2+2=80% this youtube channel has consoomers coping and arguing but no way to link on mobile

Watched American Fiction instead of working. 6/10. Worse than I thought it would be.

I give it a 6/10. Expected a lot more from all the hype I heard about it in the kinosphere.

If you are actually an educated Black, you might give this a soft 8/10. If you are a soycucked redditor you will give this a 9/10 even though you want to give it a 10/10 but people will accuse you of being a gargler of black balls.

Only decided to watch this for my neighbor Jeffrey Wright, who deserves better roles and better than this. Every character in his family is some sort of stereotype of an educated black and I hate it.

TL;DR: No one wants educated blacks because they are white adjacent. They want hood black because its a minstrel show they can enjoy because everyone is so dumb and stupid so their life choices are so comically bad which engages the Mayo. Its essentially Catcher in the Rye but for educated blacks instead of pretentious incels.

I wouldn't even recommend this to your Mayo parents. In fact, make them go watch the Green Book instead of this if you ever need to a smokescreen to show how not-racist you are.


Absolutely based kino The Bear is back now

Season 3 is out no spoil

yay or nay


How to pick up chicks the Cubano Way


Bongs cucked :soymad: :soymad: :soymad: by yank movie showing yanks being the actual heroes :marseygigachad:

was wondering why on earth is this particulour war movie abrasive ? :marseybeanquestion:

basically lots of sneed :soyjaktantrum: :soyjaktantrum: :soyjaktantrum: by Bongoloids about "stolen valour" :marseysmug6:

basically orcs (bongs) assblasted that yank flick shows yank as good guyz, in that typical Hollyweird 1980-2000s fashion

sun setting on the dying bong empire, and they :marseycopeseethedilate: :marseycopeseethedilate: :marseycopeseethedilate:

"Anyone know the release date of that film where 2 British pilots saved pearl harbor?" :soymad: :soymad: :soymad:

"This story about the enigma is more nonsense than even the Great Escape. In the real great escape not a single American was part of the escape but at least they were in the camp until separated by the Germans. But the enigma machine capture is 100% British, and some British sailors blablablabla" nobody likes bongs

:marseyhappening: RedLetterMedia reviews Star Wars's "The Acolyte"

they're just like me :marseyme:

I hate watched it and enjoyed every minute of ep 3

yes I'm part of the problem

also Mike says 'I think saying "lesbian woman" is redundant, Rich' :marseyboomer:

also titties


Fresh Southern Chud Animated kino :marseydoubtit:

When looking through the new norm replies i found thus Christian chud shilling his small town animated slice of life kino.

Here is a full ep:

It started as a book: Vous Voilà

And then a gba game:

And now its a show. Its the kinda slice of life stuff that reminds me of chilling with my friends and doing nothing but wandering around the woods, peepeeing around stores, cuddling, catching fireflies and other animals, and other stuff. Ppl in the city dont seem to want to do that. Cities make me sad.

zoomerman :marseystreaky:

proof :marseygraze: that white extinction is long overdue

New Shrek 2 Retold Trailer, full movie coming out 28/9/2024.
REDDITferatu :marseyvampiremerchant: trailer :marseypuke:



Long thread of hottakes includes:

[–]brown_boognish_pants 0 points 15 days ago

>I honestly think the show is almost entirely about male issues and how little society cares about them. It's in every single scene.

[–]BlueWave2001 2 points 15 days ago

>No it's not that society doesn't care about them, it's men that don't talk about it, stop playing the victim.

[–]Smart_Ad_5316 -10 points 15 days ago

>This is such a one dimensional take. Gadds story developed further cos he entertained the weird creep at the bar. Few women would do that.

The Depp/Heard case makes an appearance:

[–][deleted] 17 points 15 days ago

>There isn't "plenty of documented evidence" against her, you've just fallen for the smear campaign.

>You went straight to talking about her pooping the bed, a claim made by Johnny that has zero evidence to back it up. You're just choosing to believe in it. If you want to talk about actual evidence, how about the sealed documents that were excluded from court? Have you read the texts between Johnny and his friend, talking about raping and burning Amber? You choosing to defend a man who would say such things, support him and believe him, because he claims she shit his bed (their* bed that she was the only one sleeping in at the time) when it was obviously their dog, is what's proving my point.

/u/AdSufficient8582 even whips out the ol' statistics showing the ratio of male on female killers to prove some point:

[–]AdSufficient8582 1 point 14 days ago

>How is saying that it's not comparable, saying that it's not important? It's like comparing the discrimination black people receive around the world equals the discrimination white people receives. I never said it's not important, but it's ridiculous to say it's the same or it's comparable. Did you even read the statistics? It's even explained that from the women who killed their partners, 20% did it in self defense and there was a history of abuse

[–]BlueWave2001 28 points 15 days ago

>This just proves that men don't have a clue of shit but still want to talk and give their opinion on it

[–]Creative_Snow9250 -2 points 14 days ago

>Rofl, except it's a woman.

>Would you say it proves that women don't have a clue of shit but still want to talk and give their opinion on it?

It's like they didn't even watch their own show lmao : TheBoys
Describe your perfect kino time

Stole the image from /h/corn. It made me wonder: What is your perfect kino time?

There was a period during my childhood when my family would gather every few nights in the living room and watch an episode of some long-running TV-show together. My mom had just bought a projector, so we would switch-off all the lights and the only light came from the projection on the big white screen at the end of the room that went from the ceiling to the floor. It made it so the whole room was bathed in shadows and the faces of my family were only illuminated during bright and colorful scenes. There weren't enough chairs and spots on the couch to accommodate everyone so I'd sit on the cold tile floor and try to pet the cats as they came and went. It was always a whole shebang trying to get the movie to play and the subtitles to sync so we'd make shadow puppets on the screen while my brother would troubleshoot it.

My second favorite kino-time was in college, real late in the night in my flat I'd order an extra-large pizza, from the local shop which was amazing, with a crème fraiche base and an extra egg in the middle. And then I'd eat it and get really hammered off Kronenbourgs (don't judge me) as I watched, sitting at my desk indian-style, with my cat on my lap. Had some of my impactful kino moments during those times from movies that mostly didn't warrant them.

Never managed to recreate those times, and looking back although the movies were good if they had been removed from the setting I wouldn't have such strong and fond memories of them.

So what's your favorite kino memory?


I know there are a whole bunch of fellow neurodivergent Community fans here, so if you haven't already seen this it's a fun watch. Gillian held on to her cryogenic sperm container prop all these years later, and Pedro completely fails to maintain character during the "hypervirile sperm" dialogue.

There's a followup Q&A video here:

with gratuitous Alison Brie feet exposure (someone ping the footstrags for me; I am not that particular flavor of degenerate and I don't want to waste my marseycoins on them)

4chan's co discusses cartoon reviewers. It's very dumb.
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