPOC Teacher's greatest lesson for us all: Always have a smile on your face!

Nothing gets this lady down!

Neurodivergent argues about Batman, gets increasingly mad

Just read through, the Maru dude gets more and more neurodivergent and more and more angry, it's great.

>Honestly I was just hoping for some clever strategies and ideas, rather than the stupid 'comic book street levelers are limited to RL human standards, despite all the proof otherwise' bullshit.

>They are all in the same continuity. I proved this already. But do you really think Bruce Wayne can only accomplish what is physically possible for a RL human? Because that is just dumb. If you want to claim that, in defiance of all of the evidence, then it's not even Batman you're debating against.

>Fricking stupid 'spaghetti posting' rules... making it impossible to debate... You're just desperately looking for excuses to deny Batman's strength. BTW, Batman actually has learned to manipulate chi, and even use magic. So he literally does have 'super powers', even going by the in-universe definition.


>Trying to compare Batman to Saitama is wrong to the point of being farcical. No, Saitama is not 'a regular human' with no superpowers. Several others have told you this now, with reference to incidents in the story, and you don't get to just dismiss them with a blunt statement, as if your opinion is truth by dint of being yours.


>Again, please learn the difference between what is explicitly acknowledged as a metahuman power in DC, and what is simply considered possible for DC humans with enough training, which isn't possible IRL. I have posted scans that explicitly state that Batman is beyond any RL human.

>Batman is written as having superhuman striking, gripping, and lifting strength, not superhuman leaping strength. If you want to complain about that not making scientific sense, just remember that you're the one using the literary argument.

>And the more posts that I read in this thread, the less convinced I am that we would be able to unite, as it seems like most of us would be too busy debating over sexuality and gender issues to actually fight back...


>Yikes, bruh.


>Denying repeated, consistent feats, and even in-universe justifications for them is pretty dumb, isn't it?

>I don't know how many times I have to say this, but I'm not arguing that Batman is invincible or that he will 100% win this. In fact, I've said that very opposite around half a dozen times now! What's annoying me is that so many people are apparently incapable of believing the simple proposition that a fictional human, in a clearly fantasy setting where humans do impossible things all the time, can be any stronger or tougher than a RL human.

>You guys keep trying to paint me as saying 'It's 100% scientifically proven that Batman can consistently and repeatedly throw 6 megajoule kicks, and you're all stupid for saying he can't!', when in reality what I'm saying is 'Batman is consistently shown and even acknowledged in-universe as performing physical feats that, by any real world standard, would be superhuman (and yes, you're stupid for saying he can't).'


Chuggo - Ah C'mon
Worst xtian subreddit being worst xtian subreddit
History of Equestria - Chapter 3 - Part A: The Deeds of Starswirl the Bearded

After the settling of Equestria the Unicorns were forced to admit a serious problem; raising the sun was unsustainably taxing. Before when they were more numerous it had taken all of their combined strength to raise the Sun and Moon into the sky each day, now a team consisting of Clover the Clever's mentor; Starswirl the Bearded, Archmage of Equestria and five of the strongest were forced to shoulder the burden. The task had prematurely aged Starswirl and the five assistants were utterly exhausted to the point of collapse each time, forcing them into a rotation which they did not have the numbers to sustain without working themselves to death.

However fate would intervene once more as Starswirl happened upon two Alicorn filly's living wild in the wood one day; Celestia and Luna. Knowing of the Alicorn's legendary power Starswirl took them on as his students and from a Castle in the place now called the Everfree forest, began teaching them the arcane arts in the hopes they would have the strength to bear the celestial yoke. His faith was rewarded as in time Celestia learned how to move the Sun through the heavens alone and was crowned Queen of Equestria, with her younger sister shortly after mastering the control of the Moon and being crowned a Princess in her own right.

The peace was short lived as the fledgling kingdom was attacked by the centaur Lord Tirek and his brother the Gargoyle Scorpan. Tirek had fallen in with a dark wizard Sendak the Elder who had taught him the secret of draining magic from others, after Sendak captured a unicorn Tirek betrayed him and attempted to consume the magic himself to disastrous results. The resulting explosion alerted Tirek's father King Vorak, who assumed Sendak was the sole perpetrator and sentenced him to toil in the mines until death. Tirek hatched a plan to march on Equestria, which he perceived as weak and drain it of its magic to use that power to overthrow his father.

Scorpan would usually accompany his brother on his adventures to try to keep him out of trouble and when Tirek set off for Equestria he traveled with him, upon reached Equstria Tirek immediately began his campaign of terror. Initially unwilling to stand against his brother, Scorpan was befriended by Starswirl and eventually agreed to help him trap Tirek. Bound in irons, Tirek was hauled before the Alicorn sisters for judgement and banished to the under heck of Tartarus for his crimes. Scorpan returned home to inform their father of his brother's fate.

What time is it?

The Midnight - Gloria
Babe, wake up, new COVID just dropped
Pink Floyd- Not Now John (Frick All That)

The penultimate track on The Final Cut, their last album before Roger Waters left.

History of Equestria - Chapter 1: The Epoch of Grogar

Lord Grogar, also known as the father of monsters and first emperor of Equestria, ruled over the lands that would later be settled by the three tribes in ancient pre-history. His rule has been described as "a glorious, fear-soaked epoch of darkness" in which he "gave life to the foulest of creatures and allowed them to run wild, taking what they wanted and destroying the rest". However most of his power was concentrated in the bells worn on his harness, specifically his Bewitching Bell.

While attempting to ambush the unicorn sage Gusty the Great in her attempt to reach Cloudsdale, citadel of the Pegasai, Gusty rallied her Unicorn soldiers to hold him down with their shared magic. In the scuffle although Grogar was able to escape, Gusty took from him the Bewitching Bell and hid it in an enchanted cave high atop Mt. Everhoof, surrounded by a wall of impenetrable wind.

Bereft of his might Grogar faded out of history and despite later being impersonated, has never been heard from since.

The Highland Park shooter is a product of right-wing ideology.

That is all.

Lucky gambling thread

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