Taxi Driver - Wizard Advice - YouTube

!incels :marseybottom:


Ralph The Movie Maker is leaving sardonicast :marseyitsover:

Comments from Adam and Alex seem to indicate it's all good between them, so no drama most likely unless something comes out later. He said he's leaving to focus on his youtube and personal movie projects. He hasn't made a movie in years tho?? And his YouTube has been lower quality for sure lately but hopefully that will change, I want move bad content reviews like mystery diners. His latest review on Charlies angels was pretty good and closer to his old style of content so maybe theres hope?

Sound of Freedom
New "WONKA" trailer just dropped

I know there's a thread with an image but I want some DC for myself.

Looks like it could be OKish, but Chalamet is really not jumping out at me here as a great Willy Wonka. It does seem like this is meant to be a prequel to the 70s movie, though.

First image of Hugh Grant as an Oompa Loompa in 'Wonka' | WTF is this shit :marseyxd:

Are people really seething over inside job being canceled?

It was so mid and unbearable. Possibly one of the most reddit shows I've seen ever

Tora Tora Tora! (1970)

One of my favorite movies of all time. For those who don't know it's a split plot between the Japanese preparing to attack Pearl Harbor and the American incompetency to defend it.

I don't watch very many movies, but this is on my short list of annual watches. Since I've begun my career in defense (pre 9/11) this has been my "Office Space"

It's shot in an almost documentary style with no gay love story, it's 95 mins of building up to the attack and a following 45 mins of the attack itself. It's long and drawn out and that's what Ebert gave it a 1 star on release (not a bad thing).

Be prepared for reading quite a bit of jap subs, it's still available on your favorite torrent site in an 8 gb blue ray rip.

Rogers review

"Tora! Tora! Tora!" is one of the deadest, dullest blockbusters ever made.

Cuz you have shit taste

the screenplay mostly concerns itself with clerks, secretaries, teletype operators and government functionaries.

Welcome to the war dept in the 40's

the final effect of its 25 millions (spent on the film) is claustrophobic. We want to escape from all those offices, and all those bureaucrats

Welcome to defense again

"Tora," on the other hand, offers no suspense at all because we know the attack on Pearl Harbor is going to happen, and it does, and then the movie ends. We don't even feel sympathy for the officers responsible (if that's the word.) They've been directed as wooden puppets reading security reports, etc

Welcome to defense for a 3rd time, everyone is r-slurred, cut the budget

The Japanese puppets at least have more life

Yeah, this is a victory for them, only downhill from here.

The action sequences at the end are supposed to be the pay-off; we're all waiting, somewhat ghoulishly, for the bombs to go off and the ships to sink. And they do, for about 15 minutes, but the level of the special effects isn't particularly high.

Wrong, super dope for late 60's, 1970.

Considering that we Americans have been derisive for years about the Japanese special effects in "King Kong Escapes," etc., I wonder how they'll take our cardboard battleships,

Bruh moment. First time I watched this in the 90's when I was a squid I was trying to figure out what ships they sunk. Even 20 years post release at the time it looked real to me. Idk what rog is on.

It's a good movie that's worth a watch. When I tell someone I don't really fw movies cuz they all suck and then they ask me what is a good movie I name this one.

Napoleon :!marseynapoleon2: — Official Trailer
Redditors are big mad about human trafficking video
What are some good free YouTube documentaries? Any subject.





Fiscally Left :cheers: Socially Right

:unicorn: Nonfiction = Fiction :mummy: Fiction = Nonfiction :!unicorn:





The Wailing - A nonsense movie?

I just watched The Wailing and it had a lot of nonsense. Whenever you suspected intention of character that would reveal what really going on they'd throw in a 30 second shot of character expressing emotion that conflicts with suspected intent. But I found best way to analyze, from race allegory perspective.

Here's the key to the movie: The women in white represents white woman (America).

The American is corrupting this Korean village causing families to kill eachother while they all blame an old Jap and look for salvation from :marseyclueless: big city businessman.

How people are possessed.

  • The men are seduced. Jong Boo resists, waking from dream calling her a whore. His partner obviously didn't

  • The child becomes gluttonous. Eating massive amounts of food

  • The women become whores. The woman appears naked at police station another infected drunk at bar with multiple men.

