Lennart Poettering (systemd, PulseAudio creator) now working at Microsoft

took me 3hrs to finally get running


Orange Site:

:#marseyhacker2pat: :#marseycapyhackerpat:

Tell me more about Bun

Bun is a modern JavaScript runtime like Node or Deno. It was built from scratch to focus on three main things:

  • Start fast (it has the edge in mind).

  • New levels of performance (extending JavaScriptCore, the engine).

  • Being a great and complete tool (bundler, transpiler, package manager).

Bun is designed as a drop-in replacement for your current JavaScript & TypeScript apps or scripts --- on your local computer, server or on the edge. Bun natively implements hundreds of Node.js and Web APIs, including ~90% of Node-API functions (native modules), fs, path, Buffer and more.

The goal of Bun is to run most of the worlds JavaScript outside of browsers, bringing performance and complexity enhancements to your future infrastructure, as well as developer productivity through better, simpler tooling.

Batteries included

  • Web APIs like fetchWebSocket, and ReadableStream are builtin

  • node_modules bun implements Node.js' module resolution algorithm, so you can use npm packages in bun.js. ESM and CommonJS are supported, but Bun internally uses ESM.

  • In bun.js, every file is transpiled. TypeScript & JSX just work.

  • bun supports "paths""jsxImportSource"and more from tsconfig.json files

  • Bun.Transpiler bun's JSX & TypeScript transpiler is available as an API in Bun.js

  • use the fastest system calls available with Bun.write to write, copy, pipe, send and clone files.

  • bun.js automatically loads environment variables from .env files. No more require("dotenv").load()

  • bun ships with a fast SQLite3 client builtin bun:sqlite

  • Node-API bun.js implements most of Node-API (N-API). Many Node.js native modules just work.

  • bun:ffi call native code from JavaScript with bun's low-overhead foreign function interface

  • node:fs node:path bun.js natively supports a growing list of Node.js core modules along with globals like Buffer and process.

How does Bun work?

Bun.js uses the JavaScriptCore engine, which tends to start and perform a little faster than more traditional choices like V8. Bun is written in , a low-level programming language with manual memory management.

Most of Bun is written from scratch including the JSX/TypeScript transpiler, npm client, bundler, SQLite client, HTTP client, WebSocket client and more.

Why is Bun fast?

An enormous amount of time spent profiling, benchmarking and optimizing things. The answer is different for every part of Bun, but one general theme:  's low-level control over memory and lack of hidden control flow makes it much simpler to write fast software. Sponsor the Zig Software Foundation


Orange Fourm

Lockdown Mode offers an extreme, optional level of security for the very few users who, because of who they are or what they do, may be personally targeted by some of the most sophisticated digital threats, such as those from NSO Group and other private companies developing state-sponsored mercenary spyware. Turning on Lockdown Mode in iOS 16, iPadOS 16, and macOS Ventura further hardens device defenses and strictly limits certain functionalities, sharply reducing the attack surface that potentially could be exploited by highly targeted mercenary spyware.

At launch, Lockdown Mode includes the following protections:

-Messages: Most message attachment types other than images are blocked. Some features, like link previews, are disabled.

-Web browsing: Certain complex web technologies, like just-in-time (JIT) JavaScript compilation, are disabled unless the user excludes a trusted site from Lockdown Mode.

-Apple services: Incoming invitations and service requests, including FaceTime calls, are blocked if the user has not previously sent the initiator a call or request.

-Wired connections with a computer or accessory are blocked when iPhone is locked.

-Configuration profiles cannot be installed, and the device cannot enroll into mobile device management (MDM), while Lockdown Mode is turned on.

tl:dr Extra condom for bussy enjoyers to protect from STDs from Big Step-Brothers and :israel:

P.P.S. : NSO Group developed the Pegasus spyware


Josh Moon BTFO by lacking freedom 0 of free software :soyjakanimeglasses:


It finally happened

I got an external email from a sexy Indian dude working for a partner company requesting that I "do the needful." He was asking for access to a certain resource but his English was shit and he made it sound like he had already gained access (in which case, what is the problem?) I forwarded the request to another department for them to deal with.

God help whoever has to work with this H1B who apparently can't even speak English.

Anyway, sorry for the shitpost. Just thought it was a dumb meme but apparently they do actually say that.



If google unironically forces this on every android phone, I'm unironically buying an iPhone as my next phone. Never thought I'd ever say that, unless apple decides to also make that mistake.

Other than my shitty rant, plenty of seethe and cope in the comments.


:#marseybong: :#marseywoodchipper2:

C++ coding tutorial :marseyscratch:


#include <men>

 // Namespace is used to separate functions from the outside; you can use namespace::member to access a member of the namespace
namespace feminist {

    // The function doesn't return anything, thus void
    void idle() {
        for (auto man : men::population) {
            if (feminist::ready) {
                feminist::pronouns = "xir/xer";
Ubuntu kernel bug BTFOs containers - causes kernel panics.

orange site:

Reported by:
Is xkcd considered giga-soy? I think they’re pretty great.

It appears Pottyring has finally cut ties with Redhat.

He is still working on Systemd

Update: It is now confirmed that he has left redhat

Linuxcels cucked by Xbone Cloud :marseypenguinpat:


A few days ago I noticed that when I play on Linux (Ubuntu or Manjaro) the image quality is lower than when I play on Windows. So I decided to do a test using the Edge browser with the User-Agent Switcher and Manager extension changing the user-agent for Windows 10 with Edge 103 on my Manjaro. As incredible as it may seem, the quality was much higher, getting the same quality as Windows without Clarity Boost turned on.

User-agent configuration

Image without changing user-agent (Linux)

Image after switching user-agent to Windows

I don't know how much the images lose quality when posting, but you can notice a big difference especially in the writing that in Linux without changing user-agent is very blurry.


Mastodonger going mental as usual. Pleroma is "currently" the most completed and efficient backend for the Fediverse

I don't mention Pleroma or Soapbox because of the toxic culture behind them.

Pleroma's website promotes instances that many other instances have had to block due to lack of moderation.

These instances are mainly just "", which is a fun instance

The Fediverse shouldn't just be about software, it should also be about reducing toxicity. That's the reason I left Facebook, Twitter etc and came here, to get away from toxicity.

:marseybluecheck: go back to twitter

The Fedi is very protective of trans people, and many of the people who created the Fedi are trans.

Not even true, Gargron (mastodon) isn't trans, Misskey developer isn't trans, Pleroma dev definitely isn't trans, Soapbox dev is transphobic.

The activitypub standard which connects the fediverse together was co-written by a trans person.


Also Mastodon changed its branding from "corporation" blue to "purple" lmao

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