Me and who?



She will never be happy

She shows fit guy and says โ€œmy friend husbandโ€ and then shows skinny guy and says โ€œit's my husband, what a jokeโ€. Yet look at her fat legs :marseythumbsup:

Also that video came to my rail because giga fat Moldavian girl from my friend list liked

He is me



Thus, making me write :marseychudnotes: this post because I started to wonder: do men start to not find interest in the person :marseywall: anymore after finding that out? Do they still have a โ€œcrushโ€ and ignore :marseyerasure: it or just get over it?


Jfk even after you ascend with a gym Becky she will still not commit to you cause of tetra :marseyprincesszeldatoon: Chad

Another highlight

I just get over it, a lot of guys do.Some guys still have the crush, but they ignore :marseyerasure: it. And some simply pretend they're okay "just being friends", but secretly will try to weasel :marseyferret: their way into your pants :marseyjeans: - those we can often be spotted :marseybengal3: here complaining about always being on the "friendzone", and we usually call them "nice guys".It varies. Every guy is different.

Wanna stay friends? Fricking :marseytom: incels :marseyitsover: niceguys only trying to weasel :marseyferret: into our pants. Wanna stop contact? Fricking :marseytom: !incels only want women :marseyblops2chadcel: for their body. You can't win bros

Good morning


Reported by:



All women are whores




fem"""cel""" hole deleted, rejoice

the entire hole was either :!marseytrain:s or literal whores ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃfemcel my butt neighbor


Me at age 21:

  • Opened my restaurant, breaking :marseysoutherner: even

  • Living :marseyjumpscare: with my parents

  • Working :marseylifting: 60+ hours a week

Me at 31:

  • Restauranteur & Hotelier

  • Travelling the world :marseyww1british2: with my husband

  • Multiple income streams

It's never :marseyitsover: too late. Don't give up.

!incels 1/10s are marrying tall white :marseycocaine: Brads now. It's so fricking :marseytom: over.


:marseysigh: Ok incels...

The other day on campus I saw a cute couple. The guy was below average in looks, a bit chubby, like you could kinda see his moobs thru his sweater. And his girlfriend was drop-dead gorgeous, like skinny college sorority girl (you know the type). She was a little out of his league, to say the least. How did he do it? He had a good personality. Not even joking. He was happy, she was happy, it was really cute to see. I even got a little jealous too (jealous of what they had), it was like I was so mad at the universe for not making me a cis woman like her I just wanted to kill her and skin her corpse and wear the skin and lie with him, thats how it made me feel. Anyways, it just goes to show you how much personality matters, incels. (I was only a little jealous, i hooked up w my bf later and that was p nice desu)

Reminder to all the incels on this site
It's beyond over when guys touch this

Also giga jfl at comments by exclusively foids supporting her and thinking it's now normalised and guy gladly will accept hoes :marseyxd: seen no single comment from guy supporting her yet post wall single women saying how world moved from judging this :surejan:

AI women are women

Soon :marseyinshallah:

Which one is your favorite and why?

I'm done trying or hoping to find a gf

It never :marseyitsover: began :marseyitsover: and that's the long and short :marseyprincesszeldatotk: of it.

I am 5 foot 1 ugly poorcel with 0 social :marseyblm: skills, completely introverted, and there's no amount of going :marseysal3: to clubs, joining societies, or trying online :marseyidio3: dating :marseyitsrigged: that's going :marseysal3: to change that. It's over. I will die with an unmet need and I have to come to terms with that. I got rejected :marseyabandoned: by my fricking :marseytom: best friend, the one person :marseypennyboo: who saw the best in me. If she finds me undateable then it's pretty :marseyglam: much universal. I don't want to deal with rejection :marseyno: over and over again when I know what the outcome is going :marseysal3: to be every time.

Frick, it's so sad. I didn't want things to go this way. I wanted the normie life with the wife and children :marseychildclutch: but its NEVER :marseyitsover: going :marseysal3: to happen. This is so depressing :marseydoomer: but I have to find the will to live regardless. Any others who have come to the realisation that nothing they try will work?


@admins tepid rightoid drama because there's no homeless today


I think :marseyoscargamble: the main forum for cows is, not sure what happens on this website

showcasing their gushing media :marseyjourno: endorsements

some reading :marseyhijab: to study :marseychristchanreading: up :marseynerdy:

optimised for a conversion funnel and that sweet :marseyblep3: affiliate revenue

this is the website rDrama :marseymeangirls: banners pretend to come from

Literally :marseyme:
Why are foids like this?

If he wasn't a perfect man there would be posts on twox about how male athletes like him are hecking buttholes who treat their wives like shit. There is no winning with women.

What's inceldom?

A flock :marseykiwimom: of birds :marseykiwimom: nestle :marseykitkat: together :marseyropewithchingchong: in the cold night, their warmth shared. Rabbits gnaw on grass :marseypizzashill: in groups, each looking :marseyflirt: out for one another. The white :marseycracka: glow of streetlights illuminates the path of a couple :marseycupid: returning to their shared apartment that always smells like curry. It's small, but it's just the right :marseytransmisiaaward: size for all their fond memories together. And then there's me. Alone :marseymoidmoment: in my room with just a heater to prevent the shivers. But no amount of electric :marseywhosthatpokemon: heat can warm my cold soul that longs to escape :marseyaaajumpscare: the freeze :marseyeskimo: of isolation.

What's brutality? Brutality is having to go to the mall, see couples with interlinked hands, and for a brief second, have to bite your lip to stop the tears. Brutality is realising you haven't touched a female :marseyindignantwoman: in months, maybe years, and it feels :marseyvapecrying: traumatic. Brutality is realising you're in and out of psych wards, spending thousands on mental :marseyschizowave: health care when a hug would :marseymid: cure it all. Brutality is falling :marseygiveup: in love with your 49 year old psychologist :marseyfreud: just because she's nice to you.

There are no canyons deep enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: to engulf the feelings loneliness, rejection, and inadequacy that come from inceldom. True incels :marseyitsoverwereback: that were born this way. They say there's somebody for everybody :marseyhomestar: - a darn lie. There :marseycheerup: is nobody for a 156cm ugly poorcel. This you and I both know. Love will never :marseyitsover: come my way, and the bulk of my life, as I sit as a 28yo male, will be spent single, unadmired, and unwanted. It doesn't get easier from here on out. It gets worse as I age. This is the timeline :marseymandela: of misery.

Does that give you some insight into what it feels :marseyvapecrying: like to be an incel? Maybe this will:

Nobody for the five foot freak. Nobody. I am a nobody.

Bad boy archetype
Normies make me REEE

That is all !boozers

I love foids that instantly ghost you after you mention

You are a student :marseykneel:

So a Dutch foidlet 22 started writing me, kinda cute but you could see she is from lower class. Was super interested, asked about my hobbies and etc. But I decided to mention her I am student so told soon will be busy with exams and insta ghosted :marseyxd:

Foids like her want a completed stable guy who would spend money on her, such foids don't understand best couples are created during school/college periods where both sides are equals and they stick together after being done with studies. Like tons of foids want to date a doctor but barely anyone want to date a med student or someone who just started. Those foids think they all are special but when that guy become someone they want to date he can start choosing and will have no loyalty for them.

I obviously wouldn't had dated her, since the whole chat was about moi :marseynails: I didn't even asked her what she does and etc but her ghosting me after mentioning I am student is just :marseychefkiss:

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