All become crazy and violent killing their families, this is Korean War

Race allegory applied to Jap:

  • Old and harmless/secretly helpful at the beginning. But highly suspected by villagers. After he is killed and thrown off cliff he is possessed by white woman who turns him into devil.

    • Does this relate to Japanese/Korean history? Probably, don't really know any except that they hate Japan because of Empire

    • Why a devil? Idk, probs calling Americanized Japan devilish

Why was white woman sad when Jong Boo left to go see his family? Was she telling the truth? No that makes no sense. She's just a melancholy peepee that kills/corrupts for no reason but is sad about it. This is how this movie sees America.

What were the photos about? Journ*lism. The city man and Jap are trying to use the photos to save people but ultimately this has no effect. Demon at the end is corrupt journ*list

What were those rituals? Jap was using Japanese tradition to try and save village, city man was using Korean tradition to try and kill Jap.

Why did possessed child want to stop the Korean ritual? I really don't know. My race theory is going off track and I'm returning to original nonsense movie opinion now.

Yes it is nonsense movie but spooky and good 8/10

Weekly "What are you watching?" thread

What have you plebs been watching? How was it? Tell us!


I've been doing a Mission Impossible rewatch in anticipation of the new movie on July 5. You Can't Bruise The Cruise

Make sure you get IMAX tickets to MI8 soon, because IMAX screen will be going over to Oppenheimer on the 21st

Also been rewatching True Detective season 1 because I couldn't remember the ending. Goddarn that show is pure fricking kino.

If you need reccs, you know who to ask

Sound of Freedom (2023) Review

maybe if chraggots (:marseystainedglass:) made good movies more often, it wouldn't be headline news when people actually go see one

Speak No Evil

It's a p good movie. Very unsettling. One of the bleakest movies I've seen in a while.

It was a little frustrating just how meek the couple was the entire movie. They were given numerous opportunities to fight back or just leave and instead they took it all. Even at the end the dude basically politely asked them to take off their clothes and get in the ditch so they could stone them to death and they just went along with it lmao.

so is the new chud movie any good? (sound of freedom)

Type the words “sound of freedom” into Twitter (decent people who wish to live good, happy lives should under no circumstances actually do this) and the search will yield dozens of triumphant reports crowing about the improbable victory of a film by that title over the likes of Indiana Jones at the box office this week.

That’s not, strictly speaking, accurate – Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny had already been out for five days, the first three of which out-earned Sound of Freedom’s opening-day take, when the new independent thriller came to theaters on Tuesday. But for a fleeting moment this past Fourth of July, while the intended audience of Indy’s latest outing was presumably spending time with their families and friends at barbecues or in other social situations, an unoccupied fandom rallied by the star Jim Caviezel claimed the day with a $14.2m gross versus Dial of Destiny’s $11.7m. No matter that these figures require selective, almost willfully misleading framing to allow for the David-and-Goliath narrative trumpeted by supporters; as the copious tweets accusing Disney of being in cahoots with a global cabal of high-power p-dophiles make clear, the truth doesn’t have too much purchase around these parts.

However one chooses to slice it, Sound of Freedom has over-delivered on expectations in dollars and cents, a feat of profitability uncommon for a comparatively low-budget production without a major Hollywood-led promotional campaign. Judging by the robust round of applause that concluded the fully-seated screening I attended on Wednesday evening – and this, in the liberal Sodom of Manhattan! – it would seem that the folks at the two-year-old Angel Studios have tapped into a substantial and eagerly marshaled viewership.

Following that money leads back to a more unsavory network of astroturfed boosterism among the far-right fringe, a constellation of paranoids now attempting to spin a cause célèbre out of a movie with vaguely simpatico leanings. The uninitiated may not pick up on the red-yarn-and-corkboard subtext pinned onto a mostly straightforward extraction mission in South America, pretty much Taken with a faint whiff of something noxious in the air. Those tuned in to the eardrum-perforating frequency of QAnon, however, have heeded a clarion call that leads right to the multiplex.

someone tell me if it's worth watching or not

Threads: Zuckerberg chose the same name as the most depressing film about nuclear war ever made

Here's the Bong government falling apart:

16 days after the attack:

16 years after the attack:

You get the idea.

When broadcast on Turner in the US, Ted himself :marseyunabomber: (No, the other one) introduced it and told everyone to please stay calm.


Then he cuts off her tit and slaps it under a windshield wiper like a parking ticket.

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